- Namespace: cmgr/examples
- Type: custom
- Category: Privilege Escalation
- Points: 25
Every developer has been there - you go to build something and the package
dependency you need just isn't installed. Thankfully for us, our employer has
helpfully given us sudo
access to install them. Unfortunately for Alice,
that gives us more privileges than it should. Can you manage to log into her
home computer?
The work computer is running SSH. We've managed to "convince" Eve Smythe to let us use her credentials:
Hostname: {{server}}
Port: {{port}}
Username: {{lookup("username")}}
Password: {{lookup("password")}}
It is harder than you might think to "safely" give package management rights to end users.
Alice uses Ubuntu for her home computer and frequently uses SSH to connect to it from work.
By the end of this challenge, competitors should have a basic understanding of how to use package managers for privilege escalation and where to look for easy pivot points in a Linux environment.
init: true
cpus: 0.25
pidslimit: 50
init: true
cpus: 0.5
pidslimit: 50
- privesc
- example
- author: John Rollinson
- organization: Army Cyber Institute