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nyap edited this page Apr 16, 2012 · 10 revisions

Rough list of PyCon Canada ideas based on notes from the original meeting.

Build the Canadian Python community. Work together to bring great content to PyCon 2014/15.

  • Skills
  • Visibility
  • Community
  • Conference content (presentation ideas)


Build technical/non-technical skills

  • Presentation and meeting coordination skills (more below under community building)
  • Python core mentorship program

Visibility and recognition

  • Help members to showcase themselves
  • Get recognition for what you've done as a dev
  • Open source contributions (possibly the StackExchange "resume" would be a good model?)
  • List (personal and professional) mentors and "mentees"
  • Talks given (ex, at Django Toronto); including slides and videos
  • "Profiles" (nothing noted vis what the specifics could be)
  • profiles a dev in NY every few days


Building and connecting local communities

* (Facilitate/host) per-city portals
* Building the Toronto community. Support devs in TO to bring them up to a level where they could speak at PyCon (North America)
* Support for building your own local community
     * Checklist for running events (ex: "people will eat/drink about this much", etc)
     * At events/meetings, have moderators who know the material (to be presented on); they can give feedback (public or private), start an intelligent (public) discussion of the topic.
     * Trusted members of the community who can give private feedback after talks (vis how the speaker could improve)
* Web site for PyCon Canada
    * Build around slides and videos
    * Get videos (hosted) on PyVideo
  • Conference content
    • Brainstorm and provide feedback on what we can present
      • Work-related
      • Open source
      • Ideas from schools / building future Devs
        • How are post-secondary schools teaching Python? What are students interested in? What's going on at the high school level?
      • Lessons form outside Python world that can be applied to Python world
    • Suggestions for Canadian keynote speaker
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