diff --git a/public_html/lists/admin/actions/bounces.php b/public_html/lists/admin/actions/bounces.php
index 665d0ae5b..b8ca2695b 100644
--- a/public_html/lists/admin/actions/bounces.php
+++ b/public_html/lists/admin/actions/bounces.php
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 %s as message_bounce
-user = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['user_message_bounce'], $user['id']));
+userid = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['user_message_bounce'], $user['id']));
 if (Sql_Affected_Rows()) {
     while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) {
diff --git a/public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php b/public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php
index ea3515762..1adfa387e 100644
--- a/public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php
+++ b/public_html/lists/admin/actions/campaigns.php
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@
             abs(unix_timestamp(entered) - unix_timestamp(viewed)) as responsetime,
             (select max(time)
                 from %s umb
-                where umb.message = messageid and umb.user = userid
+                where umb.message = messageid and umb.userid = um.userid
             ) as bouncetime
-            from %s
-            where userid = %d and status = "sent"
+            from %s um
+            where um.userid = %d and status = "sent"
             order by entered desc',
diff --git a/public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php b/public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php
index 4d55a4a56..28287ce33 100644
--- a/public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php
+++ b/public_html/lists/admin/actions/domainstats.php
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
 SELECT COUNT(lcase(substring_index(u.email, "@", -1))) num,
        lcase(substring_index(u.email, "@", -1)) domain
 FROM %s AS u
-RIGHT JOIN %s AS b ON u.id = b.user
+RIGHT JOIN %s AS umb ON u.id = umb.userid
 GROUP BY domain
 LIMIT 25;
diff --git a/public_html/lists/admin/actions/listbounces.php b/public_html/lists/admin/actions/listbounces.php
index 97e631f3d..e43bfb37f 100644
--- a/public_html/lists/admin/actions/listbounces.php
+++ b/public_html/lists/admin/actions/listbounces.php
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 $req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select listuser.listid,count(distinct userid) as numusers from %s list, %s listuser,
-    %s umb, %s lm where %s list.id = listuser.listid and listuser.listid = lm.listid and listuser.userid = umb.user group by listuser.listid
+    %s umb, %s lm where %s list.id = listuser.listid and listuser.listid = lm.listid and listuser.userid = umb.userid group by listuser.listid
     order by listuser.listid limit 250', $GLOBALS['tables']['list'], $GLOBALS['tables']['listuser'],
     $GLOBALS['tables']['user_message_bounce'], $GLOBALS['tables']['listmessage'], $isowner_and));
 $ls = new WebblerListing(s('Choose a list'));
diff --git a/public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php b/public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php
index 07ef8c9ba..162bd18d8 100644
--- a/public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php
+++ b/public_html/lists/admin/actions/reconcileusers.php
@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@
         if (preg_match('/([\d]+) marked unconfirmed/',$row['comment'],$regs)) {
-            $exists = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select count(*) from %s where user = %d and message = -1 and bounce = %d',$tables['user_message_bounce'],$regs[1],$row['id']));
+            $exists = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select count(*) from %s where userid = %d and message = -1 and bounce = %d',$tables['user_message_bounce'],$regs[1],$row['id']));
             if (empty($exists[0])) {
-                Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into %s (user,message,bounce,time) values(%d,-1,%d,"%s")',$tables['user_message_bounce'],$regs[1],$row['id'],$row['date']));
+                Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into %s (userid,message,bounce,time) values(%d,-1,%d,"%s")',$tables['user_message_bounce'],$regs[1],$row['id'],$row['date']));
diff --git a/public_html/lists/admin/exportuserdata.php b/public_html/lists/admin/exportuserdata.php
index d5357e41a..809c4cbb3 100644
--- a/public_html/lists/admin/exportuserdata.php
+++ b/public_html/lists/admin/exportuserdata.php
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
     %s as message_bounce
-    user = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['user_message_bounce'], $user['id']));
+    userid = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['user_message_bounce'], $user['id']));
 while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Assoc($bouncesrows))
     fputcsv($output, $row, $csvColumnDelimiter);
diff --git a/public_html/lists/admin/inc/userlib.php b/public_html/lists/admin/inc/userlib.php
index da8eb273c..2e3d79d96 100644
--- a/public_html/lists/admin/inc/userlib.php
+++ b/public_html/lists/admin/inc/userlib.php
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ function deleteUserRecordsLeaveBlacklistRecords($id)
     Sql_Query('delete from '.$tables['usermessage'].' where userid = '.$id);
     Sql_Query('delete from '.$tables['user_attribute'].' where userid = '.$id);
     Sql_Query('delete from '.$tables['user_history'].' where userid = '.$id);
-    Sql_Query('delete from '.$tables['user_message_bounce'].' where user = '.$id);
+    Sql_Query('delete from '.$tables['user_message_bounce'].' where userid = '.$id);
     Sql_Query('delete from '.$tables['user_message_forward'].' where user = '.$id);
     Sql_Query('delete from '.$tables['user'].' where id = '.$id);
     Sql_Query('delete from '.$tables['user_message_view'].' where userid = '.$id);
diff --git a/public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php b/public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php
index bc890deb2..6ee0cf14c 100644
--- a/public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php
+++ b/public_html/lists/admin/listbounces.php
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
-$query = sprintf('select lu.userid, count(umb.bounce) as numbounces from %s lu join %s umb on lu.userid = umb.user
+$query = sprintf('select lu.userid, count(umb.bounce) as numbounces from %s lu join %s umb on lu.userid = umb.userid
   where ' .
 //  now() < date_add(umb.time,interval 6 month) and
     ' lu.listid = %d
diff --git a/public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php b/public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php
index d3444ce9a..68283c065 100644
--- a/public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php
+++ b/public_html/lists/admin/mclicks.php
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 $messagedata = Sql_Fetch_Array_query("SELECT * FROM {$tables['message']} where id = $id $subselect");
 $totalusers = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select count(userid) from %s where messageid = %d and status = "sent"',
     $GLOBALS['tables']['usermessage'], $id));
-$totalbounced = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select count(user) from %s where message = %d',
+$totalbounced = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select count(userid) from %s where message = %d',
     $GLOBALS['tables']['user_message_bounce'], $id));
 //unique clicks
 $totalclicked = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select count(distinct userid) from %s where messageid = %d',
diff --git a/public_html/lists/admin/mergeduplicates.php b/public_html/lists/admin/mergeduplicates.php
index d83fa5648..1fe099a50 100644
--- a/public_html/lists/admin/mergeduplicates.php
+++ b/public_html/lists/admin/mergeduplicates.php
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ function mergeUsers($original, $duplicate)
         Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set userid = %d, entered = "%s" where userid = %d and entered = "%s"',
             $GLOBALS['tables']['usermessage'], $original, $um['entered'], $duplicate, $um['entered']), 1);
-    $bncreq = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where user = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['user_message_bounce'],
+    $bncreq = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where userid = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['user_message_bounce'],
     while ($bnc = Sql_Fetch_Array($bncreq)) {
-        Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set user = %d, time = "%s" where user = %d and time = "%s"',
+        Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set userid = %d, time = "%s" where userid = %d and time = "%s"',
             $GLOBALS['tables']['user_message_bounce'], $original, $bnc['time'], $duplicate, $bnc['time']), 1);
     $listreq = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where userid = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['listuser'], $duplicate));
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ function mergeUsers($original, $duplicate)
     Sql_Query(sprintf('delete from %s where userid = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['listuser'], $duplicate));
-    Sql_Query(sprintf('delete from %s where user = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['user_message_bounce'], $duplicate));
+    Sql_Query(sprintf('delete from %s where userid = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['user_message_bounce'], $duplicate));
     Sql_Query(sprintf('delete from %s where userid = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['usermessage'], $duplicate));
diff --git a/public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php b/public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php
index 4e104582d..ee620af36 100644
--- a/public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php
+++ b/public_html/lists/admin/msgbounces.php
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
     from {$tables['user_message_bounce']} mb
-    join {$tables['user']} u on u.id = mb.user
+    join {$tables['user']} u on u.id = mb.userid
     where mb.message = $messageid
 $req = Sql_Query($query);
diff --git a/public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php b/public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php
index 457ac7ec0..9ae24126d 100644
--- a/public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php
+++ b/public_html/lists/admin/processbounces.php
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ function processBounceData($bounceid, $msgid, $userid, $bounceDate = null)
         #Use the date of the bounce, instead of "now" as processing may be different
         Sql_Query(sprintf('INSERT INTO %s
-                        user,
+                        userid,
@@ -271,11 +271,11 @@ function processBounceData($bounceid, $msgid, $userid, $bounceDate = null)
     } elseif (!empty($msgid) && !empty($userid)) {
         //# check if we already have this um as a bounce
         //# so that we don't double count "delayed" like bounces
-        $exists = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select count(*) from %s where user = %d and message = %d',
+        $exists = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select count(*) from %s where userid = %d and message = %d',
             $tables['user_message_bounce'], $userid, $msgid));
         if (empty($exists[0])) {
             Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into %s
-        set user = %d, message = %d, bounce = %d',
+        set userid = %d, message = %d, bounce = %d',
                 $userid, $msgid, $bounceid));
             Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ function processBounceData($bounceid, $msgid, $userid, $bounceDate = null)
         } else {
             //# we create the relationship, but don't increase counters
             Sql_Query(sprintf('insert into %s
-        set user = %d, message = %d, bounce = %d',
+        set userid = %d, message = %d, bounce = %d',
                 $userid, $msgid, $bounceid));
@@ -582,14 +582,14 @@ function processMessages($link, $max)
             //    cl_output(memory_get_usage());
-            //    outputProcessBounce('User '.$row['user']);
+            //    outputProcessBounce('User '.$row['userid']);
             $rule = matchBounceRules($row['header']."\n\n".$row['data'], $bouncerules);
             //    outputProcessBounce('Action '.$rule['action']);
             //    outputProcessBounce('Rule'.$rule['id']);
             $userdata = array();
             if ($rule && is_array($rule)) {
-                if ($row['user']) {
-                    $userdata = Sql_Fetch_Array_Query("select * from {$tables['user']} where id = ".$row['user']);
+                if ($row['userid']) {
+                    $userdata = Sql_Fetch_Array_Query("select * from {$tables['user']} where id = ".$row['userid']);
                 $report_linkroot = $GLOBALS['admin_scheme'].'://'.$GLOBALS['website'].$GLOBALS['adminpages'];
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ function processMessages($link, $max)
                     $GLOBALS['tables']['bounceregex_bounce'], $rule['id'], $row['bounce']));
                 //17860 - check the current status to avoid doing it over and over
-                $currentStatus = Sql_Fetch_Assoc_Query(sprintf('select confirmed,blacklisted from %s where id = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['user'],$row['user']));
+                $currentStatus = Sql_Fetch_Assoc_Query(sprintf('select confirmed,blacklisted from %s where id = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['user'],$row['userid']));
                 $confirmed = !empty($currentStatus['confirmed']);
                 $blacklisted = !empty($currentStatus['blacklisted']);
@@ -609,14 +609,14 @@ function processMessages($link, $max)
                         $advanced_report .= 'User '.$userdata['email'].' Id '.$userdata['id'].' deleted by bounce rule '.$rule['id'].PHP_EOL;
                         $advanced_report .= 'Rule: '.$report_linkroot.'/?page=bouncerule&amp;id='.$rule['id'].PHP_EOL;
-                        deleteUser($row['user']);
+                        deleteUser($row['userid']);
                     case 'unconfirmuser':
                         if ($confirmed) {
                             logEvent('User ' . $userdata['email'] . ' unconfirmed by bounce rule ' . PageLink2('bouncerule&amp;id=' . $rule['id'],
                             Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set confirmed = 0 where id = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['user'],
-                                $row['user']));
+                                $row['userid']));
                             $advanced_report .= 'User ' . $userdata['email'] . ' made unconfirmed by bounce rule ' . $rule['id'] . PHP_EOL;
                             $advanced_report .= 'User: ' . $report_linkroot . '/?page=user&amp;id=' . $userdata['id'] . PHP_EOL;
                             $advanced_report .= 'Rule: ' . $report_linkroot . '/?page=bouncerule&amp;id=' . $rule['id'] . PHP_EOL;
@@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ function processMessages($link, $max)
                         $advanced_report .= 'User '.$userdata['email'].' Id '.$userdata['id'].' deleted by bounce rule '.$rule['id'].PHP_EOL;
                         $advanced_report .= 'Rule: '.$report_linkroot.'/?page=bouncerule&amp;id='.$rule['id'].PHP_EOL;
-                        deleteUser($row['user']);
+                        deleteUser($row['userid']);
                     case 'unconfirmuseranddeletebounce':
@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ function processMessages($link, $max)
                             logEvent('User ' . $userdata['email'] . ' unconfirmed by bounce rule ' . PageLink2('bouncerule&amp;id=' . $rule['id'],
                             Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set confirmed = 0 where id = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['user'],
-                                $row['user']));
+                                $row['userid']));
                             $advanced_report .= 'User ' . $userdata['email'] . ' made unconfirmed by bounce rule ' . $rule['id'] . PHP_EOL;
                             $advanced_report .= 'User: ' . $report_linkroot . '/?page=user&amp;id=' . $userdata['id'] . PHP_EOL;
                             $advanced_report .= 'Rule: ' . $report_linkroot . '/?page=bouncerule&amp;id=' . $rule['id'] . PHP_EOL;
@@ -724,8 +724,8 @@ function processMessages($link, $max)
 outputProcessBounce($GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Identifying consecutive bounces'));
 // we only need users who are confirmed at the moment
-$userid_req = Sql_query(sprintf('select distinct umb.user from %s umb, %s u
-  where u.id = umb.user and u.confirmed and !u.blacklisted',
+$userid_req = Sql_query(sprintf('select distinct umb.userid from %s umb, %s u
+  where u.id = umb.userid and u.confirmed and !u.blacklisted',
@@ -739,17 +739,9 @@ function processMessages($link, $max)
 while ($user = Sql_Fetch_Row($userid_req)) {
-    //$msg_req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from
-    //%s um left join %s umb on (um.messageid = umb.message and userid = user)
-    //where userid = %d and um.status = "sent"
-    //order by entered desc',
-    //$tables["usermessage"],$tables["user_message_bounce"],
-    //$user[0]));
-    //# 17361 - update of the above query, to include the bounce table and to exclude duplicate bounces
-    $msg_req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select umb.*,um.*,b.status,b.comment from %s um left join %s umb on (um.messageid = umb.message and userid = user)
+    $msg_req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select umb.*,um.*,b.status,b.comment from %s um left join %s umb on (um.messageid = umb.message and um.userid = umb.userid)
     left join %s b on umb.bounce = b.id
-    where userid = %d and um.status = "sent"
+    where um.userid = %d and um.status = "sent"
     order by entered desc',
         $tables['usermessage'], $tables['user_message_bounce'], $tables['bounce'],
diff --git a/public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php b/public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php
index 95f1c5cb4..890558a47 100644
--- a/public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php
+++ b/public_html/lists/admin/reconcileusers.php
@@ -109,14 +109,14 @@ function mergeUser($userid)
                 Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set userid = %d, entered = "%s" where userid = %d and entered = "%s"',
                     $GLOBALS['tables']['usermessage'], $orig[0], $um['entered'], $duplicate['id'], $um['entered']), 1);
-            $bncreq = Sql_Query("select * from {$GLOBALS['tables']['user_message_bounce']} where user = ".$duplicate['id']);
+            $bncreq = Sql_Query("select * from {$GLOBALS['tables']['user_message_bounce']} where userid = ".$duplicate['id']);
             while ($bnc = Sql_Fetch_Array($bncreq)) {
-                Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set user = %d, time = "%s" where user = %d and time = "%s"',
+                Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set userid = %d, time = "%s" where userid = %d and time = "%s"',
                     $GLOBALS['tables']['user_message_bounce'], $orig[0], $bnc['time'], $duplicate['id'], $bnc['time']),
             Sql_Query("delete from {$GLOBALS['tables']['listuser']} where userid = ".$duplicate['id']);
-            Sql_Query("delete from {$GLOBALS['tables']['user_message_bounce']} where user = ".$duplicate['id']);
+            Sql_Query("delete from {$GLOBALS['tables']['user_message_bounce']} where userid = ".$duplicate['id']);
             Sql_Query("delete from {$GLOBALS['tables']['usermessage']} where userid = ".$duplicate['id']);
@@ -370,12 +370,12 @@ function addUniqID($userid)
                 while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req)) {
                     Sql_Query("delete from {$tables['usermessage']} where userid = $row[0]");
-                $req = Sql_Verbose_Query("select {$tables['user_message_bounce']}.user
-          from {$tables['user_message_bounce']} left join {$tables['user']} on {$tables['user_message_bounce']}.user = {$tables['user']}.id
-          where {$tables['user']}.id IS NULL group by {$tables['user_message_bounce']}.user");
+                $req = Sql_Verbose_Query("select {$tables['user_message_bounce']}.userid
+          from {$tables['user_message_bounce']} left join {$tables['user']} on {$tables['user_message_bounce']}.userid = {$tables['user']}.id
+          where {$tables['user']}.id IS NULL group by {$tables['user_message_bounce']}.userid");
                 echo Sql_Affected_Rows().' '.s('entries apply').'<br/>';
                 while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req)) {
-                    Sql_Query("delete from {$tables['user_message_bounce']} where user = $row[0]");
+                    Sql_Query("delete from {$tables['user_message_bounce']} where userid = $row[0]");
diff --git a/public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php b/public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php
index ef58725e6..84a860180 100644
--- a/public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php
+++ b/public_html/lists/admin/statsoverview.php
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
-$bounced = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select count(distinct user) from %s where message = %d',
+$bounced = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select count(distinct userid) from %s where message = %d',
     $tables['user_message_bounce'], $id));
 $element = ucfirst(s('Bounced'));
diff --git a/public_html/lists/admin/structure.php b/public_html/lists/admin/structure.php
index 703f3e9c1..b1fe1ba24 100644
--- a/public_html/lists/admin/structure.php
+++ b/public_html/lists/admin/structure.php
@@ -258,18 +258,18 @@
     'user_message_bounce' => array( // bounce. We can have one usermessage bounce multiple times
         'id'      => array('integer not null primary key auto_increment', 'ID'),
-        'user'    => array('integer not null', 'subscriber ID'),
+        'userid'  => array('integer not null', 'subscriber ID'),
         'message' => array('integer not null', 'Message ID'),
         'bounce'  => array('integer not null', 'Bounce ID'),
         'time'    => array('timestamp', 'When did it bounce'),
-        'index_1' => array('umbindex (user,message,bounce)', 'index'),
-        'index_2' => array('useridx (user)', 'index'),
+        'index_1' => array('umbindex (userid,message,bounce)', 'index'),
+        'index_2' => array('useridx (userid)', 'index'),
         'index_3' => array('msgidx (message)', 'index'),
         'index_4' => array('bounceidx (bounce)', 'index'),
     'user_message_forward' => array(
         'id'      => array('integer not null primary key auto_increment', 'ID'),
-        'user'    => array('integer not null', 'subscriber ID'),
+        'user'  => array('integer not null', 'subscriber ID'),
         'message' => array('integer not null', 'Message ID'),
         'forward' => array('varchar(255)', 'Forward email'),
         'status'  => array('varchar(255)', 'Status of forward'),
diff --git a/public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php b/public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php
index b10e9697b..0ffa222a1 100644
--- a/public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php
+++ b/public_html/lists/admin/upgrade.php
@@ -468,6 +468,14 @@ function output($message)
         Sql_Query("alter table {$GLOBALS['tables']['admin']} modify modifiedby varchar(66) default ''");
+    if (Sql_Table_column_exists($GLOBALS['tables']['user_message_bounce'],'user')) {
+        Sql_Query('drop index umbindex on '.$GLOBALS['tables']['user_message_bounce']);
+        Sql_Query('drop index useridx on '.$GLOBALS['tables']['user_message_bounce']);
+        Sql_Query('alter table '.$GLOBALS['tables']['user_message_bounce'].' change column user userid integer not null');
+        Sql_Query('alter table '.$GLOBALS['tables']['user_message_bounce'].' add index umbindex (userid,message,bounce)' );
+        Sql_Query('alter table '.$GLOBALS['tables']['user_message_bounce'].' add index useridx (userid)' );
+    }
     //# longblobs are better at mixing character encoding. We don't know the encoding of anything we may want to store in cache
     //# before converting, it's quickest to clear the cache