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Auctions Core

Set of typescript functions, tests and simulation to work with MakerDAO auctions.


In order to run create specific situations relevant to the Maker auctions:

  1. Create core/.env file with required env variables (see the list below)
  2. Start RPC node and the simulation via a single command npm run simulate
  3. Select desired simulation from the list
  4. Connect to the created RPC endpoint using frontend or the bot

Environment Variables

  • REMOTE_RPC_URL: (required for tests, simulations) Ethereum RPC url with access to historical data. Used by hardhat to fetch relevant block data
  • LOCAL_RPC_URL: (optional, default http://localhost:8545) Hardhat RPC url. Used by tests and simulations

Collateral onboarding

The process of adding new collaterals depends on the token type used. This is due collateral token address as well as related contract addresses (such as clip and calc) are always up to date, as our library fetches current contract addresses from the chainlog contract.

  1. Adding standard ERC-20 collateral is straightforward and consists of only one step.

    1. Add collateral configuration to the COLLATERALS.ts
  2. Adding other types of tokens (which require separate callee contract):

    1. Determine the name of the new callee, eg UniswapV2CalleeDai
    2. Extend CalleeAddresses type in the types.ts using the name from 1.
    3. Add addresses of the callee for all supported networks in CALLEES.ts
    4. Add collateral configuration to the COLLATERALS.ts
    5. Add new exchange file to the calleeFunctions folder
      • The file should be named using the name from 1.
      • The file should export CalleeFunctions
      • The file should be imported in the calleeFunctions/index.ts
  3. Adding price oracle configurations for the token:

    1. Get the source code of the price oracle contract:
      • read value ilks(collateralType) from Spot contract via "Read Contract" tabl - and receive the address of the oracle for the specified collateral. The linked conract is responsible for updating the unit prices for collaterals.
    2. Read the contract and determine the slot address of the variable:
    3. Extend collateral config with the proper slot addresses.
    4. If needed, add the oracle type to types file if the existing types are not sufficient to cover for the set of values you need.
  4. Run npm run collateral:onboard to run the script that helps to choose the oracle config.

    • when the script outputs the json with the config, add it to the oracle key of the collateral configuration in COLLATERALS.ts
    • if the script terminates with an error, please submit the report to the repository at via an issue so that the support could be added.
    • Read more about the collateral oracle configurations at ./

Collateral oracle configs

Each collateral has the source where its price is fetched from. These values are stored on the blockchain, however they are not exposed via public access methods. This forces the tool to use direct access to the contract's memory in order to fetch the price. Sadly, there is no 100% certain way to tell wether the fetched value is the one that is being looked for. Therefore this functionality has to be configured direcly by the development team.

Configurations include the following information:

  • wether price oracle records the future price and waits for some time before updating the current price with the next one. This allows the keepers to have time to react to the market condition changes. For example, one is able to catch a moment and reduce the vault's debt and prevent it from being liquidated after the collateral price has gone down dramatically.
  • where in the memory the price (next or current) is stored. The contract's memory is split into "blocks" that are called slots.
  • Value offsets: since the slots are of fixed size (in Bytes), some variables that contract uses might occupy not all the provided by the slot memory. To be more efficient, solidity contracts can store several variables in the single slot. Therefore offsets are needed in some cases so that it is possible to tell where exactly to look for the variable value. In other words: slot number and offset in bytes specifies the variable location precisely.

As of the state of mainnet on block 15582667: there're two possible configurations and therefore two possible ways to extract the collateral prices from the contract.