Pixeleye is founded on the principle of open-source. We believe that by working together we can push the boundaries of creativity and productivity. Pixeleye is a community project, and we welcome contributions from everyone. We'd love for you to help us build Pixeleye.
There are many ways to contribute, from writing tutorials or blog posts, improving the documentation, submitting bug reports and feature requests or writing code which can be incorporated into Pixeleye itself.
If you encounter any bugs with the framework, please search the issue tracker to see if it has already been reported. If not, create a new issue with as much detail as you can provide, including steps to reproduce any bugs you find.
If there is a feature you would like to see included in Pixeleye, you can create a new issue with the feature request
label. While we can't guarantee we will implement it, we will consider all feature requests.
We are always happy to receive pull requests which fix bugs or add new features. If you're wanting to tackle something big, please get in touch
We tag issues with good first issue to indicate those which are good candidates for people who are new to the project. If you're not sure where to start, this is a good place.
We actively encourage people to write blog posts, tutorials or examples which showcase how to use Pixeleye. If you've written something, please let us know and we might even promote it for you through our website and social media channels.
We want to be able to build a sustainable open-source project which can be worked on full-time, part-time or in spare time. Part of this is rewarding those who contribute to the project. Whilst we don't have a formal rewards program in place, once we are financially stable, we will look at ways to reward those who contribute to the project.