Represents a game of Werewolves of Miller's Hollow.
- _id: MongoDB's unique identifier
- owner : User ID (from
collection) - gameCode : Alphanumeric game identifier
- specialChars: Array of special characters taking part of the game
- cupid
- fortuneteller
- huntsman
- littlegirl
- witch
- wolfCount: Number of wolves taking part of the game
- status: Game status (Created | Live | Finished)
- creationDate: Game's creation date
- modifiedDate: Game's last modification date
- victory: True if townsfolk won the game, false otherwise (undefined if game is not Finished)
- witchUsedRevivePower: True if witch used her revive power in the game already, false otherwise
- witchUsedKillPower: True if witch used her kill power in the game already, false otherwise
"_id" : "dNN2QTe7vmJaGE7sg",
"owner" : "Sam4hwhLePcMdLWRY",
"gameCode" : "IOIVMV",
"specialChars" : [
"wolfCount" : 2,
"status" : 2,
"creationDate" : ISODate("2016-06-01T17:59:00.007Z"),
"modifiedDate" : ISODate("2016-11-24T23:58:57.439Z"),
"victory" : false,
"witchUsedRevivePower" : false,
"witchUsedKillPower": false
Add properties:
- dayNightCycles: Counter of day/night cycles (just informative)
- currentPhase: Identifies current game phase (Day | Night)
Represents a player who is taking part of a Game
- _id: MongoDB's unique identifier
- userId: User ID (from
collection) - name: User name
- gameCode: Alphanumeric game identifier
- role: Character role of the player, (*) indicates that it has special powers
- townsfolk: Townsfolk, lives in fear of wolves and trusts no one
- werewolf: Werewolf, kills by night, deceives by day
- fortuneteller: Fortune teller, reveals a player's true identity (*)
- huntsman: Huntsman, kills a player when killed (*)
- littlegirl: Little girl, can peek during night phase (*)
- witch: Witch, can kill and revive any player once during a game (*)
- cupid: Cupid, makes any two people fall instantly in love
- status: Player status (Alive | Dead)
- isLover: True if player was chosen as a lover by Cupid at beginning of game, false otherwise
- killedBy: Provides information on who (which role) killed the player (huntsman | townsfolk | werewolf | witch)
"_id" : "abc03",
"userId" : "zGAQaQzXW5GXAiJjK",
"name" : "talizorah",
"gameCode" : "IOIVMV",
"role" : "townsfolk",
"status" : 2
Add properties:
- isSheriff: True if player is elected as sheriff by the villagers
Meteor's default User definition (as per using accounts-ui
- _id: MongoDB's unique identifier
- createdAt: Creation date
- services: [...]
- username: User name (login)
- profile: [...]
"_id" : "HepCX3XuDwSbusMMR",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2016-05-27T21:32:41.688Z"),
"services" : {
"password" : {
"bcrypt" : "$2a$10$E30oKOcbsHWr34oFEWD6cOeVN/xLieoIgx4O1cRpNCdCdPZMk9zSi"
"resume" : {
"loginTokens" : []
"username" : "alenko",
"profile" : {}