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This directory has the sources for a UI5 application that uses the SAP Cloud Platform Internet of Things to interact with an IoT Device. It renders the received data that is stored in the database (where the MMS part of the Internet of Things writes to) in an xy plot using the MMS built-in OData API. By default the chart shows the last 100 values of the chosen device.

UI5 Consumption example

This application is deliberately kept simple to provide an easy starting point for understanding data consumption via the MMS OData API. If you are looking for an advanced application with more configuration possibilities and live data updates, please refer to the advanced consumption UI.


Setup SAP Cloud Platform Internet of Things

The sample application requires the SAP Cloud Platform Internet of Things enabled for your SAP Cloud Platform account. Please refer to the SAP Cloud Platform Internet of Things setup guide Internet of Things > Getting Started.

Download the IoT Starter Kit

Go to the main folder of the GitHub repository and download the IoT Starter Kit.

UI5 Consumption example

Extract the downloaded Zip file to a local folder and navigate to the sample application folder <Path to IoT Starterkit>\iot-starterkit-master\src\apps\ui5\consumption. This folder contains two subfolders:

  • destinations - contains the destinations for accessing IoT RDMS and IoT MMS, and
  • src - contains the source code of the sample application.

Import Destinations

Open the SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit in a browser and go to Connectivity > Destinations.

UI5 Destination configuration

Choose Import Destination, navigate to the destinations folder of the sample application and import the file iotmms. Enter your HCP User and Password. In the Url you need to exchange:

  • %account_id% - the name of your SAP Cloud Platform account, which can be found on the Overview page of the SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit under Account Information > Account Name
  • %landscape_name% - the name of the SAP Cloud Platform landscape, which can be found as part of the SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit URL between https://account. and, e.g., on SAP Cloud Platform Trial the URL is and the landscape name is hanatrial.

UI5 MMS Destination configuration

It is also recommended to click on the Check Connection button after you save your imported destination to verify your connectivity. Note: This check validates only the URL, not the user and password.

UI5 MMS Destination configuration

Import the RDMS destination iotrdms in the same way. Enter your SAP Cloud Platform User and Password, and adapt the service Url.

UI5 RDMS Destination configuration

Import the Application in SAP Web IDE

To run the sample application, you first need to import it in the SAP Web IDE. Go into the src folder of the sample application and zip the webapp folder and the neo-app.json file (Important: Do not include the src folder in the zip file).

UI5 RDMS Destination configuration

Open the SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit, go to Services and click on the tile SAP Web IDE. If you have never used the Web IDE before, you may need to enable it first. Click Open SAP Web IDE.

In the Web IDE click File > Import > File From System and choose the zipped file. Enter an application folder name of your choice in Import to.

UI5 Import example

The application is now available in your workspace.

UI5 Import example

Run the Application

To run the sample application, right click on the application folder in the Web IDE and choose Run > Run as > Web Application .

Note: The application expects IoT RDMS and IoT MMS to run. Make sure to follow the instructions of the SAP Cloud Platform Internet of Things setup guide (Internet of Things > Getting Started). You should also create at least one message type, device type and device. Note that this sample application just shows data for message types that contain a timestamp and a value field. See the source code for details.

Deploy the Application to SAP Cloud Platform

If you want to run the sample application directly from the SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit, you need to deploy it into your SAP Cloud Platform account.

Right click your project folder in WebIDE and choose Deploy > Deploy to SAP Cloud Platform . Follow the instructions of the wizard. Ignore the step for registering the application in the Fiori Launchpad. After the deployment you find the application in the SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit under Applications > HTML5 Applications.

UI5 Import example

Click on the link in the Application column to open the application details. In the section Active Version you find the Application URL to open the application.

Modify the Application

In case you would need to display another measurement value on Y-Axis different from the value field of your message type, please modify the UI5 data source binding right in the source code i.e. main.view.js line #120. A value should match the next pattern {odata>C_<MESSAGE_TYPE_FIELD_NAME>}.

By default, the chart shows the last 100 values. If you want to change this number, or want to load all available values, open main.controller.js and go to line #132:

	this.oDataset.bindAggregation("data", {
		path: "odata>/T_IOT_" + sMessageTypeId,
		// number of values to be displayed in the chart
--->	length: 100,
		// filter for the selected device
		filters: [
			new sap.ui.model.Filter("G_DEVICE", sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.EQ, sDeviceId)
		//sort by timestamp to get the last, and not the first x values
		sorters: [
			new sap.ui.model.Sorter("C_TIMESTAMP", true)

Change the value of the length property to the number of values you want to load. Remove the whole code line to load all values.


If the sample application does not show devices or the chart does not show data, there are a couple of things to check.

  1. Check the destinations. URL, User and Password must be correct. Note that Check Connection validates only the URL.
  2. Check that the respective components of the SAP Cloud Platform Internet of Things are running, and the roles are set correctly for RDMS and MMS. See the FAQ for typical problems and solutions.
  3. Check that at least one device with a message type of the expected format exists. See Create Device Information in Internet of Things Cockpit.
  4. Check that data are available for the device. You can use the MMS Cockpit, which can be accessed in the HCP Cockpit under Applications > Java Applications > iotmms. Click the tile Display Stored Messages and open the table with name T_IOT_+<Message Type ID>. If such a table does not exist or it is empty, sending data to MMS did not work. Try one of these methods: Sending messages from the device.