Download firmware from
Flash to the Pi's micro SD using the PI's imager.
Default networking will be configured to
Navigate to No password to start with.
Go to System -> Administration -> set password
Naviate to System -> Administration -> SSH Access
- Set interface to lan
- Turn off password authentication
- Turn off allow root logins with password
- Turn off Gateway ports
- Save.
Navigate to System -> Administration -> SSH Keys
- Add the public key as needed
Naviate to Network -> Interfaces -> LAN -> Edit
- Change IPv4 address to (for example)
- Change DNS to Cloudflare's &
- Save, and again on the interfaces page. Might need to re-acquire the DHCP lease on the client side.
Navigate to Network -> Wireless
- Disable the "ROOter 5G" SSID. This should also disable the Wifi radio.
Navigate to System -> System -> General Settings
- Set time zone to America/Chicago
- Save & Apply
Navigate to Modem -> Connection Profile
Configure Default Profile
- Set APN to
- Save & Apply
Navigate to Network -> Firewall -> Custom TTL
- Click Enabled
- Set TTL Value to 64 (or whatever is needed, maybe 65)
- Save & Apply