Release version history and feature overview
- Added latest v0.9.x web crawler code
- Added temporary warning message when trying to activate non-working web lenses
- Fixed broken relay search
- Fixed various lens upload and cache import bugs
- Fixed 404 requests for WEBP images
- Fixed missing config option for crawler timeout
- Fixed bug where web lenses would not be marked as such
- New upload API to import modified lenses
- New cache import option to allow overwriting of existing lenses
- New config options to control search timeout, caching and share urls
- Fixed broken web search (no lenses showing)
- Updated npm packages
- Fixed lens placeholder image bug
- New config option to enable placeholder images (default: disabled)
- Updated sharp library
- Upgrade to MySQL 8.0.x for out of the box macOS ARM support
- Node 14 code compatibility (Node 16 is still the default)
- Migration of .env application settings to config.yml
- Fixed small bug with .webp to .png image conversion
- Updated npm packages
- Fixed an issue where UUID's and some share URL's would not return a search result
- New configuration file
for relay url's - Relay Timeout handling and better search result experience
- Updated npm packages
- Storage server would point to wrong IP if server was hosted on remote computer
- New web crawler to download Lenses from
- Search by creator URL's e.g. =>
- Relay server with backed up Snap Lenses is now fully optional
- Better control over disk space usage with new
settings - New automatic database migration
- Reworked code and performance optimizations
- Bug fixes
- Added missing nginx CORS headers for cache import
- Auto download of missing images improved
- Windows gencert.bat script is now included with PATH detection
- Added Video Tutorial Links
- Fix for example.env default values
- Small bug fixes
- New import API to add missing lenses from your own application cache
- e.g. %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Snap\Snap Camera\cache\lenses
- New editable media file templates for lens customization
- Adminer Docker image is now included to manage lens information easily
- Changed database schema to add custom hashtags to your lenses
- New search by custom hashtags e.g. => #funny, #makeup
- New nginx server theme to browse stored files easily
- Featured, top and category lenses will be auto downloaded right after server start
- Reworked code and performance optimizations
- Bug fixes
- New completely revised Docker port
- New nginx file/web server storage system (removed S3 Storage solution)
- Changed database schema to include UUID of lenses
- Improved search functionality to find Snap Lenses easier
- Search by lens ID e.g. => 47655570879
- Search by hash/UUID e.g. => 93776b3a994440c4b069b5c61ae352eb
- Search by link share URL e.g. =>
- Search by creator name without special syntax e.g. => Snap Inc
- Auto backup of featured, top and category lenses to serve files locally
- Support for new image and snapcode URL's
- New dynamic server relay system
- Removed dead code relying on
- The category thumbnails are now included in the project
- Included script to generate local SSL certificate