valid |
string |
Validity of the result |
all |
aisType |
number |
The message number of the AIS Message |
1-5, 18, 19, 21, or 24 |
all |
channel |
string |
The VHF channel the message was Transmitted on |
A,B or empty |
all |
repeatInd |
number |
Wether or not / how this message should be rebroadcasted |
0,1,2,3 |
all |
mmsi |
number |
Maritime Mobile Service Identity |
9 digit number |
all |
midCountry |
string |
Country extracted from the MMSI |
The Country or empty |
all |
midCountryIso |
string |
ISO String of the Country extracted from the MMSI |
The ISO String or empty |
all |
mmsiType |
string |
The Type of Target extracted from the MMSI |
Target type or empty |
all |
class |
string |
The Class of AIS Device |
A, B empty |
all |
latitude |
deg |
The latitude of the Sender |
-90-90 |
1, 2, 3, 4, 18, 19 |
longitude |
deg |
The longitude of the Sender |
-180-180 |
1, 2, 3, 4, 18, 19 |
posAccuracy |
boolean |
Position Accuracy, true = DGPS Quality < 10m, false >10m |
true,false |
1, 2, 3, 4, 18, 19 |
navStatus |
index |
Navigational Status of AIS Target |
0-15 |
1,2,3 |
navStatusStr |
string |
A String associated with Nav Status |
- |
1,2,3 |
utcYear |
year |
Message Type 4 Base Station Time Reference |
1-999, 0=N/A |
4 |
utcMonth |
month |
Message Type 4 Base Station Time Reference |
1-12, 0=N/A |
4 |
utcDay |
day |
Message Type 4 Base Station Time Reference |
1-31, 0=N/A |
4 |
utcHour |
h |
Message Type 4 Base Station Time Reference |
0-23, 24 = N/A |
4 |
utcMinute |
min |
Message Type 4 Base Station Time Reference |
0-59, 60=N/A |
4 |
utcSecond |
s |
Message Type 4 Base Station Time Reference |
0-59, 60=N/A |
4 |
epfd |
index |
EPFD Fix Type |
0-8, 0=N/A |
4,5,19 |
epfdStr |
string |
A String associated with EPFD index |
- |
4,5,19 |
callSign |
string |
Callsign of the AIS Target |
7 Characters |
5,24 |
name |
string |
AIS Targets Name |
20 Characters |
5,24 |
aisVer |
number |
0=ITU1371, 1-3=future editions |
0-3 |
5 |
imo |
number |
IMO Registration Number |
9 Digits |
5 |
shipType |
index |
Ship Type & Cargo |
5,19.24 |
shipTypeStr |
string |
A String associated with Ship Type & Cargo |
- |
5, 19, 24 |
dimToBow |
m |
Distance of the GPS Receiverfrom the Bow |
1-510 |
5, 19, 21, 24 |
dimToBowStatus |
string |
Status of DimToBow, HUGE > 511 |
5, 19, 21, 24 |
dimToStern |
m |
Distance of the GPS Receiverfrom the Stern |
1-510 |
5, 19, 21, 24 |
dimToSternStatus |
string |
Status of DimToStern, HUGE > 511 |
5, 19, 21, 24 |
dimToStbrd |
m |
Distance of the GPS Receiverfrom the Stardboard Side |
1-62 |
5, 19, 21, 24 |
dimToStbrdStatus |
string |
Status of DimToStbrd, HUGE > 63 |
5, 19, 21, 24 |
dimToPort |
m |
Distance of the GPS Receiverfrom the Port Side |
1-62 |
5, 19, 21, 24 |
dimToPortStatus |
string |
Status of DimToPort, HUGE > 63 |
5, 19, 21, 24 |
etaMonth |
month |
UTC Month of ETA at Destination |
1-12 0=N/A |
5 |
etaDay |
day |
UTC day of ETA at Destination |
1-3 10=N/A |
5 |
etaHour |
h |
UTC Hour of ETA at Destination |
0-59 60=N/A |
5 |
etaMinute |
min |
UTC Minute of ETA at Destination |
0=N/A 0-59 |
5 |
destination |
string |
Destination of Vessel |
- |
5 |
draught |
m |
Draught of Target |
- |
5 |
heading |
deg |
True Heading of Target |
0-359 |
1, 2, 3, 18, 19 |
sog |
kn |
Speed over Ground |
0-102.1 |
1, 2, 3, 18, 19 |
sogStatus |
string |
Status of Speed over Ground, if status is VALID, then sog contains the Speed |
1, 2, 3, 18, 19 |
cog |
deg |
Course over Ground |
0-359 |
1, 2, 3, 18, 19 |
utcTsSec |
s |
Seconds of UTC Time |
0-59 |
1, 2, 3, 18, 19 |
utcTsStatus |
string |
Status of the utcTsSec Paramerter |
1, 2, 3, 18, 19 |
vendorId |
string |
Vendor Name of the AIS equipment |
- |
24 |
mothershipMmsi |
string |
MMSI of Mothership |
9 Digit Number |
24 |
rot |
deg/min |
Rate of Turn |
-126-126 |
1, 2, 3 |
rotStatus |
string |
Status of Rate of Turn |
1,2,3 |
offPosInd |
string |
Off Position indicator for Aid to Navigation |
21 |
aidType |
index |
Type of the Aid to Navigation |
0-31 |
21 |
aidTypeStr |
string |
A String associated with the aidType |
- |
21 |
nameExt |
string |
Name Extension for Aid to Navigation |
- |
21 |