A tool for streamlining recurring lightning payments. Weekly pocket money for your kids? Perhaps a subscription or a regular donation? Up to you!
You need to have a gRPC API access to LND lightning node you want to spend from, which includes a macaroon and a cert file.
Download the archive from the release page, optionally verify the signature, extract it, create the config.yaml
with your configuration and run the executable. Or you can clone the repository and build it yourself. Or you can run it in docker.
Optional CLI parameters:
--config-path <path>
--log-path <path>
- Import gpg key.
gpg --keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org --recv-keys 54650F2C495A04B2927EDF729936610A65758899
- Verify signature.
gpg --verify lnrecc-*.sha256.txt.sig
MUST sayGood signature
- Verify hashes.
shasum -a 256 --ignore-missing --check lnrecc-*.sha256.txt
MUST saylnrecc-*.tar.gz OK
macaroon_path: "/home/my-user/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/admin.macaroon"
cert_path: "/home/my-user/.lnd/tls.cert"
server_url: "https://localhost:10009"
- name: "My first job"
schedule: "0 30 9,12,15 1,15 May-Aug Mon,Wed,Fri 2018/2"
amount_sats: 10000
ln_address_or_lnurl: "[email protected]"
max_fee_sats: 5
memo: "Scheduled payment coming your way!"
Currently, server_url
mustn't be an IP address, otherwise you run into InvalidDNSNameError
. If lnd is not running locally and you don't have a domain name for it, add <ip address> lnd
to your /etc/hosts
and then in config.yaml use server_url: "https://lnd:10009"
is a cron-like syntax extended by seconds field (first one) and optionally also year. Here are a few examples:
0 * * * * *
run every minute0 */5 * * * *
run every 5 minutes0 30 12 * * *
run every day at 12:30 PM0 0 9 * * 1
run every Monday at 9:00 AM0 0 6 1 * *
run on the first of every month at 6:00 AM
All job times are currently in UTC.
- Ability to spend from Core Lightning
- Bolt12
- Posibility to set up notifications after every payment
- Specify timezones
- Whatever else comes up
Open to PRs!