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Acta2 Actg2 Adamts1 Adamts13 Adamts15 Adamts2 Alb Aldh1a1 Angpt2 Apoa4 Bambi Bmp2 Bmp6 Btg2 Casp2 Casp3 Ccl2 Ccl3 Ccnd1 Cdkn1a Ch25h Cnr2 Col14a1 Col1a1 Col1a2 Col3a1 Col4A1 Col4A2 Col8a1 Csf1 Csrp2 Cxcl1 Cxcl12 Cxcl2 Cyp1a1 Cyp2e1 Dcn Dll1 Egr1 Ezh2 Fap Fas Fgf1 Fgf7 Fibin Fn1 Fosb Foxf1 Frzb Fzd2 Gapdh Gfap Gsk3b Hgf Il10 Il1a Il1r1 Il6 Irf1 Itga8 Klf10 Klf6 Lama2 Lrat Mmp2 Mmp3 Nfkb2 Notch1 Pdgfb Pdgfd Ppara Rara Rbp1 Rbp2 Serpine1 Serpinh1 Smad1 Smad3 Smad4 Smad7 Socs2 Socs3 Spp1 Stat1 Stat3 Tal1 Tgfb1 Tgfb2 Tgfbr2 Timp2 Tnf Tnfr1 Ubqln1 Vegfb Wls Wnt5b