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167 lines (128 loc) · 5.12 KB

File metadata and controls

167 lines (128 loc) · 5.12 KB


PHPUnit Coverage Status

This project is a CRUD demo written in PHP. It's goal is to build a simple reliable and fast developing API using :

This demo project is under development. See todolist below. I mention commits in front of todo items to see the minimum diff of code to produce to make it working.


Prerequisites :

Add this in your hosts file : mysql-fradoos fradoos.local

Then prepare folders :

mkdir -p build/log/apache2/fradoos.local
mkdir -p build/log/fradoos.local
mkdir -p build/data/fradoos
chmod -R 777 build/log

Launch containers :

composer start
# or
docker-compose up

Phpmyadmin is available at http://localhost:8090

But for the first time you will need to create tables and the the schema before running the examples.

composer update-db

To launch unit tests, check code style and flush out bugs, run

composer verify

CRUD client examples

Working Group CRUD

curl -XPOST fradoos.local:8080/workingGroup -d "name=ceo"
curl -XGET fradoos.local:8080/workingGroup/1
curl -XPUT fradoos.local:8080/workingGroup/1 -d "name=cto"
curl -XDELETE fradoos.local:8080/workingGroup/1

Create user adding a company

#create company
curl -XPOST fradoos.local:8080/company -d "name=bigbossindustry"
#create user with previous company
curl -XPOST fradoos.local:8080/user -d "name=toto&[email protected]&company=1"

Add working groups to user

curl -XPUT fradoos.local:8080/user/1 -d "name=toto&[email protected]&company=2&workingGroups[]=1&workingGroups[]=2"

Domain details

  • A user has a name and email, both are mandatory.
  • A user work in a company but not mandatory
  • A user can belong to many working groups
  • A working group can belong to many users
  • We can retrieve user's working groups, but not the opposite
  • A company has a name
  • A working group has a name

Folder structure


To store everything exposed to external potential clients. Here it's a HTTP API.

We use Presentations to choose the content type you need to return. Using JSON here.

GET reserved keyword

To lose HTTP data exchanges, we use a reserved keyword fields in GET parameters to filter properties the client needs. Example :

curl -XGET fradoos.local:8080/user?fields=id

curl -XGET fradoos.local:8080/user?fields=id,name

If no fields is specified, all specified default properties are returned.

Swagger docs

Of course, swagger doc is presented through /api-docs.


Here we find the logic, very important : the doctrine entities and interfaces to discuss from Application and Infrastructure to Domain.


We don't put the mapping between entities and ORM in annotations in Domain entities. Instead they are in Infrastructure/Repository/Doctrine/Mapping. So if we need to change Doctrine by something else, Domain entites stay the same.


You can disable the launch of a sql server in docker and use an alternative.

# to launch only unit tests
composer test-unit
# you need mysql running for infrastructure tests
composer test-infra
# to launch all tests
composer test

Composer Scripts

Mutliple composer scripts to help daily tasks.


Click on commit id to see changes

  • 75eddfe Upgrade slimframework
  • 75eddfe Upgrade Doctrine orm
  • 75eddfe Upgrade PHPUnit
  • Add specifications
  • f6c467e Implement MessageLog class
  • Use abstraction of databases to test Infrastructure, perhaps sqlite in memory
  • Add entities history change management
  • Add flyway to automatically maintain database structure with new entities in other environments than local
  • Add Doctrine Second Level Cache
  • Mermaid class diagram
  • Update after all todos

Add more entities to show links using doctrine

  • 1b92c10 ManyToOne
  • OneToMany
  • 5eff472 Simple CRUD : associated with ManyToMany below
  • 8a7584f ManyToMany
  • Inheritance