Want to contribute to this project? Here's how to get started!
If you'd like to report a bug, request a feature, or request support for a system, then you can open an issue. After that, follow the directions presented to you.
If you have found an issue that you'd like to resolve, create a pull request. Please keep consistent to the code style of the project. You can find the rules on how Plop Grizzly formats code here. By making a pull request, you give Plop Grizzly (Jeron Lau) the copyright over the code from the pull request. All developers who have contributed code will have their name and email added to the Cargo.toml "authors" section.
If you have any questions about the contributing process, or would like to communicate about it, contact me at [email protected]. All help in developing Plop Grizzly's projects is greatly appreciated.