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| -# 🎮 Algorand Coding Challenge: Fix The Bug 🐞! |
| 1 | +# 🎓 블록체인 밸리 X 알고랜드 개발자 부트캠프 |
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| -## 🚩 Challenge 1: I Can't Send My Transaction! 😭 |
| 3 | +## 🚩 세션 1: 알고킷 유틸리티 라이어버리를 사용해 여러 트랜잭션을 보내보자! |
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| -> I want to send 1 ALGO to my friend to show how amazing Algorand is but I can't send my transaction! what's wrong??? |
| 5 | +이번 세션에서는 다음과 같은 시나리오를 [algokit utils typescript](https://github.com/algorandfoundation/algokit-utils-ts) 라이브러리를 사용해서 구현해보겠습니다. |
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| -Inside of `index.ts` file, there is a script that sends a payment transaction that sends 1,000,000 microAlgos (1 ALGO) to the receiver's wallet. However if you try running the `index.ts` file after opening Docker Desktop and then running: |
8 |
| -```bash |
9 |
| -algokit bootstrap all |
10 |
| -algokit localnet start |
11 |
| -npm run start |
12 |
| -``` |
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| -it will fail and show this error: `TypeError: Argument must be byte array` |
| 7 | +앨리스는 애플 비전 프로가 너무 사고싶었지만 한국에서는 팔지 않아서 미국에 있는 크리스에게 대신 사달라고 부탁하기로 했다. |
| 8 | +크리스는 앨리스에게 애플 비전 프로를 사주는 대신 이자 10%를 달라고 요구했다. |
| 9 | +앨리스는 크리스의 조건에 동의했고 크리스는 앨리스 대신 밥으로 부터 애플 비전 프로를 구매하기로 했다. 밥은 크리스에게로부터 |
| 10 | +돈을 받으면 앨리스에게 애플 비전 프로를 보내겠다고 했다. |
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| -This repository has the `challenge` folder on the root level, which contains the fix the bug challenge codebase. |
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| -Find the `index.ts` file inside of the `challenge` folder and **fix the bug! 🐞** |
| 12 | +이 상상의 세계에서는 비전 프로의 가격은 100 ALGO입니다 (부럽다... ㅠ_ㅠ) |
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| -> 💬 Meet other hackers working on this challenge and get help in the [JavaScript SDK Discord Channel](https://discord.com/channels/491256308461207573/631209194967531559)! |
| 14 | +총 5문제로 구성되어 있고 각 문제에 "*** 여기에 코드 작성 ***" 부분에 코드를 작성하시면 됩니다. |
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| -## Checkpoint 1: 🧰 Prerequisites |
| 16 | +## 체크포인트 1: 🧰 알고랜드 개발에 필요한 툴킷 설치 |
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| -1. [Install AlgoKit](https://github.com/algorandfoundation/algokit-cli/tree/main?tab=readme-ov-file#install). |
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| -2. Install [Docker](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/). It is used to run a local Algorand network for development. |
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| -3. Install [Node.JS / npm](https://docs.npmjs.com/downloading-and-installing-node-js-and-npm) |
| 18 | +1. [AlgoKit 설치](https://github.com/algorandfoundation/algokit-cli/tree/main?tab=readme-ov-file#install). |
| 19 | +2. [Docker 설치](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/). It is used to run a local Algorand network for development. |
| 20 | +3. [Node.JS / npm 설치](https://docs.npmjs.com/downloading-and-installing-node-js-and-npm) |
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| -**Make sure to install these 3 prerequisites before continuing!** |
| 22 | +## 체크포인트 2: 💻 개발 환경 셋업 |
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| -## Checkpoint 2: 💻 Set up your development environment |
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| - |
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| -1. [Fork this repository.](https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/working-with-forks/fork-a-repo) |
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| -2. Clone the repository |
| 24 | +1. [이 리포를 fork하세요.](https://docs.github.com/en/pull-requests/collaborating-with-pull-requests/working-with-forks/fork-a-repo) |
| 25 | +2. Fork한 리포를 git clone하세요. |
32 | 26 | ```bash
34 | 28 | git clone [FORKED_REPO_URL]
35 | 29 | ```
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| -3. Open the cloned repository with the code editor of your choosing. |
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| -4. Go into the `challenge` directory and run the following in your terminal: |
| 30 | +3. VSCode에서 이 폴더를 열람하세요. |
| 31 | +4. 열람 후 VSCode 터미널에서 `algokit project bootstrap all` 커맨드를 실행시켜 dependencies들을 설치하세요. |
38 | 32 | ```bash
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| -algokit bootstrap all |
| 33 | +algokit project bootstrap all |
40 | 34 | ```
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| -Video walkthrough of forking and cloning this repository: |
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| - |
| 36 | +리포 fork, clone 튜토리얼: |
44 | 37 | https://github.com/algorand-fix-the-bug-campaign/challenge-1/assets/52557585/acde8053-a8dd-4f53-8bad-45de1068bfda
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| -Now you are ready to fix the bug! |
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| -## Checkpoint 3: 🐞 Fix the bug 🧐 |
| 40 | +## 체크포인트 3: 📝 문제를 해결하세요! |
| 41 | +총 5개의 문제가 있습니다. `index.ts` 파일로 가셔서 설명을 읽으시고 문제들을 해결해보세요. 문제를 다 해결한 뒤 터미널에서 `npm run start` 커맨드를 실행하시면 `index.ts`파일을 실행하실 수 있습니다. 실행 후 다음과 같은 콘솔 값이 출력되면 성공적으로 모든 문제를 해결하신겁니다! |
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50 | 43 | 1. Open Docker Desktop and launch Algorand localnet by running `algokit localnet start` in your terminal [For more info click me!](https://github.com/algorandfoundation/algokit-cli/blob/main/docs/features/localnet.md#creating--starting-the-localnet).
51 | 44 | 2. Make sure you are inside the `challenge` directory and run `npm run start` in your terminal to run the `index.ts` file and see the error message.
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