diff --git a/layer5-ng/.babelrc b/.babelrc
similarity index 100%
rename from layer5-ng/.babelrc
rename to .babelrc
diff --git a/layer5-ng/.env.development b/.env.development
similarity index 100%
rename from layer5-ng/.env.development
rename to .env.development
diff --git a/layer5-ng/.eslintrc b/.eslintrc
similarity index 100%
rename from layer5-ng/.eslintrc
rename to .eslintrc
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 315df12232bd..4d8815db9b5f 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,9 +1,71 @@
+# Logs
+# Runtime data
+# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover
+# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul
+# nyc test coverage
+# Grunt intermediate storage (http://gruntjs.com/creating-plugins#storing-task-files)
+# Bower dependency directory (https://bower.io/)
+# node-waf configuration
+# Compiled binary addons (http://nodejs.org/api/addons.html)
+# Dependency directories
+# Typescript v1 declaration files
+# Optional npm cache directory
+# Optional eslint cache
+# Optional REPL history
+# Output of 'npm pack'
+# dotenv environment variable files
+# gatsby files
+# Mac files
+# Yarn
+# Yarn Integrity file
diff --git a/layer5-ng/.prettierignore b/.prettierignore
similarity index 100%
rename from layer5-ng/.prettierignore
rename to .prettierignore
diff --git a/layer5-ng/.prettierrc b/.prettierrc
similarity index 100%
rename from layer5-ng/.prettierrc
rename to .prettierrc
diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 7687deb54601..000000000000
--- a/Gemfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-source "https://rubygems.org"
-ruby '2.7.0'
-gem 'materialize-sass'
-gem "jekyll", "~> 4.0.1"
-gem "minima", "~> 2.0"
-gem "selenium-webdriver"
-gem "rack-jekyll"
-gem "pry"
-gem "puma"
-gem 'jekyll-sitemap'
-gem 'jekyll-redirect-from'
-group :jekyll_plugins do
- gem "jekyll-feed", "~> 0.6"
- gem "jekyll-assets"
- gem "jekyll-archives"
- gem "jekyll-minifier"
- gem "jekyll-paginate"
- gem 'jekyll-manager' if ENV['ADMIN'] == 'on'
-gem 'tzinfo-data', platforms: [:mingw, :mswin, :x64_mingw, :jruby]
diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock
deleted file mode 100644
index d8b62f2a1f44..000000000000
--- a/Gemfile.lock
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
- remote: https://rubygems.org/
- specs:
- addressable (2.7.0)
- public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 5.0)
- autoprefixer-rails (9.7.6)
- execjs
- childprocess (3.0.0)
- coderay (1.1.2)
- colorator (1.1.0)
- concurrent-ruby (1.1.6)
- cssminify2 (2.0.1)
- em-websocket (0.5.1)
- eventmachine (>= 0.12.9)
- http_parser.rb (~> 0.6.0)
- eventmachine (1.2.7)
- execjs (2.7.0)
- fastimage (1.8.1)
- addressable (~> 2.3, >= 2.3.5)
- ffi (1.13.1)
- forwardable-extended (2.6.0)
- hike (1.2.3)
- htmlcompressor (0.4.0)
- http_parser.rb (0.6.0)
- i18n (1.8.3)
- concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
- jekyll (4.0.1)
- addressable (~> 2.4)
- colorator (~> 1.0)
- em-websocket (~> 0.5)
- i18n (>= 0.9.5, < 2)
- jekyll-sass-converter (~> 2.0)
- jekyll-watch (~> 2.0)
- kramdown (~> 2.1)
- kramdown-parser-gfm (~> 1.0)
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- mercenary (~> 0.3.3)
- pathutil (~> 0.9)
- rouge (~> 3.0)
- safe_yaml (~> 1.0)
- terminal-table (~> 1.8)
- jekyll-archives (2.2.1)
- jekyll (>= 3.6, < 5.0)
- jekyll-assets (1.0.0)
- fastimage (~> 1.6)
- jekyll (>= 2)
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- sass (~> 3.2)
- sprockets (~> 2.10)
- sprockets-helpers
- sprockets-sass
- jekyll-feed (0.13.0)
- jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0)
- jekyll-minifier (0.1.10)
- cssminify2 (~> 2.0)
- htmlcompressor (~> 0.4)
- jekyll (>= 3.5)
- json-minify (~> 0.0.3)
- uglifier (~> 4.1)
- jekyll-paginate (1.1.0)
- jekyll-redirect-from (0.16.0)
- jekyll (>= 3.3, < 5.0)
- jekyll-sass-converter (2.1.0)
- sassc (> 2.0.1, < 3.0)
- jekyll-seo-tag (2.6.1)
- jekyll (>= 3.3, < 5.0)
- jekyll-sitemap (1.4.0)
- jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0)
- jekyll-watch (2.2.1)
- listen (~> 3.0)
- json (2.3.0)
- json-minify (0.0.3)
- json (> 0)
- kramdown (2.2.1)
- rexml
- kramdown-parser-gfm (1.1.0)
- kramdown (~> 2.0)
- liquid (4.0.3)
- listen (3.2.1)
- rb-fsevent (~> 0.10, >= 0.10.3)
- rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.10)
- materialize-sass (1.0.0)
- autoprefixer-rails (>= 6.0.3)
- mercenary (0.3.6)
- method_source (1.0.0)
- mini_magick (4.10.1)
- minima (2.5.1)
- jekyll (>= 3.5, < 5.0)
- jekyll-feed (~> 0.9)
- jekyll-seo-tag (~> 2.1)
- multi_json (1.14.1)
- nio4r (2.5.2)
- pathutil (0.16.2)
- forwardable-extended (~> 2.6)
- pry (0.13.1)
- coderay (~> 1.1)
- method_source (~> 1.0)
- public_suffix (4.0.5)
- puma (4.3.3)
- nio4r (~> 2.0)
- rack (1.6.13)
- rack-jekyll (0.5.0)
- jekyll (>= 1.3)
- listen (>= 1.3)
- rack (~> 1.5)
- rb-fsevent (0.10.4)
- rb-inotify (0.10.1)
- ffi (~> 1.0)
- rexml (3.2.4)
- rouge (3.20.0)
- rubyzip (2.3.0)
- safe_yaml (1.0.5)
- sass (3.7.4)
- sass-listen (~> 4.0.0)
- sass-listen (4.0.0)
- rb-fsevent (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.4)
- rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.7)
- sassc (2.4.0)
- ffi (~> 1.9)
- selenium-webdriver (3.142.7)
- childprocess (>= 0.5, < 4.0)
- rubyzip (>= 1.2.2)
- sprockets (2.12.5)
- hike (~> 1.2)
- multi_json (~> 1.0)
- rack (~> 1.0)
- tilt (~> 1.1, != 1.3.0)
- sprockets-helpers (1.3.0)
- sprockets (>= 2.2)
- sprockets-sass (1.3.1)
- sprockets (~> 2.0)
- tilt (~> 1.1)
- terminal-table (1.8.0)
- unicode-display_width (~> 1.1, >= 1.1.1)
- tilt (1.4.1)
- uglifier (4.2.0)
- execjs (>= 0.3.0, < 3)
- unicode-display_width (1.7.0)
- ruby
- jekyll (~> 4.0.1)
- jekyll-archives
- jekyll-assets
- jekyll-feed (~> 0.6)
- jekyll-minifier
- jekyll-paginate
- jekyll-redirect-from
- jekyll-sitemap
- materialize-sass
- minima (~> 2.0)
- pry
- puma
- rack-jekyll
- selenium-webdriver
- tzinfo-data
- ruby 2.7.0p0
- 2.1.4
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 4a7b7653b550..2d3130b74d63 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,17 +1,8 @@
-jekyll=bundle exec jekyll
+ npm install
- $(jekyll) serve --drafts --livereload --config _config.yml,_config_dev.yml
-# With Jekyll Manager interface
- ADMIN=on $(jekyll) serve --drafts --livereload --config _config.yml,_config_dev.yml
+ npm start
- $(jekyll) build --drafts
- ADMIN=on bundle install
- docker run --name layer5 --rm -p 4000:4000 -v `pwd`:"/srv/jekyll" jekyll/jekyll:4.0.0 bash -c "bundle install; jekyll serve --drafts --livereload --config _config.yml,_config_dev.yml"
+ gatsby build
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 48a296cfc673..7b50abada028 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,83 +1,20 @@
+# layer5-ng
+This repository is for development of the next generation of layer5.io using Gatsby and Strapi.
+See the [design document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rvUZy2_S1a2_14BAQIg6b9cMhUuu04kYzkOPDPaPptI/edit#) for more information and the [#layer5-ng](https://layer5io.slack.com/archives/C015QJKUMPU) channel.
+## Site Development
-![GitHub contributors](https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/layer5io/layer5.svg)
-![GitHub issues by-label](https://img.shields.io/github/issues/layer5io/layer5/help%20wanted.svg?color=%23DDDD00)
-![Twitter Follow](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/layer5.svg?label=Follow&style=social)
+Before building the site, ensure that you have the following dependencies installed on your system.
-### About Layer5
+### Dependencies:
-**Community First**
+- [Nodejs](https://nodejs.org/en/): e.g., `brew install node`
+- [gatsby cli](https://www.gatsbyjs.org/tutorial/part-zero/#using-the-gatsby-cli): e.g., `npm install -g gatsby-cli`
-The [Layer5](https://layer5.io) community represents the largest collection of service mesh projects and their maintainers in the world.
+### Building the site
-**Open Source First**
+Run the following:
-We create and steward initiatives that press on the service mesh-centric envelope of Cloud Native. Our shared commitment to the open source spirit compels our community members to push Layer5 projects forward.
-# Projects
-Meshery is a multi-service mesh management plane offering lifecycle management of more types of service meshes than any other tool available today. Meshery facilitates adopting, configuring, operating and managing performance of different service meshes and incorporates the collection and display of metrics from applications running on top of any service mesh.
-The Service Mesh Landscape is a comprehensive collection of prominent service mesh projects and offerings laid out in contrast to one another.
-The Service Mesh Benchmark Specification is a common format for describing and capturing performance benchmark test environmental configuration, mesh configuration and load test configuration.
-Image Hub is a demo application which runs on Consul and facilitates exploring WebAssembly modules used as Envoy Filters.
-Please do! Contributions, updates, discrepancy reports and pull requests are welcome. This project is community-built and welcomes collaboration. Contributors are expected to adhere to the CNCF Code of Conduct .
-Jump into our Slack ! Our projects are community-built and welcome collaboration. 👍Be sure to see the Layer5 Community Welcome Guide for a tour of resources available to you.
-✔️ Join weekly community meeting on Fridays from 10am - 11am Central .
-✔️ Watch community meeting recordings .
-✔️ Access the community drive .
-Not sure where to start? Grab an open issue with the help-wanted label
-Find us on Twitter: @layer5 and @mesheryio . Subscribe on Youtube
-#### License
-This repository and site are available as open source under the terms of the [Apache 2.0 License](https://opensource.org/licenses/Apache-2.0).
+1. `make setup-libs`-To install the dependencies for the running the site.
+1. `make site`-To run the website locally.
diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 54cc930c5786..000000000000
--- a/_config.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-title: Layer5
-author: Lee Calcote
-email: community@layer5.io
-name: Layer5
-description: "the service mesh community - making service meshes available to the rest of us.
- Open source software for management of service meshes.
- Allowing developers to focus on business logic, not infrastructure concerns.
- Empowering operators to confidentally run modern infrastructure."
-url: "https://layer5.io"
-baseurl: # if your site is located at /blog or /home, enter it here, otherwise leave it empty
-parallax_image_one: assets/images/layer5-logo.gif #-header-large.jpg # These are the images used for the parallax background
-parallax_image_two: assets/images/startup3.jpg
-portfolio_heading: Workshops
-portfolio_type: cards
-project_button: Github
-session: Session
-#Contact / Social
-github: https://github.com/layer5io
-medium: https://layer5.io
-slack: http://slack.layer5.io/
-blog: https://layer5.io/blog
-docker: https://hub.docker.com/u/layer5/
-youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFL1af7_wdnhHXL1InzaMvA?sub_confirmation=1
- card: summary
- username: layer5
- url: "https://twitter.com/layer5"
- image: "https://layer5.io/assets/images/layer5/5-dark-bg.png"
-# Google tracking, if both are filled, tag manager will prevail. Set up GA through GTM in that case
-tag_manager_id: # This looks something like GTM-XXXXXXX
-google_analytics_tracking_id: UA-2969471-4 # This looks something like UA-000000000-0 Head over to https://analytics.google.com/ to setup.
-syntax_highlighting: true # include the css for syntax highlighting
-# Build settings
-# theme: minima
-paginate: 5
-markdown: kramdown
-permalink: pretty
- - jekyll-feed
- - jekyll-assets
- - jekyll-minifier
- - jekyll-sitemap
- - jekyll-seo-tag
- - jekyll-redirect-from
- - jekyll-archives
-# This logic is included based on differences of the handling of trailing slashes between Jekyll and GitHub Pages
-# permalinks:
-# - meshery: "/meshery"
- - layer5-ng
-collections_dir: collections
- authors:
- output: true
- books:
- output: true
- permalink: /books/:title
- blogs:
- output: true
- permalink: /blog/:title
- careers:
- output: true
- permalink: /careers/:title
- members:
- output: true
- permalink: /community/members/:name
- news:
- output: true
- permalink: /news/:title
- pages:
- output: true
- people:
- output: true
- projects:
- output: true
- permalink: /projects/:title
- programs:
- output: true
- permalink: /programs/:title
- topics:
- output: true
- permalink: /topics/:title
- workshops:
- output: true
- permalink: /workshops/:title
- - scope:
- path: ""
- values:
- image: /assets/images/layer5/layer5-tag-linkedin.png
- - scope:
- type: pages
- path: ""
- values:
- layout: default
- body-class: left-sidebar
- sidebar: open
- - scope:
- type: books
- path: ""
- values:
- layout: default
- body-class: left-sidebar
- sidebar: open
- # Collection defaults
-# Colors
- gray: "#3c494f"
- lightgray: "#a0aaaa"
- darkgreen: "#00b39f"
- lightgreen: "#00d3a9"
-## Reference - OSS this site uses:
- # Particles - http://www.fabiolamanna.it
- # Nav menu - https://github.com/vinnymoreira/stellarnav
- # Jekyll theme - https://github.com/jameshamann/jekyll-material-theme
- # https://github.com/VincentGarreau/particles.js
- # https://cssgradient.io
- # https://coolbackgrounds.io
- # Image view - https://jekyllcodex.org/without-plugin/lightbox/
-## A message to have visitors acknowledge use of cookies (not currently used)
-# cookies_banner: none # The value "show" will show the cookies banner, the value "none" will hide the banner.
-# cookie_accept_message: Thank you. Enjoy!
-## Skill icons from https://konpa.github.io/devicon/ (not currently used)
-# icon_size: 50 # font-size of icons in px
-# colored: colored # Leave blank for black and white icons
-# - name: docker
-# - name: android
-# - name: angularjs
-# - name: apache
-# - name: appcelerator
-# - name: apple
-# - name: atom
-# - name: babel
-# - name: backbonejs
-# - name: bitbucket
-# - name: bootstrap
-# - name: bower
-# - name: c
-# - name: chrome
-# - name: codeigniter
-# - name: coffescript
-# - name: confluence
-# - name: cplusplus
-# - name: csharp
-# - name: css3
-# - name: cucumber
-# - name: d3js
-# - name: debian
-# - name: devicon
-# - name: django
-# - name: docker
-# - name: doctrine
-# - name: dot-net
-# - name: drupal
-# - name: erlang
-# - name: facebook
-# - name: firefox
-# - name: foundation
-# - name: gatling
-# - name: gimp
-# - name: git
-# - name: github
-# - name: gitlab
-# - name: go
-# - name: google
-# - name: gradle
-# - name: grunt
-# - name: gulp
-# - name: heroku
-# - name: html5
-# - name: ie10
-# - name: illustrator
-# - name: inkscape
-# - name: itellij
-# - name: java
-# - name: jasmine
-# - name: javascript
-# - name: laravel
-# - name: less
-# - name: linux
-# - name: meteor
-# - name: mocha
-# - name: mongodb
-# - name: moodle
-# - name: mysql
-# - name: nginx
-# - name: nodejs
-# - name: nodewebkit
-# - name: oracle
-# - name: photoshop
-# - name: php
-# - name: phpstorm
-# - name: protractor
-# - name: postgresql
-# - name: python
-# - name: pycharm
-# - name: rails
-# - name: react
-# - name: redhat
-# - name: redis
-# - name: ruby
-# - name: rubymine
-# - name: safari
-# - name: sass
-# - name: sequelize
-# - name: slack
-# - name: sourcetree
-# - name: ssh
-# - name: swift
-# - name: symfony
-# - name: tomcat
-# - name: travis
-# - name: trello
-# - name: twitter
-# - name: typescript
-# - name: ubuntu
-# - name: vim
-# - name: visualstudio
-# - name: vuejs
-# - name: webpack
-# - name: webstorm
-# - name: windows8
-# - name: wordpress
-# - name: yii
-# - name: zend
diff --git a/_config_dev.yml b/_config_dev.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9df08e3118ce..000000000000
--- a/_config_dev.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-title: Layer5
-author: Lee Calcote
-email: community@layer5.io
-name: Layer5
-description: "the service mesh community - making service meshes available to the rest of us.
- Open source software for management of service meshes.
- Allowing developers to focus on business logic, not infrastructure concerns.
- Empowering operators to confidentally run modern infrastructure."
-url: "https://layer5.io"
-baseurl: # if your site is located at /blog or /home, enter it here, otherwise leave it empty
-parallax_image_one: assets/images/layer5-logo.gif #-header-large.jpg # These are the images used for the parallax background
-parallax_image_two: assets/images/startup3.jpg
-portfolio_heading: Workshops
-portfolio_type: cards
-project_button: Github
-session: Session
-#Contact / Social
-github: https://github.com/layer5io
-medium: https://layer5.io
-slack: http://slack.layer5.io/
-blog: https://layer5.io/blog
-docker: https://hub.docker.com/u/layer5/
-youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFL1af7_wdnhHXL1InzaMvA?sub_confirmation=1
- card: summary
- username: layer5
- url: "https://twitter.com/layer5"
- image: "https://layer5.io/assets/images/layer5/5-dark-bg.png"
-# Google tracking, if both are filled, tag manager will prevail. Set up GA through GTM in that case
-tag_manager_id: # This looks something like GTM-XXXXXXX
-google_analytics_tracking_id: UA-2969471-4 # This looks something like UA-000000000-0 Head over to https://analytics.google.com/ to setup.
-syntax_highlighting: true # include the css for syntax highlighting
-# Build settings
-# theme: minima
-paginate: 5
-markdown: kramdown
-permalink: pretty
- - jekyll-feed
- - jekyll-assets
- - jekyll-minifier
- - jekyll-sitemap
- - jekyll-seo-tag
- # This commenting is included based on differences of the handling of trailing slashes between Jekyll and GitHub Pages
- #- jekyll-redirect-from
- - jekyll-archives
-collections_dir: collections
- authors:
- output: true
- books:
- output: true
- permalink: /books/:title
- blogs:
- output: true
- permalink: /blog/:title
- careers:
- output: true
- permalink: /careers/:title
- news:
- output: true
- permalink: /news/:title
- pages:
- output: true
- people:
- output: true
- projects:
- output: true
- permalink: /projects/:title
- programs:
- output: true
- permalink: /programs/:title
- topics:
- output: true
- permalink: /topics/:title
- workshops:
- output: true
- permalink: /workshops/:title
- - scope:
- path: ""
- values:
- image: /assets/images/layer5/layer5-tag-linkedin.png
- - scope:
- type: pages
- path: ""
- values:
- layout: default
- body-class: left-sidebar
- sidebar: open
- - scope:
- type: books
- path: ""
- values:
- layout: default
- body-class: left-sidebar
- sidebar: open
- # Collection defaults
-# Colors
- gray: "#3c494f"
- lightgray: "#a0aaaa"
- darkgreen: "#00b39f"
- lightgreen: "#00d3a9"
-## Reference - OSS this site uses:
- # Particles - http://www.fabiolamanna.it
- # Nav menu - https://github.com/vinnymoreira/stellarnav
- # Jekyll theme - https://github.com/jameshamann/jekyll-material-theme
- # https://github.com/VincentGarreau/particles.js
- # https://cssgradient.io
- # https://coolbackgrounds.io
- # Image view - https://jekyllcodex.org/without-plugin/lightbox/
-## A message to have visitors acknowledge use of cookies (not currently used)
-# cookies_banner: none # The value "show" will show the cookies banner, the value "none" will hide the banner.
-# cookie_accept_message: Thank you. Enjoy!
-## Skill icons from https://konpa.github.io/devicon/ (not currently used)
-# icon_size: 50 # font-size of icons in px
-# colored: colored # Leave blank for black and white icons
-# - name: docker
-# - name: android
-# - name: angularjs
-# - name: apache
-# - name: appcelerator
-# - name: apple
-# - name: atom
-# - name: babel
-# - name: backbonejs
-# - name: bitbucket
-# - name: bootstrap
-# - name: bower
-# - name: c
-# - name: chrome
-# - name: codeigniter
-# - name: coffescript
-# - name: confluence
-# - name: cplusplus
-# - name: csharp
-# - name: css3
-# - name: cucumber
-# - name: d3js
-# - name: debian
-# - name: devicon
-# - name: django
-# - name: docker
-# - name: doctrine
-# - name: dot-net
-# - name: drupal
-# - name: erlang
-# - name: facebook
-# - name: firefox
-# - name: foundation
-# - name: gatling
-# - name: gimp
-# - name: git
-# - name: github
-# - name: gitlab
-# - name: go
-# - name: google
-# - name: gradle
-# - name: grunt
-# - name: gulp
-# - name: heroku
-# - name: html5
-# - name: ie10
-# - name: illustrator
-# - name: inkscape
-# - name: itellij
-# - name: java
-# - name: jasmine
-# - name: javascript
-# - name: laravel
-# - name: less
-# - name: linux
-# - name: meteor
-# - name: mocha
-# - name: mongodb
-# - name: moodle
-# - name: mysql
-# - name: nginx
-# - name: nodejs
-# - name: nodewebkit
-# - name: oracle
-# - name: photoshop
-# - name: php
-# - name: phpstorm
-# - name: protractor
-# - name: postgresql
-# - name: python
-# - name: pycharm
-# - name: rails
-# - name: react
-# - name: redhat
-# - name: redis
-# - name: ruby
-# - name: rubymine
-# - name: safari
-# - name: sass
-# - name: sequelize
-# - name: slack
-# - name: sourcetree
-# - name: ssh
-# - name: swift
-# - name: symfony
-# - name: tomcat
-# - name: travis
-# - name: trello
-# - name: twitter
-# - name: typescript
-# - name: ubuntu
-# - name: vim
-# - name: visualstudio
-# - name: vuejs
-# - name: webpack
-# - name: webstorm
-# - name: windows8
-# - name: wordpress
-# - name: yii
-# - name: zend
diff --git a/_data/events.yml b/_data/events.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e50109be232c..000000000000
--- a/_data/events.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-- title: KubeCon EU 2020
- desc: "The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities in Amsterdam, "
- date: "April 2nd, 2020"
- link: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-europe/
- talk_link: https://kccnceu20.sched.com/event/Zetg/discreetly-studying-the-effects-of-individual-traffic-control-functions-lee-calcote-layer5?iframe=no&w=100%&sidebar=yes&bg=no
- event_video: ""
- event_deck: ""
- thumbnail: /assets/images/events/kccnc-na-white.svg
-- title: O'Reilly Infrastructure & Ops
- desc: "Learn to maintain your existing legacy systems while migrating to a more responsive, predictive, scalable, and modern infrastructure."
- link: https://conferences.oreilly.com/infrastructure-ops/io-ca
- date: "June 15th, 2020"
- talk_link: https://conferences.oreilly.com/infrastructure-ops/io-ca/public/schedule/speaker/226795
- event_video: ""
- event_deck: ""
- thumbnail: /assets/images/workshops/infra-ops.png
-- title: O'Reilly OSCON 2020
- desc: "Open Source Software Conference - Fueling innovative software. OSCON covers everything shaping software development today—from AI and cloud technology to distributed computing. Join us."
- link: https://conferences.oreilly.com/oscon
- talk_link: https://conferences.oreilly.com/oscon
- date: "July, 13th 2020"
- thumbnail: /assets/images/workshops/oscon.png
-- title: InnoTech Dallas
- desc: "InnoTech Dallas, the Business & Technology Innovation Conference & Exposition, creates an environment where education, innovation, peer-to-peer networking and the latest technology and business solutions are all available specifically for IT professionals."
- link: https://www.innotechdallas.com
- talk_link: https://innotechdallas2020.sched.com/event/aN7E/a-management-plane-for-service-meshes
- date: "April, 14th 2020"
- event_video: ""
- event_deck: ""
- thumbnail: /assets/images/events/innotech.png
- img_style: "padding-top:1vh;"
- name: Consul Connect
- desc: "Consul Connect - is a feature that enables encrpyted communication between services."
- link: https://www.consul.io/mesh.html
- autoinject: "Yes"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "Yes"
- multi-tenant: "No"
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "Pluggable"
- encryption: "Yes"
- smi:
- tac: "Yes"
- taclink: "https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-smi-controller"
- tmetrics: "No"
- tmetricslink: ""
- tsplit: "No"
- tsplitlink: ""
- tspec: "No"
- tspeclink: ""
diff --git a/_data/landscape/clients.yml b/_data/landscape/clients.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d71e1afef2f..000000000000
--- a/_data/landscape/clients.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-- name: Akka
- link: https://akka.io
- desc: "Akka - an open source toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and resilient message-driven applications for Java and Scala."
-- name: Finagle
- link: https://github.com/twitter/finagle/
- desc: "Finagle - an open source RPC library built on Netty for engineers that want a strongly-typed language and be on the JVM. Finagle is written in Scala."
-- name: Hystrix
- link: https://www.github.com/Netflix/Hystrix
- desc: "Hystrix - an open source latency and fault tolerance library designed to isolate points of access to remote systems, services and 3rd party libraries, stop cascading failure and enable resilience. Hystrix is written in Java."
-- name: Ribbon
- link: https://github.com/Netflix/Ribbon
- desc: "Ribbon - an open source Inter-Process Communication (remote procedure calls) library with built-in software load balancers. Ribbon is written in Java."
-- name: Go kit
- link: https://gokit.io
- desc: "Go kit - a collection of Go packages that help you build robust, reliable, maintainable microservices (or elegant monoliths)."
-- name:
- link:
- desc:
-- name:
- link:
- desc:
-- name:
- link:
- desc:
-- name:
- link:
- desc:
-- name:
- link:
- desc:
-- name:
- link:
- desc:
-- name:
- link:
- desc:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_data/landscape/gw.yml b/_data/landscape/gw.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e583b6dfa6f..000000000000
--- a/_data/landscape/gw.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-- name: Ambassador
- link: https://getambassador.io
- desc: "Ambassador uses Envoy"
-- name: Contour
- link: https://github.com/heptio/contour
- desc: "Contour uses Envoy"
-- name: Gloo
- link: https://gloo.solo.io/
- desc: An Envoy-powered API Gateway
-- name: Kong
- link: https://github.com/kong/kong
- desc: "Kong uses Nginx"
-- name: OpenResty
- link: http://openresty.org
- desc: "OpenResty uses Nginx"
-- name: 3scale
- link: https://www.3scale.net/
- desc: "An API gateway built on top of NGINX. It is part of the Red Hat 3scale API Management Platform."
-- name: Citrix ADC
- link: https://www.citrix.com/blogs/2019/06/12/citrix-solutions-for-api-protection-in-cloud-native-kubernetes-apps/
- desc: "Citrix ADC protects your applications and APIs"
-- name:
- link:
- desc:
-- name:
- link:
- desc:
-- name:
- link:
- desc:
-- name:
- link:
- desc:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_data/landscape/lb.yml b/_data/landscape/lb.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index b6e2ab805d60..000000000000
--- a/_data/landscape/lb.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-- name: A10 Thunder ADC
- link: https://www.a10networks.com/products/thunder-adc/
- desc: “A10's Thunder ADC - is a high performance solution providing L4-7 load balancing, DDoS protection, and advanced SSL/TLS offloading.“
-- name: Nginx
- link: https://nginx.org/en/
- desc: "Nginx - is open source software for web serving, reverse proxying, caching, load balancing, media streaming, and more."
-- name: Proxygen
- link: https://github.com/facebook/proxygen
- desc: "Proxygen - is an open source library that not only powers Facebook's load balancer, but is also used by HHVM (github/facebook/hhvm)."
-- name: Citrix ADC
- link: https://www.citrix.com/en-in/products/citrix-adc/
- desc: "Citrix ADC is an application delivery and load balancing solution that provides a high-quality user experience for your web, traditional, and cloud-native applications regardless of where they are hosted."
-- name:
- link:
- desc:
-- name:
- link:
- desc:
-- name:
- link:
- desc:
-- name:
- link:
- desc:
-- name:
- link:
- desc:
-- name:
- link:
- desc:
-- name:
- link:
- desc:
-- name: kube-proxy
- link: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/kube-proxy/
- desc: Runs on each Kubernetes node. Performs simple TCP, UDP, and SCTP stream forwarding or round robin TCP, UDP, and SCTP forwarding across a set of backends.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_data/landscape/meshes copy.yml b/_data/landscape/meshes copy.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 47f120ac99e5..000000000000
--- a/_data/landscape/meshes copy.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-- name: A10 Secure Service Mesh
- desc: "A10’s Secure Service Mesh - is a solution that utilizes a hub-spoke model to provide scalable east-west network security and automatic service discovery."
- link: https://www.a10networks.com/products/secure-service-mesh/
- autoinject: "No"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "Yes"
- multi-tenant: "Yes"
- prometheus: "No, Replaced by Harmony Controller"
- tracing: "Yes"
- encryption: "Yes"
- score: 6
-- name: App Mesh
- desc: "AWS App Mesh - a managed control plane offering using Envoy as the data plane."
- link: https://github.com/aws/aws-app-mesh-examples
- autoinject: "No"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "Yes"
- multi-tenant: "No"
- prometheus: "No"
- tracing: "Yes"
- encryption: "Yes"
- score: 6
-- name: Aspen Mesh
- desc: "Aspen Mesh - a commercial offering built on top of Istio with some open source components."
- link: https://aspenmesh.io/
- autoinject: "Yes"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "Yes"
- multi-tenant: "Yes"
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "Jaeger"
- encryption: "Yes"
- score: 4
-- name: Cilium
- desc: "Cilium - DaemonSet-based service mesh using Linux BPF."
- link: https://cilium.io/
- autoinject: "?"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- h2: "?"
- multi-cluster: "Yes"
- multi-tenant: "?"
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "?"
- encryption: "Yes"
- score: 4
-- name: Citrix Service Mesh
- desc: "Service mesh based on Istio and served with Citrix ADC CPX sidecar proxies."
- link: https://github.com/citrix/citrix-istio-adaptor
- autoinject: "Yes"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "?"
- multi-tenant: "?"
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "?"
- encryption: "Yes"
-- name: Consul Connect
- desc: "Consul Connect - is a feature that enables encrpyted communication between services."
- link: https://www.consul.io/mesh.html
- autoinject: "Yes"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "Yes"
- multi-tenant: "No"
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "Pluggable"
- encryption: "Yes"
- smi: {tac: "Yes", taclink: "https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-smi-controller", tmetrics: "No", tmetricslink: "", tsplit: "No", tsplitlink: "", tspec: "No", tspeclink: ""}
-- name: Grey Matter
- desc: "Grey Matter is an Istio-compliant, Envoy proxy-based, hybrid cloud service mesh platform for business insight and secure data control with your microservices."
- link: https://greymatter.io
- autoinject: "Yes"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "Yes"
- multi-tenant: "Yes"
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "OpenTracing compatible"
- encryption: "Yes"
-- name: Istio
- link: https://istio.io
- autoinject: "Yes"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "Experimental"
- multi-tenant: "Experimental"
- desc: "An open platform to connect, monitor, and secure microservices. Governed by Google and IBM."
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "Jaeger"
- encryption: "Yes"
- smi: {tac: "Yes", taclink: "https://github.com/deislabs/smi-adapter-istio", tmetrics: "Yes", tmetricslink: "https://github.com/deislabs/smi-metrics/tree/master/pkg/istio", tsplit: "Yes", tsplitlink: "https://github.com/deislabs/smi-adapter-istio", tspec: "Yes", tspeclink: "https://github.com/deislabs/smi-adapter-istio"}
-- name: Kuma
- desc: "Kuma is a universal open source control-plane that can run and be operated natively across both Kubernetes and VM environments."
- link: https://kuma.io
- autoinject: "No"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- grpc: "No"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "Experimental"
- multi-tenant: "Kong Enterprise only"
- prometheus: "?"
- tracing: "?"
- encryption: "?"
-- name: Linkerd 1.x
- desc: "Linkerd - hosted by the CNCF and built on top of Twitter Finagle. Linkerd includes both a proxying data plane and the Namerd (“namer-dee”) control plane all in one package. "
- link: https://linkerd.io
- autoinject: "No"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- grpc: "?"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "?"
- multi-tenant: "?"
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "Zipkin"
- encryption: "Yes"
-- name: Linkerd 2.x (Conduit)
- desc: "Conduit - A Kubernetes-native (only) service mesh announced as a project in December 2017. In contrast to Istio and in learning from Linkerd, Conduit’s design principles revolve around a minimalist architecture and zero config philosophy, optimizing for streamlined setu. Open Source. From Buoyant. Written in Rust and Go."
- link: https://linkerd.io
- autoinject: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "?"
- multi-tenant: "?"
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "None"
- encryption: "Yes"
- smi: {tac: "No", taclink: "", tmetrics: "Yes", tmetricslink: "https://github.com/deislabs/smi-metrics/tree/master/pkg/linkerd", tsplit: "Yes", tsplitlink: "https://linkerd.io/2/features/traffic-split/", tspec: "No", tspeclink: ""}
-- name: Maesh
- desc: "Maesh is a simple, yet full-featured service mesh. It is container-native and fits as your de-facto service mesh in your Kubernetes cluster."
- link: https://github.com/containous/maesh
- autoinject: "No"
- h2: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "No"
- multi-tenant: "No"
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "Yes"
- encryption: "No"
- smi: {tac: "Yes", taclink: "https://github.com/containous/maesh", tmetrics: "No", tmetricslink: "", tsplit: "Yes", tsplitlink: "https://github.com/containous/maesh", tspec: "Yes", tspeclink: "https://github.com/containous/maesh"}
-- name: Maistra
- desc: "Maistra is a security focused distribution of Istio designed to run on top of OpenShift."
- link: https://www.maistra.io
- autoinject: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "No"
- multi-tenant: "Yes"
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "Jaeger/Grafana"
- encryption: "Yes"
-- name: Mesher
- desc: "Mesher is service mesh implementation based on go-chassis which can work together with ServiceComb Service center running on any infrastructure. Mesher can work with go-chassis in same service mesh control plane and it supports both linux and windows OS"
- link: https://github.com/go-mesh/mesher
- autoinject: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- tcp-web: "No"
- multi-cluster: "Yes, powered by ServiceComb"
- multi-tenant: "Huawei Cloud only"
- prometheus: "?"
- tracing: "?"
- encryption: "?"
-- name: Octarine
- desc: "Octarine is a security platform for k8s workloads that combines admission control with runtime network security leveraging an Envoy-based service mesh"
- link: https://www.octarinesec.com/
- h2: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "Yes"
- multi-tenant: "Yes"
- prometheus: "No"
- tracing: "No"
- encryption: "Yes"
-- name: Rotor
- link: https://github.com/turbinelabs/
- autoinject: "Project shutdown "
- tcp-web: "Project shutdown "
- grpc: "Project shutdown "
- h2: "Project shutdown "
- multi-cluster: "Project shutdown "
- multi-tenant: "Project shutdown "
- desc: "Rotor - a fast, lightweight bridge between your service discovery and Envoy’s configuration APIs. Turbine Labs has shutdown."
- prometheus: "Project shutdown "
- tracing: "Project shutdown "
- encryption: "Project shutdown "
-- name: SOFAMesh
- desc: A solution for large-scale Service Mesh based on Istio.
- link: https://github.com/alipay/sofa-mesh
- autoinject: "Project shutdown "
- tcp-web: "Project shutdown "
- grpc: "Project shutdown "
- h2: "Project shutdown "
- multi-cluster: "Project shutdown "
- multi-tenant: "Project shutdown "
- prometheus: "Project shutdown "
- tracing: "Project shutdown "
- encryption: "Project shutdown "
-- name: Yggdrasil
- desc: "Yggdrasil is an Envoy control plane that configures listeners and clusters based off Kubernetes ingresses from multiple Kube Clusters."
- link: https://github.com/uswitch/yggdrasil
- autoinject: "N/A"
- tcp-web: "?"
- grpc: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "Yes"
- multi-tenant: "?"
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "Pluggable"
- encryption: "Yes"
-- name: Zuul
- desc: "Zuul is a gateway service that provides dynamic routing, monitoring, resiliency, security, and more."
- link: https://github.com/Netflix/zuul
- autoinject: "No"
- h2: "?"
- grpc: "?"
- tcp-web: "?"
- multi-cluster: "?"
- multi-tenant: "No"
- prometheus: "?"
- tracing: "?"
- encryption: "?"
-- name: Vulcand
- desc: "Programmatic load balancer and service mesh backed by etcd"
- link: https://github.com/vulcand/vulcand
- autoinject: "No"
- tcp-web: "No"
- grpc: "?"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "?"
- multi-tenant: "?"
- prometheus: "No"
- tracing: "No"
- encryption: "Yes"
-- name: Network Service Mesh
- desc: "Network Service Mesh (NSM) is a novel approach solving complicated L2/L3 use cases in Kubernetes that are tricky to address with the existing Kubernetes Network Mode"
- link: https://github.com/networkservicemesh/networkservicemesh
- autoinject: "?"
- tcp-web: "?"
- grpc: "?"
- h2: "?"
- multi-cluster: "?"
- multi-tenant: "?"
- prometheus: "?"
- tracing: "?"
- encryption: "?"
-# - name: Vamp
-# desc: "Very Awesome Microservice Platform - canary releasing and autoscaling for microservice systems."
-# link: https://vamp.io
-# autoinject: "No"
-- name: AppSwitch
- desc: "AppSwitch performs service discovery, access control and traffic management functions on behalf of the applications by transparently taking over the applications’ network API calls. In addition, AppSwitch decouples the application from the constructs of underlying network infrastructure by projecting a consistent, virtual view of the network to the application. In abstract terms, it combines the application-level functionality offered by the service mesh approach with the familiarity and compatibility of traditional networking."
- link: https://github.com/appswitch/
- autoinject: "Yes"
- tcp-web: "No"
- grpc: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "Yes"
- multi-tenant: "Yes"
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "No"
- encryption: "Yes"
diff --git a/_data/landscape/meshes.yml b/_data/landscape/meshes.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e67e5df40bc..000000000000
--- a/_data/landscape/meshes.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-- name: A10 Secure Service Mesh
- desc: "A10’s Secure Service Mesh - is a solution that utilizes a hub-spoke model to provide scalable east-west network security and automatic service discovery."
- link: https://www.a10networks.com/products/secure-service-mesh/
- autoinject: "No"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "Yes"
- multi-tenant: "Yes"
- prometheus: "No, Replaced by Harmony Controller"
- tracing: "Yes"
- encryption: "Yes"
- multi-tenant-score: 10
-- name: App Mesh
- desc: "AWS App Mesh - a managed control plane offering using Envoy as the data plane."
- link: https://github.com/aws/aws-app-mesh-examples
- autoinject: "No"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "Yes"
- multi-tenant: "No"
- prometheus: "No"
- tracing: "Yes"
- encryption: "Yes"
- multi-tenant-score: 6
-- name: Aspen Mesh
- desc: "Aspen Mesh - a commercial offering built on top of Istio with some open source components."
- link: https://aspenmesh.io/
- autoinject: "Yes"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "Yes"
- multi-tenant: "Yes"
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "Jaeger"
- encryption: "Yes"
- multi-tenant-score: 10
- netdev-persona-score: 6
-- name: Cilium
- desc: "Cilium - DaemonSet-based service mesh using Linux BPF."
- link: https://cilium.io/
- autoinject: "?"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- h2: "?"
- multi-cluster: "Yes"
- multi-tenant: "?"
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "?"
- encryption: "Yes"
- multi-tenant-score: 1
- netdev-persona-score: 4
-- name: Citrix Service Mesh
- desc: "Service mesh based on Istio and served with Citrix ADC CPX sidecar proxies."
- link: https://github.com/citrix/citrix-istio-adaptor
- autoinject: "Yes"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "?"
- multi-tenant: "?"
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "?"
- encryption: "Yes"
- multi-tenant-score: 1
- netdev-persona-score: 9
-- name: Consul
- desc: "Consul - Connect is a feature that enables encrpyted communication between services."
- link: https://www.consul.io/mesh.html
- autoinject: "Yes"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "Yes"
- multi-tenant: "No"
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "Pluggable"
- encryption: "Yes"
- multi-tenant-score: 1
- netdev-persona-score: 9
- smi:
- tac: "Yes"
- taclink: "https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-smi-controller"
- tmetrics: "No"
- tmetricslink: ""
- tsplit: "No"
- tsplitlink: ""
- tspec: "No"
- tspeclink: ""
-- name: Grey Matter
- desc: "Grey Matter is an Istio-compliant, Envoy proxy-based, hybrid cloud service mesh platform for business insight and secure data control with your microservices."
- link: https://greymatter.io
- autoinject: "Yes"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "Yes"
- multi-tenant: "Yes"
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "OpenTracing compatible"
- encyrption: "Yes"
- multi-tenant-score: 1
-- name: Istio
- link: https://istio.io
- autoinject: "Yes"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "Experimental"
- multi-tenant: "Experimental"
- desc: "An open platform to connect, monitor, and secure microservices. Governed by Google and IBM."
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "Jaeger"
- encryption: "Yes"
- multi-tenant-score: 5
- netdev-persona-score: 1
- smi:
- tac: "Yes"
- taclink: "https://github.com/deislabs/smi-adapter-istio"
- tmetrics: "Yes"
- tmetricslink: "https://github.com/deislabs/smi-metrics/tree/master/pkg/istio"
- tsplit: "Yes"
- tsplitlink: "https://github.com/deislabs/smi-adapter-istio"
- tspec: "Yes"
- tspeclink: "https://github.com/deislabs/smi-adapter-istio"
-- name: Kuma
- desc: "Kuma is a universal open source control-plane that can run and be operated natively across both Kubernetes and VM environments."
- link: https://kuma.io
- autoinject: "No"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- grpc: "No"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "Experimental"
- multi-tenant: "Kong Enterprise only"
- prometheus: "?"
- tracing: "?"
- encryption: "?"
- multi-tenant-score: 8
- netdev-persona-score: 2
-- name: Linkerd 1.x
- desc: "Linkerd - hosted by the CNCF and built on top of Twitter Finagle. Linkerd includes both a proxying data plane and the Namerd (“namer-dee”) control plane all in one package. "
- link: https://linkerd.io
- autoinject: "No"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- grpc: "?"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "?"
- multi-tenant: "?"
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "Zipkin"
- encryption: "Yes"
- multi-tenant-score: 1
- netdev-persona-score: 5
-- name: Linkerd 2.x (Conduit)
- desc: "Conduit - A Kubernetes-native (only) service mesh announced as a project in December 2017. In contrast to Istio and in learning from Linkerd, Conduit’s design principles revolve around a minimalist architecture and zero config philosophy, optimizing for streamlined setu. Open Source. From Buoyant. Written in Rust and Go."
- link: https://linkerd.io
- autoinject: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "Experimental"
- multi-tenant: "Yes"
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "Pluggable"
- encryption: "Yes"
- multi-tenant-score: 1
- netdev-persona-score: 5
- smi:
- tac: "No"
- taclink: ""
- tmetrics: "Yes"
- tmetricslink: "https://github.com/deislabs/smi-metrics/tree/master/pkg/linkerd"
- tsplit: "Yes"
- tsplitlink: "https://linkerd.io/2/features/traffic-split/"
- tspec: "No"
- tspeclink: ""
-- name: Maesh
- desc: "Maesh is a simple, yet full-featured service mesh. It is container-native and fits as your de-facto service mesh in your Kubernetes cluster."
- link: https://github.com/containous/maesh
- autoinject: "No"
- h2: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "No"
- multi-tenant: "No"
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "Yes"
- encryption: "No"
- multi-tenant-score: 1
- netdev-persona-score: 3
- smi:
- tac: "Yes"
- taclink: "https://github.com/containous/maesh"
- tmetrics: "No"
- tmetricslink: ""
- tsplit: "Yes"
- tsplitlink: "https://github.com/containous/maesh"
- tspec: "Yes"
- tspeclink: "https://github.com/containous/maesh"
-- name: Maistra
- desc: "Maistra is a security focused distribution of Istio designed to run on top of OpenShift."
- link: https://www.maistra.io
- autoinject: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "No"
- multi-tenant: "Yes"
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "Jaeger/Grafana"
- encryption: "Yes"
- multi-tenant-score: 10
-- name: Mesher
- desc: "Mesher is service mesh implementation based on go-chassis which can work together with ServiceComb Service center running on any infrastructure. Mesher can work with go-chassis in same service mesh control plane and it supports both linux and windows OS"
- link: https://github.com/go-mesh/mesher
- autoinject: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- tcp-web: "No"
- multi-cluster: "Yes, powered by ServiceComb"
- multi-tenant: "Huawei Cloud only"
- prometheus: "?"
- tracing: "?"
- encryption: "?"
- multi-tenant-score: 8
-- name: SOFAMesh
- desc: A solution for large-scale Service Mesh based on Istio.
- link: https://github.com/alipay/sofa-mesh
- autoinject: "Project shutdown "
- tcp-web: "Project shutdown "
- grpc: "Project shutdown "
- h2: "Project shutdown "
- multi-cluster: "Project shutdown "
- multi-tenant: "Project shutdown "
- prometheus: "Project shutdown "
- tracing: "Project shutdown "
- encryption: "Project shutdown "
- tcp-web: "No"
- multi-cluster: "Yes, powered by ServiceComb"
- multi-tenant: "Huawei Cloud only"
- prometheus: "?"
- tracing: "?"
- encryption: "?"
- multi-tenant-score: 8
- netdev-persona-score: 7
-- name: Octarine
- desc: "Octarine is a security platform for k8s workloads that combines admission control with runtime network security leveraging an Envoy-based service mesh"
- link: https://www.octarinesec.com/
- h2: "Yes"
- grpc: "Yes"
- tcp-web: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "Yes"
- multi-tenant: "Yes"
- prometheus: "No"
- tracing: "No"
- encryption: "Yes"
- multi-tenant-score: 10
- netdev-persona-score: 8
-- name: Rotor
- link: https://github.com/turbinelabs/
- autoinject: "Project shutdown "
- tcp-web: "Project shutdown "
- grpc: "Project shutdown "
- h2: "Project shutdown "
- multi-cluster: "Project shutdown "
- multi-tenant: "Project shutdown "
- desc: "Rotor - a fast, lightweight bridge between your service discovery and Envoy’s configuration APIs. Turbine Labs has shutdown."
- prometheus: "Project shutdown "
- tracing: "Project shutdown "
- encryption: "Project shutdown "
-- name: SOFAMesh
- desc: A solution for large-scale Service Mesh based on Istio.
- link: https://github.com/alipay/sofa-mesh
- autoinject: "Project shutdown "
- tcp-web: "Project shutdown "
- grpc: "Project shutdown "
- h2: "Project shutdown "
- multi-cluster: "Project shutdown "
- multi-tenant: "Project shutdown "
- prometheus: "Project shutdown "
- tracing: "Project shutdown "
- encryption: "Project shutdown "
-- name: Yggdrasil
- desc: "Yggdrasil is an Envoy control plane that configures listeners and clusters based off Kubernetes ingresses from multiple Kube Clusters."
- link: https://github.com/uswitch/yggdrasil
- autoinject: "N/A"
- tcp-web: "?"
- grpc: "Yes"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "Yes"
- multi-tenant: "?"
- prometheus: "Yes"
- tracing: "Pluggable"
- encryption: "Yes"
- multi-tenant-score: 1
-- name: Zuul
- desc: "Zuul is a gateway service that provides dynamic routing, monitoring, resiliency, security, and more."
- link: https://github.com/Netflix/zuul
- autoinject: "No"
- h2: "?"
- grpc: "?"
- tcp-web: "?"
- multi-cluster: "?"
- multi-tenant: "No"
- prometheus: "?"
- tracing: "?"
- encryption: "?"
- multi-tenant-score: 1
-- name: Vulcand
- desc: "Programmatic load balancer and service mesh backed by etcd"
- link: https://github.com/vulcand/vulcand
- autoinject: "No"
- tcp-web: "No"
- grpc: "?"
- h2: "Yes"
- multi-cluster: "?"
- multi-tenant: "?"
- prometheus: "No"
- tracing: "No"
- encryption: "Yes"
- multi-tenant-score: 1
-- name: Network Service Mesh
- desc: "Network Service Mesh (NSM) is a novel approach solving complicated L2/L3 use cases in Kubernetes that are tricky to address with the existing Kubernetes Network Mode"
- link: https://github.com/networkservicemesh/networkservicemesh
- autoinject: "?"
- tcp-web: "?"
- grpc: "?"
- h2: "?"
- multi-cluster: "?"
- multi-tenant: "?"
- prometheus: "?"
- tracing: "?"
- encryption: "?"
- multi-tenant-score: 1
-# - name: Vamp
-# desc: "Very Awesome Microservice Platform - canary releasing and autoscaling for microservice systems."
-# link: https://vamp.io
-# autoinject: "No"
diff --git a/_data/landscape/non-functional.yml b/_data/landscape/non-functional.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a6c3e6b4aa74..000000000000
--- a/_data/landscape/non-functional.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-- name: App Mesh
- opensource: "No"
- link: https://aws.amazon.com/app-mesh/
- governance: AWS
- primary-lang: "?"
- announce-date: November 2018
- ga-1-date: 2019
- commercial: AWS
- category: Service Mesh
-- name: Aspen Mesh
- opensource: "Partial"
- link: https://aspenmesh.io/
- governance: F5
- primary-lang: Go
- announce-date: November 2017
- ga-1-date: 2019
- commercial: Aspen Mesh
- category: Service Mesh
-- name: Cilium
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://cilium.io/
- governance: Isovalent
- primary-lang: Go
- announce-date: March 2017
- ga-1-date: November 2017
- commercial: "Isovalent"
- category: Service Mesh
-- name: Consul Connect
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://www.consul.io/mesh.html
- governance: HashiCorp
- primary-lang: Go
- announce-date: June 2016
- ga-1-date: June 2018
- commercial: Consul Enterprise (HashiCorp)
- category: Service Mesh
-- name: Grey Matter
- opensource: "No"
- link: http://deciphernow.com/grey-matter
- governance: Decipher Technology Studios
- primary-lang: Go
- announce-date: November 2017
- ga-1-date: February 2019
- commercial: Grey Matter
- category: Service Mesh
-- name: Istio
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://istio.io
- governance: Google, IBM
- primary-lang: Go
- announce-date: May 2017
- ga-1-date: July 2018
- commercial: AspenMesh
- category: Service Mesh
-- name: Linkerd 1.x
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://linkerd.io/
- governance: CNCF
- primary-lang: Scala
- announce-date: February 2016
- ga-1-date: April 2017
- commercial: Buoyant
- category: Service Mesh
-- name: Linkerd 2.x (Conduit)
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://conduit.io
- governance: CNCF
- primary-lang: Rust, Go
- announce-date: December 2017
- ga-1-date: Sept 2018
- commercial: Buoyant
- category: Service Mesh
-- name: Maesh
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://github.com/containous/maesh
- governance: Containous
- primary-lang: Go
- announce-date: September 2019
- ga-1-date: "?"
- commercial: Containous
- category: Service Mesh
-- name: Maistra
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://www.maistra.io
- governance: Red Hat
- primary-lang: Go
- announce-date: May 2018
- ga-1-date: September 2019
- commercial: OpenShift Service Mesh (Red Hat)
- category: Service Mesh
-- name: Mesher
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://github.com/go-mesh/mesher
- governance: Huawei
- primary-lang: Go
- announce-date: November 2017
- ga-1-date: November 2017
- commercial: Huawei
- category: Service Mesh
-- name: Octarine
- opensource: "No"
- link: https://www.octarinesec.com/
- governance: OctarineSec
- primary-lang: Go
- announce-date: November 2018
- ga-1-date: November 2019
- commercial: Octarine
- category: Service Mesh
-- name: Rotor
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: http://github.com/turbinelabs/rotor
- governance: Turbine Labs
- primary-lang: Go
- announce-date: May 2018
- ga-1-date: discontinued
- commercial: Houston (Turbine Labs)
- category: Service Mesh
-- name: SOFAMesh
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://github.com/alipay/sofa-mesh
- governance: Ant Financial
- primary-lang: Go
- announce-date: July 2018
- ga-1-date: discontinued
- commercial: Ant Financial
- category: Service Mesh
-- name: Yggdrasil
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://github.com/uswitch/yggdrasil
- governance: uSwitch
- primary-lang: Go
- announce-date: August 2018
- ga-1-date: "?"
- commercial: "N/A"
- category: Service Mesh
-- name: Citrix ADC CPX
- opensource: "No"
- link: https://www.citrix.com/en-in/networking/microservices.html
- governance: Citrix
- primary-lang: "C"
- announce-date: "January 2016"
- ga-1-date: "July 2016"
- commercial: "Citrix Systems, Inc."
- category: Service Proxy
-- name: Envoy
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://www.envoyproxy.io/
- governance: CNCF
- primary-lang: C++11
- announce-date: September 2016
- ga-1-date: September 2016
- commercial: Turbine Labs, Datawire
- category: Service Proxy
-- name: nginMesh
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://github.com/nginxinc/nginmesh
- governance: Nginx
- primary-lang: Rust, Go, C
- announce-date: September 2017
- ga-1-date: discontinued
- commercial: Nginx
- category: Service Proxy
-- name: MOSN
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://github.com/mosn/mosn
- governance: Ant Financial
- primary-lang: Go
- announce-date: July 2018
- ga-1-date: "?"
- commercial: Ant Financial
- category: Service Proxy
-- name: Citrix ADC
- opensource: "No"
- link: https://www.citrix.com/en-in/products/citrix-adc/
- governance: Citrix
- primary-lang: "C"
- announce-date: "January 2016"
- ga-1-date: "July 2016"
- commercial: "Citrix Systems, Inc."
- category: API Gateway
-- name: Contour
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://github.com/heptio/contour
- governance: Heptio
- primary-lang: Go
- announce-date: October 2017
- ga-1-date: October 2017
- commercial: Heptio
- category: API Gateway
-- name: Ambassador
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://www.getambassador.io/
- governance: Datawire
- primary-lang: Python
- announce-date: August 2017
- ga-1-date: October 2017
- commercial: Datawire
- category: API Gateway
-- name: Kong
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://github.com/kong/kong
- governance: Kong Inc.
- primary-lang: Lua
- announce-date: April 2015
- ga-1-date: December 2018
- commercial: Kong Inc.
- category: API Gateway
-- name: Gloo
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://gloo.solo.io/
- governance: Solo.io Inc.
- primary-lang: Go
- announce-date: "?"
- ga-1-date: "?"
- desc: An Envoy-powered API Gateway
- commercial: Solo.io Inc.
- category: API Gateway
-- name: OpenResty
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://openresty.org/en/
- governance: OpenResty Inc.
- primary-lang: C
- announce-date: "?"
- ga-1-date: "?"
- commercial: OpenResy Inc.
- category: API Gateway
-- name: 3scale
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://github.com/3scale/APIcast
- governance: Red Hat
- primary-lang: Lua
- announce-date: "December 2014(?)"
- ga-1-date: "December 2014(?)"
- commercial: Red Hat
- category: API Gateway
-- name: HAProxy
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: http://www.haproxy.org/
- governance: HAProxy
- primary-lang: C
- announce-date: "December 2001"
- ga-1-date: "December 2001"
- commercial: HAProxy Technologies
- category: Service Proxy
-- name: Contour
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://github.com/heptio/contour
- governance: Heptio
- primary-lang: Go
- announce-date: October 2017
- ga-1-date: October 2017
- commercial: Heptio
- category: API Gateway
-- name: Citrix ADC
- opensource: "No"
- link: https://www.citrix.com/en-in/products/citrix-adc/
- governance: Citrix
- primary-lang: "C"
- announce-date: "January 2001"
- ga-1-date: "July 2001"
- commercial: "Citrix Systems, Inc."
- category: Load-Balancers
-- name: Kong
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://github.com/kong/kong
- governance: Kong Inc.
- primary-lang: Lua
- announce-date: April 2015
- ga-1-date: "?"
- commercial: Kong Inc.
- category: Load-Balancers
-- name: Nginx
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: http://nginx.org/
- governance: Nginx
- primary-lang: Go
- announce-date: "?"
- ga-1-date: "?"
- commercial: Nginx Plus
- category: Load-Balancers
-- name: Proxygen
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://github.com/facebook/proxygen
- governance: Facebook
- primary-lang: C++
- announce-date: November 2014
- ga-1-date: November 2014
- commercial: N/A
- category: Load-Balancers
-- name: Traefik
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://traefik.io/
- governance: "?"
- primary-lang: Go
- announce-date: "?"
- ga-1-date: "?"
- commercial: "?"
- category: Load-Balancers
-- name: Avi Networks(USM)
- opensource: "No"
- link: https://avinetworks.com/
- governance: AVI Networks
- primary-lang: "?"
- announce-date: "?"
- ga-1-date: "?"
- commercial: "?"
- category: Load-Balancers
-- name: Vulcand
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://github.com/vulcand/vulcand
- governance: Mailgun Inc
- primary-lang: Go
- announce-date: December 2014
- ga-1-date: December 2014
- commercial: N/A
- category: Service Mesh
-- name: Network Service Mesh
- opensource: "Yes"
- link: https://github.com/networkservicemesh/networkservicemesh
- governance: CNCF
- primary-lang: "GO"
- announce-date: "?"
- ga-1-date: "?"
- commercial: "?"
- category: Service Mesh
diff --git a/_data/landscape/proxies.yml b/_data/landscape/proxies.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index b7bc72595daa..000000000000
--- a/_data/landscape/proxies.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-- name: A10 Lightning ADC
- link: https://www.a10networks.com/products/lightning-adc/
- desc: "A10's Lighting ADC - is a full proxy with advanced load balancing and traffic monitoring features."
-- name: Contour
- link: https://github.com/heptio/contour
- desc: Contour - a reverse proxy and load balancer deployed as a Kubernetes Ingress Controller.
-- name: Envoy
- link: https://www.envoyproxy.io
- desc: "Envoy - a modern proxy hosted by the CNCF. Many projects have sprung up to leverage Envoy, including Istio."
-- name: HAProxy
- link: https://www.haproxy.org
- desc: "HAProxy is the world's fastest and most widely used software load balancer, powering superior application delivery at any scale and in any environment."
-- name: nginMesh
- link: https://github.com/nginxinc/nginmesh
- desc: "nginMesh - launched in September 2017, the nginMesh project deploys Nginx as a sidecar proxy in Istio."
-- name: MOSN
- link: https://github.com/mosn/mosn
- desc: "MOSN is a cloud-native proxy for edge or service mesh."
-- name: Traefik
- link: https://traefik.io/
- desc: "Traefik is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer that integrates with service discovery systems and container orchestrators."
-- name: Vulcand
- link: https://github.com/vulcand/vulcand
- desc: "Programmatic load balancer and service mesh backed by etcd"
-- name: Citrix ADC CPX
- link: https://www.citrix.com/en-in/networking/microservices.html
- desc: "Citrix ADC CPX provides a DevOps-friendly, cloud-native and full of L4-7 capabilities ADC in a Docker container"
-- name:
- link:
- desc:
-- name:
- link:
- desc:
-- name:
- link:
- desc:
-- name:
- link:
- desc:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_data/landscape/smi.yaml b/_data/landscape/smi.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 35bacfe3491d..000000000000
--- a/_data/landscape/smi.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-- name: Consul Connect
- tac: "Yes"
- taclink: "https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-smi-controller"
- tmetrics: "No"
- tmetricslink: ""
- tsplit: "No"
- tsplitlink: ""
- tspec: "No"
- tspeclink: ""
-- name: Istio
- tac: "Yes"
- taclink: "https://github.com/deislabs/smi-adapter-istio"
- tmetrics: "Yes"
- tmetricslink: "https://github.com/deislabs/smi-metrics/tree/master/pkg/istio"
- tsplit: "Yes"
- tsplitlink: "https://github.com/deislabs/smi-adapter-istio"
- tspec: "Yes"
- tspeclink: "https://github.com/deislabs/smi-adapter-istio"
-- name: Linkerd 2.x (Conduit)
- tac: "No"
- taclink: ""
- tmetrics: "Yes"
- tmetricslink: "https://github.com/deislabs/smi-metrics/tree/master/pkg/linkerd"
- tsplit: "Yes"
- tsplitlink: "https://linkerd.io/2/features/traffic-split/"
- tspec: "No"
- tspeclink: ""
-- name: Maesh
- tac: "Yes"
- taclink: "https://github.com/containous/maesh"
- tmetrics: "No"
- tmetricslink: ""
- tsplit: "Yes"
- tsplitlink: "https://github.com/containous/maesh"
- tspec: "Yes"
- tspeclink: "https://github.com/containous/maesh"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_data/navigation.yaml b/_data/navigation.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f4355b01ccc..000000000000
--- a/_data/navigation.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-- name: Projects
- link: /projects
- new_window: false
- highlight: true
- subitems:
- - name: Meshery
- link: /meshery
- new_window: false
- - name: Landscape
- link: /landscape
- new_window: false
- - name: Distributed Performance Management
- link: /projects/service-mesh-distributed-performance-management
- new_window: false
- external: false
- - name: Service Mesh Interface Conformance
- link: /projects/service-mesh-interface
- new_window: false
- external: false
- - name: Service Mesh Performance Specification
- link: /projects/performance
- new_window: false
- external: false
- - name: "Image Hub: Envoy Filters with WebAssembly"
- link: /projects/image-hub
- new_window: false
- external: false
-- name: Community
- new_window: false
- highlight: false
- link: /community
- subitems:
- - name: Join
- link: /community
- new_window: false
- - name: MeshMates
- link: /community/meshmates
- new_window: false
- - name: Partners
- link: /partners
- new_window: false
- - name: Programs
- link: /programs
- new_window: false
- - name: Slack
- link: http://slack.layer5.io/
- new_window: true
- external: true
- - name: Videos
- link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFL1af7_wdnhHXL1InzaMvA?sub_confirmation=1
- new_window: true
- external: true
- - name: Open Source
- link: https://github.com/layer5io
- new_window: true
- external: true
-- name: Learn
- new_window: false
- highlight: true
- link: /learn
- subitems:
- - name: Books
- link: /books
- new_window: false
- - name: Events
- link: /events
- new_window: false
- external: false
- - name: Workshops
- link: /workshops
- new_window: false
- - name: Learn Layer5
- link: https://github.com/layer5io/learn-layer5
- new_window: true
- external: true
-- name: Blog
- link: /blog
- new_window: false
- highlight: false
- subitems:
- - name: News
- link: /news
- new_window: false
-- name: Run Meshery
- link: /meshery#getting-started
- new_window: false
- highlight: yes
- class: cta
diff --git a/_data/partners.yaml b/_data/partners.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c90224f8a96..000000000000
--- a/_data/partners.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-- name: The University of Texas at Austin
- link: http://www.ece.utexas.edu/speakers/lee-calcote
- desc: |
- In partnership with faculty of the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin,
- graduate students engage in research on the affects of hardware architectures and the performance of
- software-based networking. Ph.D. candidates leverage Meshery in research and analysis of affect and
- overhead service mesh architectures have on when running distributed systems.
- Learn more about our collaborative research .
- img: /assets/images/partners/University_of_Texas_at_Austin_seal.png
- style: "max-height: 7vh;"
- visibility: ""
- type: academic
- gallery: "yes"
- gallery_img: /assets/images/partners/ut-autin_lightgray.svg
- gallery_style: "vertical-align: middle;min-height: 3vh;max-height: 5vh;height:100%"
-- name: Citrix
- link: https://www.citrix.com/products/citrix-adc/
- desc: Citrix ADC is an application delivery and load balancing solution that provides a high-quality user experience for your web, traditional, and cloud-native applications regardless of where they are hosted. It comes in a wide variety of form factors and deployment options without locking you into a single cloud. Pooled capacity licensing enables the movement of capacity among cloud deployments.
- img: /assets/images/partners/citrix.svg
- style: "max-height: 7vh;vertical-align: middle;"
- visibility: ""
- type: technology
- gallery: "yes"
- gallery_img: /assets/images/partners/citrix_lightgray.svg
- gallery_style: "vertical-align: middle;min-height: 3vh;max-height: 6vh;height:100%"
-- name: Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)
- link: https://landscape.cncf.io/category=cncf-members&format=logo-mode&grouping=category&selected=layer5-member&embed=yes
- desc: |
- The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) hosts critical components of the global technology infrastructure. CNCF brings together the world’s
- top developers, end users, and vendors and runs the largest open source developer conferences. CNCF is part of the nonprofit Linux Foundation.
- img: /assets/images/partners/cncf-stacked-color.svg
- style: "max-height: 7vh;"
- visibility: ""
- type: technology
-- name: Google Summer of Code
- link: /gsoc/2020
- desc: |
- Google Summer of Code is a global program focused on bringing more student developers into open source software development. Students work with an open source organization on a 3 month programming project during their break from school.
- Learn more about our mentoring .
- img: /assets/images/partners/gsoc.svg
- style: "max-height: 7vh;"
- visibility: ""
- type: academic
-- name: HashiCorp
- link: https://www.hashicorp.com/integrations/layer5-io/consul
- desc: |
- HashiCorp is the leader in cloud infrastructure automation software. Our software stack enables the provisioning, securing, connecting, and running of apps and the infrastructure to support them. HashiCorp unlocks the cloud operating model for every business and enable their digital transformation strategies to succeed.
- img: /assets/images/partners/hashicorp_vertical_black.svg
- style: "max-height: 6vh;"
- visibility: ""
- type: technology
- gallery: "yes"
- gallery_img: /assets/images/partners/hashicorp_vertical_lightgray.svg
- gallery_style: "vertical-align: middle;min-height: 3.3vh;max-height: 6vh;height:100%"
-- name: HPE
- link: https://www.hpe.com
- desc: HPE GreenLake is an IT-as-a-service offering that brings the cloud experience to your on-premises infrastructure and unifies your edges, clouds, and data centers.
- img: /assets/images/partners/hpe_side_black.svg
- style: "width:105%;vertical-align: middle;"
- visibility: ""
- type: technology
- gallery: "yes"
- gallery_img: /assets/images/partners/hpe_side_lightgray.svg
- gallery_style: "vertical-align: middle;min-height: 3vh;max-height: 4vh;height:100%"
-- name: Istio
- link: https://istio.io/about/community/partners/
- desc: |
- Istio is an open source independent service mesh that provides the fundamentals you need to successfully run a distributed microservice architecture.
- Istio reduces complexity of managing microservice deployments by providing a uniform way to secure, connect, and monitor microservices.
- img: 
- style: "max-height: 4vw;"
- visibility: ""
- type: technology
-- name: Microsoft
- link: https://www.microsoft.com/
- desc: Microsoft Azure is an ever-expanding set of cloud services to help your organization meet your business challenges. It’s the freedom to build, manage, and deploy applications on a massive, global network using your favorite tools and frameworks.
- img: /assets/images/partners/microsft.svg
- style: "max-height: 4vw;"
- visibility: ""
- type: technology
-- name: Red Hat
- link: https://www.redhat.com
- desc: The world’s leading provider of enterprise open source solutions, using a community-powered approach to deliver high-performing Linux, cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies.
- img: /assets/images/partners/redhat.svg
- style: "height:100%;vertical-align: middle;"
- visibility: ""
- type: technology
- gallery: "yes"
- gallery_img: /assets/images/partners/redhat_lightgray.svg
- gallery_style: "vertical-align: middle;min-height: 3vh;max-height: 6vh;height:100%"
-- name: Service Mesh Interface
- link: https://smi-spec.io/
- desc: The Service Mesh Interface (SMI) is a specification for service meshes that run on Kubernetes. It defines a common standard that can be implemented by a variety of providers. This allows for both standardization for end-users and innovation by providers of Service Mesh Technology. It enables flexibility and interoperability.
- img: /assets/images/partners/smi1.png
- style: "max-height: 4vw;"
- visibility: ""
- type: technology
-- name: University of Engineering & Management Jaipur
- link: https://uem.edu.in/blog/what-is-open-source/
- desc: |
- We have officially partnered with the University of Engineering & Management (UEM), Jaipur. We thank the faculty of UEM Jaipur for partnering with us.
- As part of the partnership program we have a wide variety of interns from the univeristy participating in our open source projects.
- The interns have the opportunity to work on a variety of cloud native technologies. Based on the area of their individual interest they can choose the technologies they want to learn or sharpen their skills.
- To see the participating interns please checkout our community members page.
- img: /assets/images/partners/UEM_Logo.jpg
- style: "max-height: 7vh;"
- visibility: ""
- type: academic
- gallery: "yes"
- gallery_img: /assets/images/partners/uem_lightgray.svg
- gallery_style: "vertical-align: middle;min-height: 3vh;max-height: 5vh;height:100%"
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Come Work with Us
- If you’re a smart, curious person who can make contributions in and out of
- your areas of expertise, why not start now?
What is Layer5?
- The quickly growing Layer5 community represents the largest collection of
- service mesh projects and their maintainers in the world. Our projects establish
- industry standards and enable service developers, owners, and operators
- with repeatable patterns and best practices for managing all aspects of distributed services.
- Our shared commitment to the open source spirit push the Layer5 community and its projects forward.
- New members are always welcome.
Open Source Projects?
- Layer5 projects are open source software. Anyone can download, use, work
- on, and share it with others. It's built on principles like collaboration,
- globalism, and innovation. Layer5 projects are distributed under the terms
- of Apache v2.
- We believe that all contributors should expect and be part of a safe and
- friendly environment for constructive contribution. We can more
- effectively and successfully compare and challenge different ideas to find
- the best solutions for advancement, while building the size, diversity,
- and strength of our community.
- {% include careers/internships.html %}
diff --git a/_includes/careers/internships.html b/_includes/careers/internships.html
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Available Opportunities
-See our
careers page for more about Layer5.
- Internships
- The key component of these projects is our community of contributors. Some contributors intern under the Google Summer of Code program, while others intern unpaid directly with Layer5. Irrespective, your contributions will affect people you've never met as the Layer5 projects are being broadly referenced and used in organizations large and small. The Layer5 community includes software engineers, researchers, students, artists, system administrators, operators and web designers -- all of whom will be happy to help you get started.
We believe that all contributors should expect and be part of a safe and friendly environment for constructive contribution. We can more effectively and successfully compare and challenge different ideas to find the best solutions for advancement, while building the size, diversity, and strength of our community.
Participating Partners
- {% assign sorted = (site.careers | sort: 'title') %}
- {% for career in sorted %}
- {% if career.visibility != "hide" and career.type == "internship" %}
- {% if career.eurl %}
- {% else %}
- {% endif %}
- {{ career.excerpt }}
- {% endif %}
- {% endfor %}
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How to Apply
Submit your resume and a short cover letter to:
- jobs@layer5.io
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{{ page.title | escape }}
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--- a/_includes/collections/books-list.html
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- {% include collections/books.html %}
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--- a/_includes/collections/books.html
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@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- {% for book in site.books %} {% if book.visibility != "hide" %}
- {{book.brief}}
- {% endif %} {% endfor %}
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
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--- a/_includes/collections/events.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- {% assign sorted = (site.data.events | sort: 'date') | reverse %} {% for event
- in sorted %} {% if event.visibility != "hide" and event.type != "news" %}
- {% endif %} {% endfor %}
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/_includes/collections/news-list.html
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- {% include collections/news.html %}
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--- a/_includes/collections/news.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- {% assign sorted = (site.news | sort: 'date') | reverse %} {% for post in
- sorted %} {% if post.visibility != "hide" and post.type == "news" %}
- {% if post.eurl %}
- {% else %}
- {% endif %}
- {% assign date_format = site.minima.date_format | default: "%b %-d,
- %Y" %} {{ post.date | date: date_format }}
- {% endif %} {% endfor %}
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@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
- {% for workshop in site.data.sessions.workshops %} {% if workshop.status ==
- "delivered" %}
- {% if workshop.labs %}LABS {% endif %}
- {% if workshop.rurl %} | LAB RESOURCES
- {% endif %} {% if workshop.slides %} | SLIDES
- {% endif %} {% if workshop.slack %} | SLACK
- {% endif %} {% if workshop.status == "upcoming" %}
- Upcoming... {% endif %}
- {% endif %} {% endfor %}
-{% assign upcoming = site.data.sessions.workshops %} {% if upcoming.status ==
-"upcoming" %}
- {% endif %} {% for workshop in site.data.sessions.workshops %} {% if
- workshop.status == "upcoming" %}
- {% if workshop.labs %}LABS {% endif %}
- {% if workshop.rurl %} | LAB RESOURCES
- {% endif %} {% if workshop.slides %} | SLIDES
- {% endif %} {% if workshop.slack %} | SLACK
- {% endif %} {% if workshop.status == "upcoming" %}
- Upcoming... {% endif %}
- {% endif %} {% endfor %}
diff --git a/_includes/collections/portfolio_carousel.html b/_includes/collections/portfolio_carousel.html
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/_includes/collections/portfolio_carousel.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
- talks
{{ site.project_one }}
{{ site.project_one_description }}
- {% if site.project_two != nil %}
{{ site.project_two }}
{{ site.project_two_description }}
- {% endif %} {% if site.project_three != nil %}
{{ site.project_three }}
{{ site.project_three_description }}
- {% endif %} {% if site.project_four != nil %}
{{ site.project_four }}
{{ site.project_four_description }}
- {% endif %}
diff --git a/_includes/collections/posts-list.html b/_includes/collections/posts-list.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eff04b1fcbf..000000000000
--- a/_includes/collections/posts-list.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- {% include collections/posts.html %}
diff --git a/_includes/collections/posts.html b/_includes/collections/posts.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 13021745fe4d..000000000000
--- a/_includes/collections/posts.html
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@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- {% assign sorted = (site.blogs | sort: 'date') | reverse %} {% for post in
- sorted %} {% if post.visibility != "hide" and post.type != "news" %}
- {% assign date_format = site.minima.date_format | default: "%b %-d,
- %Y" %} {{ post.date | date: date_format }}
- by {{post.author}}
- {% endif %} {% endfor %}
-{% include collections/news-list.html %}
diff --git a/_includes/collections/programs-list.html b/_includes/collections/programs-list.html
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/_includes/collections/programs-list.html
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@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
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--- a/_includes/collections/programs.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- {% assign sorted = (site.programs | sort: 'date') | reverse %} {% for program
- in sorted %} {% if program.visibility != "hide" %}
- {% endif %} {% endfor %}
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--- a/_includes/collections/projects-list.html
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@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
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--- a/_includes/collections/projects.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- {% assign sorted = (site.projects | sort: 'title') %}
- {% for project in sorted %}
- {% if project.visibility != "hide" %}
- {% endif %} {% endfor %}
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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--- a/_includes/collections/workshops.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
- {% assign sorted = (site.workshops | sort: 'date') | reverse %} {% for
- workshop in sorted %}
- {% if workshop.labs %}LABS {% endif %}
- {% if workshop.rurl %} | LAB RESOURCES
- {% endif %} {% if workshop.slides %} | SLIDES
- {% endif %} {% if workshop.slack %} | SLACK
- {% endif %} {% if workshop.video %} | VIDEO
- {% endif %} {% if workshop.status == "upcoming" %}
- Upcoming... {% endif %}
- {% if forloop.last == true %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
diff --git a/_includes/community/community.html b/_includes/community/community.html
deleted file mode 100644
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-Largest collection of
- service mesh projects and their maintainers in the world
- We build projects
- to provide learning environments, deployment and operational best practices,
- performance benchmarks, create documentation, share networking
- opportunities, and more. Our shared commitment to the open source spirit
- pushes Layer5 projects forward. New members are always welcome.
Open Source Projects
- Layer5 projects are open source software. Anyone can download, use, work on,
- and share it with others. It's built on principles like collaboration,
- globalism, and innovation. Layer5 projects are distributed under the terms
- of Apache v2.
- We believe that all contributors should expect and be part of a safe and
- friendly environment for constructive contribution. We can more effectively
- and successfully compare and challenge different ideas to find the best
- solutions for advancement, while building the size, diversity, and strength
- of our community.
diff --git a/_includes/community/emeritus.html b/_includes/community/emeritus.html
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-It is inevitable, but there are times when someone may shift focuses, change jobs or step away from a specific area in the project for a time.
-These people may be domain experts over certain areas of the codebase, but can no longer dedicate the time needed to handle the responsibilities
-of reviewing and approving changes. They are encouraged to add themselves as an "emeritus" approver under the emeritus_approvers key.
-GitHub usernames listed under the emeritus_approvers key can no longer approve code (use the /approve command) and will be ignored by prow for assignment.
-However, it can still be referenced by a person looking at the OWNERS file for a possible second or more informed opinion.
-When a contributor returns to being more active in that area, they may be promoted back to a regular approver at the discretion of the current approvers.
diff --git a/_includes/community/meshmates-people.html b/_includes/community/meshmates-people.html
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-Our MeshMates
- {% assign sorted = (site.members | sort: 'date') %} {% for member
- in sorted %} {% if member.visibility != "hide" and member.meshmate %}
- {% endif %} {% endfor %}
diff --git a/_includes/community/meshmates-program.html b/_includes/community/meshmates-program.html
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-Pair with a MeshMate
Our Community Onboarding Program
- The Layer5 community is growing at a tremendous rate. No matter the size, we know that connection is what
- makes the Layer5 community different from any other community you join. Whether it is your first Layer5 meeting or your tenth
- contribution, as community organizers, we want to make sure you have a great time and are able to take advantage of all of the
- amazing learning, contributing, and community that Layer5 has to offer. In the Layer5 mentor program, we will match you with an
- awesome MeshMate so you have a connection and guide from the start.
Code of Conduct
- The comfort and safety of Layer5 community members is our priority. You must agree to the Code of Conduct to participate in the Layer5 community, and any
- violations of the Code of Conduct will be taken seriously. To report any violations please fill out this incident form.
What to Expect
- The program pairs experienced Layer5 community members with community newcomers to ensure a smooth onboarding experience. There
- is a lot going in the Layer5 community. Projects and working groups move fast. MeshMates are committed to helping their mentees
- in identifying an area of the projects to engage within, working groups to join, growing their Cloud Native knowledge, and network
- of relationships. By connecting one-on-one, MeshMates will share tips on how to have the best community experience possible.
- Meshtees are encouraged to get to know their MeshMate as soon as they are assigned (MeshMates and Mentees will be introduced in the
- Layer5 Slack). Help your MeshMate understand your current skills, ideal topics of learning, and areas of passion. Doing so will help
- them to point out various aspects of projects that you might find your first foothold.
Meeting Your MeshMate
- Slack’s video chat or Google Hangouts are both available for your use as tools for getting to know one another. While getting acquainted
- and onboarding into the community, we suggest the following goals.
- Get familiar with all of the projects - Spend time understanding each of the Layer5 initiatives through high level overviews available in the community drive and in discussion with your MeshMate.
- Identify your area of interest - Use time with your MeshMate to familiarize with the architecture and technologies used in the projects. Inform your MeshMate of your current skills and what skills you would like to develop.
- Run Meshery - Put on your user hat and walk-through all of Meshery’s features and functions as a user.
- Build Meshery - Confirm that you have a usable development environment.
- Contribute - Grab an open issue or suggest a new one.
diff --git a/_includes/contact.html b/_includes/contact.html
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Cookie Policy
- We use cookies on this website to track usage. By continuing to use this
- website, you agree to the use of cookies.
- For more information visit the
- Cookie Law Website.
diff --git a/_includes/customers.html b/_includes/customers.html
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/_includes/customers.html
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@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- {% for partner in site.data.partners %} {% if partner.visibility != "hide"
- and partner.gallery == "yes" %}
- {% endif %} {% endfor %}
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- Meshery is the multi-service mesh management plane
- The service mesh landscape compares service meshes
- A standard specification for service mesh performance
- A must-read for anyone looking to get started with Istio.
- Forrester: Layer5 Help Developers Focus On The Business
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