This is not an exhaustive documentation of all the existing AWS Services. These are summarized notes for the AWS Certifications.
To see the complete documentation, please go to: AWS documentation
- Integration and Messaging
- SQS - Simple Queue Service
- SNS - Simple Notification Service
- AWS Kinesis
- Summary - SQS vs SNS vs Kinesis
- Amazon MQ
When we start deploying multiple applications, they will inevitable result in the necessity to communicate with one another
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There are 2 types of integration communication patterns:
- Synchronous communication
- Asynchronous communication
Synchronous communication between applications can eb problematic if there are sudden spikes of traffic
As a solution, decouple your applications
Application decoupling models:
- SQS: queue model
- SNS: pub/sub model
- Kinesis: real-time streaming model
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- Oldest offering on AWS (over 10 years old)
- Fully managed service, used to decouple applications
- Can have duplicate messages (at least once delivery)
- Can have out of order messages (best effort ordering)
- Attributes:
- Unlimited throughput
- Unlimited number of messages in the queue
- Each message is short leaved:
- default retention period is 4 days
- maximum is 14 days
- Low latency:
- <10 ms on publish and receive
- Limitation for message size:
- maximum size of a message is 256KB
- Delaying a message means the consumers wont be able to see the message for a period of time after it was sent. Delay time can be up to 15 minutes
- Delay can be set at a queue level or tt also can be set to message level using the DelaySeconds parameter
- FIFO - First In First Out
- The messages will be ordered in the queue, meaning that the messages will be consumed in the same order as they were sent
- FIFO queues have limited throughput: 300 msg/s without batching, 3000 msg/s with batching
- Exactly-once send capability (by activating content-based deduplication)
- The name of the FIFO queue must end with the
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- Producers send messages to the queue using the SDK (SendMessage API)
- The message is persisted on the queue until a consumer deletes it
- Message retention: default 4 days, up to 14 days
- SQS standard has unlimited throughput
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- Consumers are applications (running on EC2 instances, other servers or AWS Lambda)
- Consumers poll the queue for messages (they can receive up to 10 messages at a time)
- After the messages are processed the consumers delete the messages from the queue using DeleteMessage API
- Multiple consumers:
- Consumers receive the messages in parallel
- Each consumer consumes a fraction of the number of the messages sent
- We can scale the number of the consumers based on the throughput of processing
- SQS with Auto Scaling Group:
- We can scale based on the ApproximateNumberOfMessages metric by creating a CloudWatch alarm
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- After a message is polled by a consumer, it becomes invisible to other consumers
- Default message visibility timeout is 30 seconds, which means the consumer has 30 seconds to process the message
- After the message visibility timeout is over, the message becomes visible to other consumers
- If the processing is not finished during the visibility timeout, there is a chance the message will be processed twice
- If a consumer knows that the processing wont finish in time, it can use the ChangeVisibility API to request more time
- If the message visibility timeout is high and the processing fails, it may take a long time for the message to be processed again
- If the visibility timeout it too short, we may end up processing the same message twice
- Best practice: the visibility timeout should be set to something appropriate. The consumer must be implemented in a way to use the ChangeVisibility API
- If a consumer fails to process a message within the visibility timeout, the messages goes back to the queue. This can happen multiple times.
- We can set a MaximumReceives threshold, which denotes how many time a message should be able to go back to the queue
- If the MaximumReceives threshold is exceeded, the message is sent to a dead letter queue
- DLQs are useful for debugging
- We have to make sure the messages are processed in DLQ before expiring. It is not a good idea to set a short expiration time for the DLQ
- When a consumer requests messages from the queue, it can optionally wait for messages to arrive if there are none in the queue
- Long polling decreases the number of API calls made to SQS while increasing efficiency
- Wait time can be between 1 sec to 20 sec
- Long polling is preferable than short polling
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Allows scaling the number of EC2 instances based on the available messages in the queue
- In order to accomplish auto scaling we have to create a CloudWatch custom metric representing the number of available messages on the queue divided by the number of EC2 instances. - This metric is pushed from an EC2 instance
If the variable goes above the threshold value, this may mean:
- there are many messages, or
- there are nt enough instances to process those messages.
When we set the threshold value, we can set maybe set TWO ALARMS
- when variable is below threshold value
- when variable is above threshold value
When the variable goes above the threshold value, then alarms are breached and it will do the following:
- Cloudwatch alarm can be assigned with a scaling policy on your ASG.
- It can scale your ASG accordingly.
- Message size limit is 256KB, how to send large messages?
- For this, use SQS Extended CLient (Java library)
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- For standard SQS queues there is no data ordering
- For SQS FIFO, if we don't use a Group ID, messages are consumed in the order they are sent, with only one consumer
- Messages can be group by specifying a Group ID for the message
- For each group we can have different consumers, which will read messages in order
- In-flight encryption using HTTPS
- At-rest encryption using KMS
- Client-side encryption if the client wants to perform encryption/decryption itself
Access Control
- IAM policies to regulate access to the SQS API
SQS Access Policies
- Useful for cross-account access to SQS queues
- Useful for allowing other services (SNS, S3) to write to an SQS queue
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- Pub/Sub model
- The event produces only sends messages to one SNS topic
- Each subscriber to the topic will get all the messages be default (we can filter them, if we want)
- We can have up to 10 million subscribers per topic
- We cave up to 100K topics
- Subscribers to the topic can be:
- Lambda
- Emails
- SMS messages
- Mobile Notifications
- CloudWatch (for alarms)
- Auto Scaling Groups notifications
- S3 (bucket events)
- CloudFormation (state changes)
How to publish?
- In order to publish we must create a topic using the SDK
- We may create one or many subscriptions
- We publish data to the topic
Direct Publish (for mobile apps SDK)
- Create a platform application
- Create a platform endpoint
- Publish to the platform endpoint
- Works with Google GCM, Apple APNS, Amazon ADM
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- Send a message to multiple SQS queues using SNS
- Push one in SNS, receive in all SQS queues which are subscribers
- Fully decouples, no data loss
- SQS allows for data persistance, delayed processing and retries of work
- Ability to add more SQS subscribers over time
- SQS queues must have an allow access policy for SNS to be able to write to the queues
- SNS cannot send messages to SQS FIFO queues (AWS limitation)!
Use case
- Send S3 events to multiple queues
- For the same combination of even type and prefix we can only have one S3 Event rule
- In case we want to send the same S3 event to many SQS queues, we must use SNS fan-out
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It is a big data stream tool, which allows to stream application logs, metrics, IoT data, click streams, etc.
- Kinesis is a managed alternative to Apache Kafka
- Compatible with many streaming frameworks (Spark, NiFi, etc.)
- Data is automatically replicated to 3 AZ
- Kineses offers 3 types of products:
- Kinesis Streams: low latency streaming ingest at scale
- Kinesis Analytics: perform real-time analytics on streams using SQL
- Kinesis Firehose: load streams into S3, Redshift, ElasticSearch
- Streams are divided in ordered Shards/Partitions
- For higher throughput we can increase the size of the shards
- Data retention is 1 day by default, can go up to 365 days
- Kinesis Streams provides the ability to reprocess/replay the data
- Multiple applications can consume the same stream, this enables real-time processing with scale of throughput
- Kinesis is not a database, once the data is inserted, it can not be deleted
Kinesis Stream Shards
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- One stream is made of many different shards
- 1MB/s or 1000 messages at write PER SHARD
- 2MB/s read PER SHARD
- Billing is done per shard provisioned, we can have as many shards as we want as long as we accept the cost
- Ability to batch the messages per calls
- The number of shards can evolve over time (reshard/merge)
- Records are ordered per shard!
- Fully managed service, no administration required, provides automatic scaling, it is basically serverless
- Used for load data into Redshift, S3, ElasticSearch and Splunk
- It is Near Real Time: 60 seconds latency minimum for non full batches or minimum 32 MB of data at a time
- Supports many data formats, conversions, transformation and compression
- Pay for the amount of data going through Firehose
Kinesis Data Streams vs, Firehose
- Streams:
- Requires to write custom code (producer/consumer)
- Real time (~200 ms)
- Must manage scaling (shard splitting / merging)
- Can store data into stream, data can be stored from 1 to 7 days
- Data can be read by multiple consumers
- Firehose:
- Fully managed, sends data to S3, Redshift, Splunk, ElasticSearch
- Serverless, data transformation can be done with Lambda
- Near real time
- Scales automatically
- It provides no data storage
- Can take data from Kinesis Data Streams and Kinesis Firehose and perform some queries on it
- It can perform real-time analytics using SQL
- Kinesis Data Analytics properties:
- Automatically scales
- Managed: no servers to provision
- Continuous: analytics are done in real time
- Pricing: pay per consumption rate
- It can create streams out of real-time queries
- Data must be sent form the PutRecords API to a partition key
- Data with the same key goes to the same partition (helps with ordering for a specific key)
- Messages sent get a sequence number
- Partition key must be highly distributed in order to avoid hot partitions
- In order to reduce costs, we can use batching with PutRecords API
- It the limits are reached, we get a ProvisionedThroughputException
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- ProvisionedThroughputException Exceptions:
- Happens when the data value exceeds the limit exposed by the shard
- In order to avoid the, we have to make sure we don't have hot partitions
- Solutions:
- Retry with back-off
- Increase shards (scaling)
- Ensure the partition key is good
- Consumers can use CLI or SDK, or the Kinesis Client Library (in Java, Node, Python, Ruby, .Net)
- Kinesis Client Library (KCL) uses DynamoDB to checkpoint offsets
- KCL uses DynamoDB to track other workers and share work amongst shards
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Sending data:
aws kinesis help
aws kinesis list-streams help
aws kinesis list-streams
aws kinesis describe-streams help
aws kinesis describe-streams --stream-name <name>
## example
aws kinesis put-record --stream-name eden-stream-1 --data "Hello world. Please sign up." --partition-key user_123
aws kinesis put-record --stream-name eden-stream-1 --data "User has sign up." --partition-key user_123
aws kinesis put-record --stream-name eden-stream-1 --data "Registration complete." --partition-key user_123
Retrieving records:
aws kinesis help
aws kinesis get-shard-iterator help
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aws kinesis get-shard-iterator --stream-name <name> --shard-id <shard id> --shard-iterator-type TRIM_HORIZON
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aws kinesis get-records help
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- Control access / authorization using IAM policies
- Encryption in flight using HTTPS endpoints
- Encryption at rest using KMS
- Possibility to encrypt/decrypt data client side
- VPC Endpoints available for Kinesis to be access within VPCs
- Data with the same partition key goes to the same shard
- Data is ordered per shard
- Consumers pull data
- Data is deleted after being consumed
- Can have many consumers as we want
- No need to provision throughput
- No ordering guarantee in case of standard queues
- Capability to delay individual messages
- Pub/Sub: publish data to many subscribers
- We can have up to 10 million subscribers per topic
- Data is not persisted (it is lost if not delivered)
- Up to 10k topics per account
- No need to provision throughput
- Integrates with SQS for fan-out architecture
Kinesis Data Streams
- Consumers "pull data"
- We can have as many consumers as we want
- Possibility to replay data
- Recommended for real-time big data analytics and ETL
- Ordering happens at the shard level
- Data expires after X days
- Must provision throughput
- SQS and SNS are cloud-native, they are using proprietary protocols from AWS
- Traditional application running on on-premise may use queues with open protocols such as: MQTT, AMQP, STOMP, Openwire, WSS
- When migrating to cloud instead of re-engineering the application to SQS or SNS, we can use Amazon MQ
- Amazon MQ is basically managed Apache ActiveMQ
- Amazon MQ does not scale as much as SQS/SNS
- It runs on a dedicated machine, can urn in HA with failover
- It has both queue anf topic features