diff --git a/extension.js b/extension.js
index 27e81dc..38ee10b 100644
--- a/extension.js
+++ b/extension.js
@@ -116,11 +116,7 @@ function getStyle(isIcon = false) {
function byteArrayToString(bytes) {
- if (global.TextDecoder) {
- return new TextDecoder().decode(bytes);
- }
- return imports.byteArray.toString(bytes);
+ return new TextDecoder().decode(bytes);
function initNsLabels() {
@@ -405,6 +401,15 @@ export default class NetSpeedSimplifiedExtension extends Extension {
disable() {
currentSettings = null;
settings = null;
+ usLabel = null;
+ dsLabel = null;
+ tsLabel = null;
+ tdLabel = null;
+ usIcon = null;
+ dsIcon = null;
+ tsIcon = null;
+ tdIcon = null;
diff --git a/metadata.json b/metadata.json
index cdaff56..4732c0b 100644
--- a/metadata.json
+++ b/metadata.json
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@
"url": "https://github.com/prateekmedia/netspeedsimplified",
"uuid": "netspeedsimplified@prateekmedia.extension",
- "version": 40
+ "version": 41
diff --git a/prefs.js b/prefs.js
index 7c56a13..a5cf463 100644
--- a/prefs.js
+++ b/prefs.js
@@ -1,249 +1,250 @@
-import Gtk from 'gi://Gtk';
-import Gdk from 'gi://Gdk';
-import { ExtensionPreferences, gettext as _ } from 'resource:///org/gnome/Shell/Extensions/js/extensions/prefs.js';
-import * as Config from 'resource:///org/gnome/Shell/Extensions/js/misc/config.js';
-const ShellVersion = parseFloat(Config.PACKAGE_VERSION)
+import Gtk from 'gi://Gtk'
+import Gdk from 'gi://Gdk'
+import { ExtensionPreferences, gettext as _ } from 'resource:///org/gnome/Shell/Extensions/js/extensions/prefs.js'
+// import * as Config from 'resource:///org/gnome/Shell/Extensions/js/misc/config.js'
+// const ShellVersion = parseFloat(Config.PACKAGE_VERSION)
const schema = "org.gnome.shell.extensions.netspeedsimplified"
-export default class NetSpeedSimplifiedPreferences extends ExtensionPreferences {
- getPreferencesWidget() {
- let settings = this.getSettings(schema);
- window._settings = settings;
- let currentSettings
- function fetchSettings() {
- currentSettings = {
- refreshtime: settings.get_double('refreshtime'),
- mode: settings.get_int('mode'),
- fontmode: settings.get_int('fontmode'),
- togglebool: settings.get_boolean('togglebool'),
- isvertical: settings.get_boolean('isvertical'),
- chooseiconset: settings.get_int('chooseiconset'),
- limitunit: settings.get_int('limitunit'),
- reverseindicators: settings.get_boolean('reverseindicators'),
- lockmouseactions: settings.get_boolean('lockmouseactions'),
- minwidth: settings.get_double('minwidth'),
- iconstoright: settings.get_boolean('iconstoright'),
- textalign: settings.get_int('textalign'),
- customfont: settings.get_string('customfont'),
- hideindicator: settings.get_boolean('hideindicator'),
- shortenunits: settings.get_boolean('shortenunits'),
- wpos: settings.get_int('wpos'),
- systemcolr: settings.get_boolean('systemcolr'),
- wposext: settings.get_int('wposext'),
- uscolor: settings.get_string('uscolor'),
- dscolor: settings.get_string('dscolor'),
- tscolor: settings.get_string('tscolor'),
- tdcolor: settings.get_string('tdcolor')
+let settings, currentSettings, vbox
+function fetchSettings() {
+ currentSettings = {
+ refreshtime: settings.get_double('refreshtime'),
+ mode: settings.get_int('mode'),
+ fontmode: settings.get_int('fontmode'),
+ togglebool: settings.get_boolean('togglebool'),
+ isvertical: settings.get_boolean('isvertical'),
+ chooseiconset: settings.get_int('chooseiconset'),
+ limitunit: settings.get_int('limitunit'),
+ reverseindicators: settings.get_boolean('reverseindicators'),
+ lockmouseactions: settings.get_boolean('lockmouseactions'),
+ minwidth: settings.get_double('minwidth'),
+ iconstoright: settings.get_boolean('iconstoright'),
+ textalign: settings.get_int('textalign'),
+ customfont: settings.get_string('customfont'),
+ hideindicator: settings.get_boolean('hideindicator'),
+ shortenunits: settings.get_boolean('shortenunits'),
+ wpos: settings.get_int('wpos'),
+ systemcolr: settings.get_boolean('systemcolr'),
+ wposext: settings.get_int('wposext'),
+ uscolor: settings.get_string('uscolor'),
+ dscolor: settings.get_string('dscolor'),
+ tscolor: settings.get_string('tscolor'),
+ tdcolor: settings.get_string('tdcolor')
+ }
+function addIt(element, child) {
+ element.append(child)
+function newGtkBox() {
+ return new Gtk.Box({
+ orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL,
+ margin_top: 10,
+ margin_bottom: 10
+ })
+class NssSpinBtn {
+ constructor(name, whichHbox, getLbl = "", getTooTip = "", lwer, uper, stpInc = 1, digs = 0, nume = true, pgeInc = 1, pgeSiz = 0, clmrate = 1) {
+ let boolComp = (currentSettings[name] === settings.get_default_value(name).unpack())
+ getLbl = boolComp ? getLbl :
+ `${getLbl}`
+ let whichLbl = new Gtk.Label({
+ label: getLbl,
+ use_markup: true,
+ xalign: 0,
+ tooltip_text: getTooTip
+ })
+ let whichSpinBtn = new Gtk.SpinButton({
+ adjustment: new Gtk.Adjustment({
+ lower: lwer,
+ upper: uper,
+ step_increment: stpInc,
+ page_increment: pgeInc,
+ page_size: pgeSiz
+ }),
+ climb_rate: clmrate,
+ digits: digs,
+ numeric: nume,
+ })
+ whichSpinBtn.set_value(currentSettings[name])
+ whichSpinBtn.connect('value-changed', () => {
+ this.rTValue = parseFloat(whichSpinBtn.get_value().toFixed(1))
+ if (currentSettings[name] !== this.rTValue) {
+ settings.set_double(name, this.rTValue)
+ settings.set_boolean('restartextension', true)
- }
- fetchSettings()
+ currentSettings[name] = this.rTValue
+ })
+ whichLbl.set_hexpand(true)
+ addIt(whichHbox, whichLbl)
+ addIt(whichHbox, whichSpinBtn)
- function addIt(element, child) {
- element.append(child)
- }
+ addIt(vbox, whichHbox)
+ }
- function newGtkBox() {
- return new Gtk.Box({
- orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL,
- margin_top: 10,
- margin_bottom: 10
- })
- }
+class NssComboBox {
+ constructor(name, whichHbox, getLbl, aRray = [], getTooTip = "") {
+ let boolComp = (currentSettings[name] == settings.get_default_value(name).unpack())
+ getLbl = boolComp ? getLbl :
+ `${getLbl}`
+ let tootext = boolComp ? "" : "The Value is Changed"
- class NssSpinBtn {
- constructor(name, whichHbox, getLbl = "", getTooTip = "", lwer, uper, stpInc = 1, digs = 0, nume = true, pgeInc = 1, pgeSiz = 0, clmrate = 1) {
- let boolComp = (currentSettings[name] === settings.get_default_value(name).unpack())
- getLbl = boolComp ? getLbl :
- `${getLbl}`
- let whichLbl = new Gtk.Label({
- label: getLbl,
- use_markup: true,
- xalign: 0,
- tooltip_text: getTooTip
- })
- let whichSpinBtn = new Gtk.SpinButton({
- adjustment: new Gtk.Adjustment({
- lower: lwer,
- upper: uper,
- step_increment: stpInc,
- page_increment: pgeInc,
- page_size: pgeSiz
- }),
- climb_rate: clmrate,
- digits: digs,
- numeric: nume,
- })
- whichSpinBtn.set_value(currentSettings[name])
- whichSpinBtn.connect('value-changed', () => {
- this.rTValue = parseFloat(whichSpinBtn.get_value().toFixed(1))
- if (currentSettings[name] !== this.rTValue) {
- settings.set_double(name, this.rTValue)
- settings.set_boolean('restartextension', true)
- }
- currentSettings[name] = this.rTValue
- })
- whichLbl.set_hexpand(true)
- addIt(whichHbox, whichLbl)
- addIt(whichHbox, whichSpinBtn)
- addIt(vbox, whichHbox)
- }
- }
+ let whichLbl = new Gtk.Label({
+ label: getLbl,
+ use_markup: true,
+ xalign: 0,
+ tooltip_text: getTooTip
+ })
+ let whichVlue = new Gtk.ComboBoxText({
+ halign: Gtk.Align.END,
+ tooltip_text: tootext
+ })
- class NssComboBox {
- constructor(name, whichHbox, getLbl, aRray = [], getTooTip = "") {
- let boolComp = (currentSettings[name] == settings.get_default_value(name).unpack())
- getLbl = boolComp ? getLbl :
- `${getLbl}`
- let tootext = boolComp ? "" : "The Value is Changed"
- let whichLbl = new Gtk.Label({
- label: getLbl,
- use_markup: true,
- xalign: 0,
- tooltip_text: getTooTip
- })
- let whichVlue = new Gtk.ComboBoxText({
- halign: Gtk.Align.END,
- tooltip_text: tootext
- })
- aRray.forEach((val, _, __) => whichVlue.append_text(val))
- whichVlue.set_active(currentSettings[name])
- whichVlue.connect('changed', (widget) => {
- let valueMode = widget.get_active()
- settings.set_int(name, valueMode)
- settings.set_boolean('restartextension', true)
- currentSettings[name] = valueMode
- })
- whichLbl.set_hexpand(true)
- addIt(whichHbox, whichLbl)
- addIt(whichHbox, whichVlue)
- addIt(vbox, whichHbox)
- }
- }
+ aRray.forEach((val, _, __) => whichVlue.append_text(val))
- class NssToggleBtn {
- constructor(whichHbox, getLbl, name, getTooTip = "", func) {
- let boolComp = true
- if (func == undefined) {
- boolComp = (currentSettings[name] == settings.get_default_value(name).unpack())
- getLbl = boolComp ? getLbl :
- `${getLbl}`
- }
- let tootext = boolComp ? "" : "The Value is Changed"
- let whichLbl = new Gtk.Label({
- label: getLbl,
- use_markup: true,
- xalign: 0,
- tooltip_text: getTooTip
- })
- let whichVlue = new Gtk.Switch({
- active: name ? currentSettings[name] : false,
- tooltip_text: tootext
- })
- whichVlue.connect('notify::active', (widget) => {
- if (func != undefined)
- func(widget.active)
- else {
- settings.set_boolean(name, widget.active)
- settings.set_boolean('restartextension', true)
- }
- currentSettings[name] = widget.active
- })
- whichLbl.set_hexpand(true)
- addIt(whichHbox, whichLbl)
- addIt(whichHbox, whichVlue)
- addIt(vbox, whichHbox)
- }
- }
- class NssColorBtn {
- constructor(whichHbox, getLbl, name, getToolTip = "") {
- //Deterime whether the option value is changed from default value
- let boolComp = (currentSettings[name] == settings.get_default_value(name).unpack())
- getLbl = boolComp ? getLbl : `${getLbl}`
- let tootext = boolComp ? "" : "The Value is Changed"
- //Create the option name
- let whichLbl = new Gtk.Label({
- label: getLbl,
- use_markup: true,
- xalign: 0,
- tooltip_text: getToolTip
- })
- //Create RGBA
- let rgba = new Gdk.RGBA()
- rgba.parse(currentSettings[name])
- //Create ColorButton
- let colorButton = new Gtk.ColorButton({
- tooltip_text: tootext
- })
- colorButton.set_rgba(rgba)
- colorButton.connect('color-set', (widget) => {
- rgba = widget.get_rgba()
- settings.set_string(name, rgba.to_string())
- settings.set_boolean('restartextension', true)
- currentSettings[name] = rgba.to_string()
- })
- whichLbl.set_hexpand(true)
- addIt(whichHbox, whichLbl)
- addIt(whichHbox, colorButton)
- addIt(vbox, whichHbox)
- }
+ whichVlue.set_active(currentSettings[name])
+ whichVlue.connect('changed', (widget) => {
+ let valueMode = widget.get_active()
+ settings.set_int(name, valueMode)
+ settings.set_boolean('restartextension', true)
+ currentSettings[name] = valueMode
+ })
+ whichLbl.set_hexpand(true)
+ addIt(whichHbox, whichLbl)
+ addIt(whichHbox, whichVlue)
+ addIt(vbox, whichHbox)
+ }
+class NssToggleBtn {
+ constructor(whichHbox, getLbl, name, getTooTip = "", func) {
+ let boolComp = true
+ if (func == undefined) {
+ boolComp = (currentSettings[name] == settings.get_default_value(name).unpack())
+ getLbl = boolComp ? getLbl :
+ `${getLbl}`
+ let tootext = boolComp ? "" : "The Value is Changed"
+ let whichLbl = new Gtk.Label({
+ label: getLbl,
+ use_markup: true,
+ xalign: 0,
+ tooltip_text: getTooTip
+ })
+ let whichVlue = new Gtk.Switch({
+ active: name ? currentSettings[name] : false,
+ tooltip_text: tootext
+ })
+ whichVlue.connect('notify::active', (widget) => {
+ if (func != undefined)
+ func(widget.active)
+ else {
+ settings.set_boolean(name, widget.active)
+ settings.set_boolean('restartextension', true)
+ }
+ currentSettings[name] = widget.active
+ })
+ whichLbl.set_hexpand(true)
+ addIt(whichHbox, whichLbl)
+ addIt(whichHbox, whichVlue)
+ addIt(vbox, whichHbox)
+ }
+class NssColorBtn {
+ constructor(whichHbox, getLbl, name, getToolTip = "") {
+ //Deterime whether the option value is changed from default value
+ let boolComp = (currentSettings[name] == settings.get_default_value(name).unpack())
+ getLbl = boolComp ? getLbl : `${getLbl}`
+ let tootext = boolComp ? "" : "The Value is Changed"
+ //Create the option name
+ let whichLbl = new Gtk.Label({
+ label: getLbl,
+ use_markup: true,
+ xalign: 0,
+ tooltip_text: getToolTip
+ })
+ //Create RGBA
+ let rgba = new Gdk.RGBA()
+ rgba.parse(currentSettings[name])
+ //Create ColorButton
+ let colorButton = new Gtk.ColorButton({
+ tooltip_text: tootext
+ })
+ colorButton.set_rgba(rgba)
+ colorButton.connect('color-set', (widget) => {
+ rgba = widget.get_rgba()
+ settings.set_string(name, rgba.to_string())
+ settings.set_boolean('restartextension', true)
+ currentSettings[name] = rgba.to_string()
+ })
- class NssEntry {
- constructor(whichHbox, getLbl, name, getTooTip = "", func) {
- let boolComp = (currentSettings[name] == settings.get_default_value(name).unpack())
- getLbl = boolComp ? getLbl :
- `${getLbl}`
- let tootext = boolComp ? "" : "The Value is Changed"
- let whichLbl = new Gtk.Label({
- label: getLbl,
- use_markup: true,
- xalign: 0,
- tooltip_text: getTooTip
- })
- let whichVlue = new Gtk.Entry({
- text: currentSettings[name],
- tooltip_text: tootext,
- placeholder_text: "Press Enter to apply"
- })
- whichVlue.connect('activate', (widget) => {
- settings.set_string(name, widget.get_text())
- if (func != undefined) {
- func(widget.active)
- } else {
- settings.set_boolean('restartextension', true)
- }
- currentSettings[name] = widget.get_text()
- })
- whichLbl.set_hexpand(true)
- addIt(whichHbox, whichLbl)
- addIt(whichHbox, whichVlue)
- addIt(vbox, whichHbox)
+ whichLbl.set_hexpand(true)
+ addIt(whichHbox, whichLbl)
+ addIt(whichHbox, colorButton)
+ addIt(vbox, whichHbox)
+ }
+class NssEntry {
+ constructor(whichHbox, getLbl, name, getTooTip = "", func) {
+ let boolComp = (currentSettings[name] == settings.get_default_value(name).unpack())
+ getLbl = boolComp ? getLbl :
+ `${getLbl}`
+ let tootext = boolComp ? "" : "The Value is Changed"
+ let whichLbl = new Gtk.Label({
+ label: getLbl,
+ use_markup: true,
+ xalign: 0,
+ tooltip_text: getTooTip
+ })
+ let whichVlue = new Gtk.Entry({
+ text: currentSettings[name],
+ tooltip_text: tootext,
+ placeholder_text: "Press Enter to apply"
+ })
+ whichVlue.connect('activate', (widget) => {
+ settings.set_string(name, widget.get_text())
+ if (func != undefined) {
+ func(widget.active)
+ } else {
+ settings.set_boolean('restartextension', true)
- }
+ currentSettings[name] = widget.get_text()
+ })
+ whichLbl.set_hexpand(true)
+ addIt(whichHbox, whichLbl)
+ addIt(whichHbox, whichVlue)
+ addIt(vbox, whichHbox)
+ }
+export default class NetSpeedSimplifiedPreferences extends ExtensionPreferences {
+ getPreferencesWidget() {
+ settings = this.getSettings(schema)
+ window._settings = settings
+ fetchSettings()
let frame = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow()
let label = new Gtk.Label({
@@ -252,7 +253,7 @@ export default class NetSpeedSimplifiedPreferences extends ExtensionPreferences
xalign: 0,
margin_top: 15
- let vbox = new Gtk.Box({
+ vbox = new Gtk.Box({
orientation: Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL,
margin_start: 25,
margin_end: 25,
@@ -285,98 +286,98 @@ export default class NetSpeedSimplifiedPreferences extends ExtensionPreferences
addIt(vbox, label)
- //For Position
+ // For Position
let hboxWPos = newGtkBox()
new NssComboBox("wpos", hboxWPos, "Position on the Panel", ["Right", "Left", "Center"], "Choose where to Place the extension on the Panel")
- //For Position Extras
+ // For Position Extras
let hboxWPosExt = newGtkBox()
new NssComboBox("wposext", hboxWPosExt, "Position(Advanced)", ["Prefer Right Side", "Prefer Left Side"], "Choose further where to Place the extension")
- //Refresh time
+ // Refresh time
let hboxRTime = newGtkBox()
new NssSpinBtn("refreshtime", hboxRTime, "Refresh Time", "Change Refresh time value from anywhere b/w 1 to 10", 1.0, 10.0, .1, 1)
- //For Modes
+ // For Modes
let hboxMode = newGtkBox()
new NssComboBox("mode", hboxMode, "Mode", ["Mode 1", "Mode 2", "Mode 3", "Mode 4", "Mode 5"], "Choose which mode to load")
- //For FontModes
+ // For FontModes
let hboxFontMode = newGtkBox()
new NssComboBox("fontmode", hboxFontMode, "Font Mode", ["Default", "Smallest", "Smaller", "Small", "Large"], "Choose which font to display")
- //For Vertical Alignment
+ // For Vertical Alignment
let hboxVertical = newGtkBox()
new NssToggleBtn(hboxVertical, "Vertical Align", "isvertical", "Changing it will toggle Vertical Alignment")
- //For Default sigma View
+ // For Default sigma View
let hboxToggleBool = newGtkBox()
new NssToggleBtn(hboxToggleBool, "Show Total Data Transfer", "togglebool", "Enabling it will always show the sigma")
- //For Toggling Old Icons
+ // For Toggling Old Icons
let hboxIconset = newGtkBox()
new NssComboBox("chooseiconset", hboxIconset, "Choose Icons Set", [" ⬇, ⬆", " 🡳, 🡱", " ↓, ↑"], "Choose which icon set to display")
- //Text align for net speed
+ // Text align for net speed
let hboxText = newGtkBox()
new NssComboBox("textalign", hboxText, "Text Align", ["Left", "Right", "Center"], "Align Text of net speed")
- //Toggle icon to right
+ // Toggle icon to right
let hboxIconsRight = newGtkBox()
new NssToggleBtn(hboxIconsRight, "Move icons to the right", "iconstoright", "Move icons to the right")
- //For Limiting upper limit of speed
+ // For Limiting upper limit of speed
let hboxLimitUnit = newGtkBox()
new NssComboBox("limitunit", hboxLimitUnit, "Limit Unit", ["(None)", 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z'], "Choose unit limitation set to display")
- //For Hide When Disconnected
+ // For Hide When Disconnected
let hboxHideInd = newGtkBox()
new NssToggleBtn(hboxHideInd, "Hide When Disconnected", "hideindicator", "Enabling it will Hide Indicator when disconnected")
- //For Shorten Units
+ // For Shorten Units
let hboxShUni = newGtkBox()
new NssToggleBtn(hboxShUni, "Shorten Units", "shortenunits", "Enabling it will result in shorten units like K instead of KB")
- //For Reversing the download and upload indicators
+ // For Reversing the download and upload indicators
let hboxRevInd = newGtkBox()
new NssToggleBtn(hboxRevInd, "Show Upload First", "reverseindicators", "Enabling it will reverse the upload and download speed indicators")
- //For Lock Mouse Actions
+ // For Lock Mouse Actions
let hboxLckMuseAct = newGtkBox()
new NssToggleBtn(hboxLckMuseAct, "Lock Mouse Actions", "lockmouseactions", "Enabling it will Lock Mouse Actions")
- //Minimum Width
+ // Minimum Width
let hboxMinWidth = newGtkBox()
new NssSpinBtn("minwidth", hboxMinWidth, "Minimum Width", "Change Minimum Width value from anywhere b/w 3em to 10em", 3.0, 10.0, .5, 1)
- //For Custom Font name
+ // For Custom Font name
let hboxCustFont = newGtkBox()
new NssEntry(hboxCustFont, "Custom Font Name", "customfont", "Enter the font name you want, you can also write style here for all elements except indicators")
- //For Custom Font name
+ // For Custom Font name
let hboxSysColr = newGtkBox()
new NssToggleBtn(hboxSysColr, "Use System Color Scheme", "systemcolr", "Enabling it will allow changing font color dynamically based on panel color")
- //Upload Speed Color
+ // Upload Speed Color
let usColorButton = newGtkBox()
new NssColorBtn(usColorButton, "Upload Speed Color", "uscolor", "Select the upload speed color")
- //Download Speed Color
+ // Download Speed Color
let dsColorButton = newGtkBox()
new NssColorBtn(dsColorButton, "Download Speed Color", "dscolor", "Select the download speed color")
- //Total Speed Color
+ // Total Speed Color
let tsColorButton = newGtkBox()
new NssColorBtn(tsColorButton, "Total Speed Color", "tscolor", "Select the total speed color")
- //Total Download Color
+ // Total Download Color
let tdColorButton = newGtkBox()
new NssColorBtn(tdColorButton, "Total Download Color", "tdcolor", "Select the total download color")
addIt(vbox, resetBtn)
frame.child = vbox
- return frame;
+ return frame