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Static Website Using Azure Blob Storage and CDN

Based on

This example configures Static website hosting in Azure Storage.

In addition to the Storage itself, a CDN is configured to serve files from the Blob container origin. This may be useful if you need to serve files via HTTPS from a custom domain (not shown in the example).

Running the App

  1. Create a new stack:

    $ pulumi stack init dev
  2. Login to Azure CLI (you will be prompted to do this during deployment if you forget this step):

    $ az login
  3. Create a Python virtualenv, activate it, and install dependencies:

    This installs the dependent packages needed for our Pulumi program.

    $ python3 -m venv venv
    $ source venv/bin/activate
    $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  4. Set the Azure region location to use:

    $ pulumi config set azure-native:location westus
  5. Run pulumi up to preview and deploy changes:

    $ pulumi up
    Previewing changes:
    Performing changes:
        + 9 created
    Duration: 2m52s
  6. Check the deployed website endpoint:

    $ pulumi stack output staticEndpoint
    $ curl "$(pulumi stack output staticEndpoint)"
            <h1>This file is served from Blob Storage (courtesy of Pulumi!)</h1>