Change help var name of -s to N
Change help var name of -s to N
Add an alternative -s option for output splitting
Add an alternative -s option for output splitting
Fix handling of input with 0 or 1 profiles with -s
Fix handling of input with 0 or 1 profiles with -s
"vertical grid" -> "vertical levels"
"vertical grid" -> "vertical levels"
A slight improvement in the manual page
A slight improvement in the manual page
"height resolution" -> "vertical grid" in docs
"height resolution" -> "vertical grid" in docs
Add split option and restructure man page
Add split option and restructure man page
README: Add instructions to uninstall
README: Add instructions to uninstall
README: Improve usage information
README: Improve usage information
README: Improve installation instructions
README: Improve installation instructions
Merge branch 'master' of
Merge branch 'master' of
README: Improve usage information
README: Improve usage information
setup.cfg: Change dash to underscore
setup.cfg: Change dash to underscore