This repo contains code to implement a series of data drift tests and distances, as well as the visualization of their underlying distributions.
The demo notebook is nb_data_drift_demo.ipynb
. It contains a demo of the data drift tests and distances, including visualizations of the underlying distributions. It implements the following test and distances:
- Two-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) Test - Numerical Features
- Chi-Squared (Chi^2) Test - Categorical Features
- Jensen-Shannon (JS) Distance - Numerical and Categorical Features
- Normed Wasserstein Distance - Numerical Features
- PSI (Population Stability Index) - Numerical Features and Categorical Features
- d_inf (Chebyshev distance on discrete probability distributions) - Numerical Features and Categorical Features
- Automatic bin size selection for continous features based on sample sizes of baseline and test datasets.
The unit tests are in
. They test the following:
- Assert that drift measures are independent of sample size
- Distances should be close to 0 for samples of different sizes drawn from the same distribution.
- Distances should remain roughly constant for samples of different sizes drawn from the same drifted distribution.
- Statistical tests should fail reject the null hypothesis (p-value > alpha) samples of different sizes drawn from the same distribution
- Statistical tests should reject the null hypothesis (p-value < alpha) for samples of different sizes drawn from a drifted distribution
- To be implemented: Assert that same threholds are appropriate regardles of feature value range
- To be implemented: Assert that PSI metric does not blow up to infinity when a bin has a 0 count.
contains the configuration for data drift
contains functions implementing the tests, distances, and
contains unit tests for the data drift test/measures.data_drift_demo.ipynb
contains a demo of the data drift test/measures, including visulizations.
- Create the conda environment:
conda env create -f conda_env.yml
- Activate the environment:
conda activate data_drift