- experimenting on AI Arts around
7:00 AM to 11:30 AM
- I tried pixray/text2image and Disco Diffusion v5.2
- practice react
- freeCodeCamp:
- JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
- resolve some problems on Basic Algorithm Scripting and Intermediate Algorithm Scripting
- Front End Development Libraries
- Finished Build a Markdown Previewer
- JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
- VQGAN+CLIP — How does it work?
- TeamBlind: A Netflix engineer went through 7 onsites and received 7 offers from Airbnb, Google, Snap, Roblox, Stripe, AtoB, and a quant trading firm. | 7 onsites 7 offers
- CodeForces: You can do it, too! by kpw29
- I can't sleep earlier (5 am) so I decided to do sleep reset today.
- AI arts is fun asf.