diff --git a/_apps/semantic-pull-requests.md b/_apps/semantic-pull-requests.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f034dcd4859..00000000000
--- a/_apps/semantic-pull-requests.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-title: Semantic Pull Requests
-description: Status check that ensures your pull requests follow the
- Conventional Commits spec
-slug: semantic-pull-requests
- - https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2289/42729629-110812b6-8793-11e8-8c35-188b0952fd66.png
- - https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2289/42729632-11980b32-8793-11e8-9f8d-bf16c707f542.png
- - zeke
- - bkeepers
-repository: probot/semantic-pull-requests
-host: https://probot-semantic-pull-requests.herokuapp.com
-stars: 1215
-updated: 2022-05-30 08:16:45 UTC
- - electron
- - ant-design
- - antvis
- - nuxt
- - react-navigation
- - agalwood
- - NativeScript
- - influxdata
- - prisma-labs
- - wagerfield
-> GitHub status check that ensures your pull requests follow the Conventional Commits spec
-Using [semantic-release](https://github.com/semantic-release/semantic-release)
-and [conventional commit messages](https://conventionalcommits.org)? Install this
-app on your repos to ensure your pull requests are semantic before you merge them.
-## How it works
-Take this PR for example. None of the commit messages are semantic, nor is the PR title, so the status remains yellow:
-Edit the PR title by adding a semantic prefix like `fix: ` or `feat: ` or any other
-[conventional commit type](https://github.com/commitizen/conventional-commit-types/blob/master/index.json). Now use `Squash and Merge` to squash the branch onto master and write a standardized commit message while doing so:
-## Installation
-👉 [github.com/apps/semantic-pull-requests](https://github.com/apps/semantic-pull-requests)
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