is used in this document as abbreviation to or any other domain name under which the web app will be hosted.
The API consists of two controllers:
- Home (Landing Page, About, Feedback, Contact, Impress, etc.)
- Plan (Creating, Editing and Showing Plans)
Moreover there will be two variants of that API:
- one for an MVC-razor-views client
- one for a react client
The MVC client can be reached under ~/
, while the react client (its static content) can be reached under ~/spa
. The react client will use mostly similar routes as the MVC client, but with a preceeding /api
(e.g.: www.themis/api/plan/asxwefr55v6e32$&$%
We try to implement a simple login free privacy and authorization concept. Thus created plans will be unencrypted reachable by URL but via a specific access-id ({id}
). That ID allows so many combinations that finding a plan by chance is significantly smaller than 1%. They could look like this: asxwefr55v6e32$&$%
For editing a plan we want to use a second similar ID in the URL as an authorization token. The so called: authorization-id will be created in the same way like the normal IDs, but adding it to the access-id in the URL it gives a user the power to UPDATE and DELETE a plan. The authorization-id should only be shared with admin users of the plan.
We use
instead of the 100% RESTful correct pluralplans
for the plan controller, because users should not be able to view multiple plans. Their view should always be restricted to one plan at a time and there will not be a list of plans. -
The home page won't allow to navigate to the SHOW of a specific plan. It only provides a link to
. The SHOW action can only be reached via direct link that the original creator of the plan will receive. He must share it with every plan participant.
Route | Verb | Function |
~/ |
GET | Home Page |
~/plan/create |
GET | SHOW the plan-create form |
~/plan |
POST | CREATEs a new plan. Data must be provided as Json in the request body. On submit success, the client is redirected to ~/plan/success . |
~/plan/success |
GET | SHOWs the two urls to the plan (one with acc-hash and one with authhash ) |
~/plan/{id} |
GET | SHOWs the read-only plan. Might allow queries/filtering in future |
~/plan/edit/{id}?token={token} |
GET | SHOWs EDIT form for the plan. |
~/plan/{id}?token={token} |
PUT | UPDATEs the plan. Data must be provided as Json in the request body. On submit success, the client is redirected to GET:~/plan/<{id}> . |
~/plan/{id}?token={token} |
DELETE | DELETEs the plan. Data must be provided as Json in the request body. On submit success, the client is redirected to GET:~/ . |
Route | Verb | Function |
~/api/plan |
AJAX~POST | Same as MVC variant, but on submit success the two hashes are returned as server response to this method. |
~/api/plan/{id} |
AJAX~GET | GETs the read-only data for a plan as Json |
~/api/plan/{id}?token={token} |
AJAX~PUT | UPDATEs the plan. Data must be provided as Json in the request body. |
~/api/plan/{id}?token={token} |
AJAX~DELETE | DELETEs the plan. Data must be provided as Json in the request body. |