bin :: This empty folder will contain the executable automode_main after compilation.
experiments :: The folder where one should place experiment configuration files (.argos or .xml)
loop-functions :: The folder where one should place loop functions classes.
optimization :: The folder where one should place files regarding the optimization algorithm used.
example :: The necessary elements to launch irace on a small example described in the technical report.
src :: The source files of ARGoS3-AutoMoDe package.
[techrep] A. Ligot, K. Hasselmann, B. Delhaisse, L. Garattoni, G. Francesca, M. Birattari. AutoMoDe and NEAT implementations for the e-puck robot in ARGoS3. Technical report TR/IRIDIA/2017-002. IRIDIA, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
[chocolate] G. Francesca and M. Brambilla and A. Brutschy and L. Garattoni and R. Miletitch and G. Podevijn and A. Reina and T. Soleymani and M. Salvaro and C. Pinciroli and F. Mascia and V. Trianni and M. Birattari. AutoMoDe-Chocolate: automatic design of control software for robot swarms. Swarm Intelligence.