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List of Parameters supported by AisParser

Parameter Type Description Values Messages
valid string Validity of the result VALID, INVALID, UNSUPPORTED, INCOMPLETE all
aisType number The message number of the AIS Message 1-5, 18, 19, 21, or 24 all
channel string The VHF channel the message was Transmitted on A,B or empty all
repeatInd number Wether or not / how this message should be rebroadcasted 0,1,2,3 all
mmsi number Maritime Mobile Service Identity 9 digit number all
midCountry string Country extracted from the MMSI The Country or empty all
midCountryIso string ISO String of the Country extracted from the MMSI The ISO String or empty all
mmsiType string The Type of Target extracted from the MMSI Target type or empty all
class string The Class of AIS Device A, B empty all
latitude deg The latitude of the Sender -90-90 1, 2, 3, 4, 18, 19
longitude deg The longitude of the Sender -180-180 1, 2, 3, 4, 18, 19
posAccuracy boolean Position Accuracy, true = DGPS Quality < 10m, false >10m true,false 1, 2, 3, 4, 18, 19
navStatus index Navigational Status of AIS Target 0-15 1,2,3
navStatusStr string A String associated with Nav Status - 1,2,3
utcYear year Message Type 4 Base Station Time Reference 1-999, 0=N/A 4
utcMonth month Message Type 4 Base Station Time Reference 1-12, 0=N/A 4
utcDay day Message Type 4 Base Station Time Reference 1-31, 0=N/A 4
utcHour h Message Type 4 Base Station Time Reference 0-23, 24 = N/A 4
utcMinute min Message Type 4 Base Station Time Reference 0-59, 60=N/A 4
utcSecond s Message Type 4 Base Station Time Reference 0-59, 60=N/A 4
epfd index EPFD Fix Type 0-8, 0=N/A 4,5,19
epfdStr string A String associated with EPFD index - 4,5,19
callSign string Callsign of the AIS Target 7 Characters 5,24
name string AIS Targets Name 20 Characters 5,24
aisVer number 0=ITU1371, 1-3=future editions 0-3 5
imo number IMO Registration Number 9 Digits 5
shipType index Ship Type & Cargo 5,19.24
shipTypeStr string A String associated with Ship Type & Cargo - 5, 19, 24
dimToBow m Distance of the GPS Receiverfrom the Bow 1-510 5, 19, 21, 24
dimToBowStatus string Status of DimToBow, HUGE > 511 VALID, NA, HUGE 5, 19, 21, 24
dimToStern m Distance of the GPS Receiverfrom the Stern 1-510 5, 19, 21, 24
dimToSternStatus string Status of DimToStern, HUGE > 511 VALID, NA, HUGE 5, 19, 21, 24
dimToStbrd m Distance of the GPS Receiverfrom the Stardboard Side 1-62 5, 19, 21, 24
dimToStbrdStatus string Status of DimToStbrd, HUGE > 63 VALID, NA, HUGE 5, 19, 21, 24
dimToPort m Distance of the GPS Receiverfrom the Port Side 1-62 5, 19, 21, 24
dimToPortStatus string Status of DimToPort, HUGE > 63 VALID, NA, HUGE 5, 19, 21, 24
etaMonth month UTC Month of ETA at Destination 1-12 0=N/A 5
etaDay day UTC day of ETA at Destination 1-3 10=N/A 5
etaHour h UTC Hour of ETA at Destination 0-59 60=N/A 5
etaMinute min UTC Minute of ETA at Destination 0=N/A 0-59 5
destination string Destination of Vessel - 5
draught m Draught of Target - 5
heading deg True Heading of Target 0-359 1, 2, 3, 18, 19
sog kn Speed over Ground 0-102.1 1, 2, 3, 18, 19
sogStatus string Status of Speed over Ground, if status is VALID, then sog contains the Speed VALID,HIGH,NA 1, 2, 3, 18, 19
cog deg Course over Ground 0-359 1, 2, 3, 18, 19
utcTsSec s Seconds of UTC Time 0-59 1, 2, 3, 18, 19
utcTsStatus string Status of the utcTsSec Paramerter NA, MANUAL, ESTIMATED, INOPERATIVE or INVALID 1, 2, 3, 18, 19
vendorId string Vendor Name of the AIS equipment - 24
mothershipMmsi string MMSI of Mothership 9 Digit Number 24
rot deg/min Rate of Turn -126-126 1, 2, 3
rotStatus string Status of Rate of Turn 'NONE, RIGHT, LEFT, NA 1,2,3
offPosInd string Off Position indicator for Aid to Navigation IN_POS, OFF_POS, NA 21
aidType index Type of the Aid to Navigation 0-31 21
aidTypeStr string A String associated with the aidType - 21
nameExt string Name Extension for Aid to Navigation - 21