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07_Vue Code Guidelines

David Wyss edited this page Jun 3, 2022 · 2 revisions


This page gives basic guidance on developing Vue components. It's highly recommended to read the Vue 3 Documentation beforehand.

Component Naming

Components should be named in PascalCase, e.g. SomeComponent.vue.

Additionally, component names should (usually) end in the corresponding component folder's name:

├── forms
│   ├── LoginForm.vue
│   └── SignupForm.vue
├── dialogs
│   ├── ErrorDialog.vue
├── tables
│   ├── EmployeeTable.vue
│   └── SalaryTable.vue

Similarly, Page Components' names should also end in Page, e.g. MyDashboardPage.vue.

<script setup>

We use script setup in all Vue components. Additionally, lang='ts' has to be specified in order for the script block to use TypeScript:

<script setup lang='ts'>

All variables defined within the <script setup> are directly available to the template. If a variable should be reactive, it must be a ref.

The below example shows a minimal component where one value (username) within the template can be updated.

    {{ welcome }}
     Hello, {{ username }}
<script setup lang='ts'>
   const welcome = 'Welcome'
   const username = ref('someone')

   *  Updates the username
   *  @param {string} name - the new name
   *  @returns {void}
   function updateName(name: string){
      username.value = name


Some key points for writing templates:

  • Write data bindings according to Vue's own standards, with a space before and after variable names:
  <!-- OK -->
  {{ example }}

  <!-- Wrong -->
  • Avoid writing complex logic in templates; in many cases, a computed property is more suitable:
  <!-- OK -->

  <!-- Wrong -->
    :values="values.filter((value) => value > filterLevel && someCondition)"
<script setup lang='ts'>
  import {computed} from 'vue';

  const filteredValues = computed(() => {
    return values.filter((value) => value > filterLevel && someCondition)


Use kebab-case for Events, because they are listened to in that way in the template.


<script setup lang='ts'>
  import {defineEmits} from 'vue';

  const emit = defineEmits('some-event')

