diff --git a/questionpy_sdk/webserver/question_ui/__init__.py b/questionpy_sdk/webserver/question_ui/__init__.py
index 5acd59a..db41c5c 100644
--- a/questionpy_sdk/webserver/question_ui/__init__.py
+++ b/questionpy_sdk/webserver/question_ui/__init__.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
from questionpy_common.api.attempt import DisplayRole
from questionpy_sdk.webserver.question_ui.errors import (
+ DuplicateNameError,
@@ -594,6 +595,7 @@ def collect(self) -> RenderErrorCollection:
+ self._check_input_names()
return self.errors
@@ -740,3 +742,42 @@ def _look_for_unknown_qpy_elements_and_attributes(self) -> None:
if unknown_attributes:
unknown_attribute_error = UnknownAttributeError(element=element, attributes=unknown_attributes)
+ def _check_input_names(self) -> None:
+ """Check if there are only valid input names.
+ Duplicate input names are only allowed for `checkbox` and `radio` elements, but only when their types match and
+ they have different values.
+ """
+ # Maps element name to the reference element and the values.
+ name_map: dict[str, tuple[etree._Element, set[str]]] = {}
+ for current_element in _assert_element_list(
+ self._xpath("(//xhtml:button | //xhtml:input | //xhtml:select | //xhtml:textarea)[@name]")
+ ):
+ # Get name, type, and value of the current element.
+ name = str(current_element.attrib["name"])
+ current_type = current_element.get("type", "text")
+ current_value = current_element.get("value", "on")
+ if name not in name_map:
+ # This name has not been used yet by other elements.
+ name_map[name] = (current_element, {current_value})
+ continue
+ # Get type and values of the other element(s) with the same name.
+ other_element, values = name_map[name]
+ other_type = other_element.get("type", "text")
+ if current_type not in {"checkbox", "radio"}:
+ # Duplicate names are not allowed for other elements.
+ error = DuplicateNameError(element=current_element, name=name, other_element=other_element)
+ self.errors.insert(error)
+ continue
+ # Check that the types match and the value is unique.
+ if other_type != current_type or current_value in values:
+ error = DuplicateNameError(element=current_element, name=name, other_element=other_element)
+ self.errors.insert(error)
+ else:
+ values.add(current_value)
diff --git a/questionpy_sdk/webserver/question_ui/errors.py b/questionpy_sdk/webserver/question_ui/errors.py
index c615244..579ecff 100644
--- a/questionpy_sdk/webserver/question_ui/errors.py
+++ b/questionpy_sdk/webserver/question_ui/errors.py
@@ -27,6 +27,16 @@ def _format_human_readable_list(values: Collection[str], opening: str, closing:
return opening + f"{closing}, {opening}".join(values) + f"{closing} and {last_value}"
+def _element_representation(element: etree._Element) -> str:
+ # Return the whole element if it is a PI.
+ if isinstance(element, etree._ProcessingInstruction):
+ return str(element)
+ # Create the prefix of an element. We do not want to keep 'html' as a prefix.
+ prefix = f"{element.prefix}:" if element.prefix and element.prefix != "html" else ""
+ return prefix + etree.QName(element).localname
class RenderError(ABC):
"""Represents a generic error which occurred during rendering."""
@@ -76,7 +86,7 @@ class RenderElementError(RenderError, ABC):
def _message(self, *, as_html: bool) -> str:
(opening, closing) = ("", "
") if as_html else ("'", "'")
- template_kwargs = {"element": f"{opening}{self.element_representation}{closing}"}
+ template_kwargs = {"element": f"{opening}{_element_representation(self.element)}{closing}"}
for key, values in self.template_kwargs.items():
collection = {values} if isinstance(values, str) else values
@@ -92,16 +102,6 @@ def message(self) -> str:
def html_message(self) -> str:
return self._message(as_html=True)
- @property
- def element_representation(self) -> str:
- # Return the whole element if it is a PI.
- if isinstance(self.element, etree._ProcessingInstruction):
- return str(self.element)
- # Create the prefix of an element. We do not want to keep 'html' as a prefix.
- prefix = f"{self.element.prefix}:" if self.element.prefix and self.element.prefix != "html" else ""
- return prefix + etree.QName(self.element).localname
def line(self) -> int | None:
"""Original line number as found by the parser or None if unknown."""
@@ -234,6 +234,22 @@ def __init__(self, element: etree._Element, attributes: Collection[str]):
+class DuplicateNameError(RenderElementError):
+ """Invalid duplicate input name."""
+ def __init__(self, element: etree._Element, name: str, other_element: etree._Element):
+ super().__init__(
+ element=element,
+ template="{element} should not have the same name ({name}) like {other_element} at line {line}.",
+ template_kwargs={
+ "name": name,
+ "other_element": _element_representation(other_element),
+ "line": str(other_element.sourceline or "?"),
+ },
+ )
class XMLSyntaxError(RenderError):
"""Syntax error while parsing the XML."""
diff --git a/tests/questionpy_sdk/webserver/test_data/faulty.xhtml b/tests/questionpy_sdk/webserver/test_data/faulty.xhtml
index 99a7ebb..a94f237 100644
--- a/tests/questionpy_sdk/webserver/test_data/faulty.xhtml
+++ b/tests/questionpy_sdk/webserver/test_data/faulty.xhtml
@@ -14,5 +14,7 @@