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Simple Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (STAMP) (RFC 8762 and 8972)

Rust Dependency status License Latest version

A word about

stamp-suite consists of application pair - client (stamp(.exe)) and server (stampd(.exe)) that can be used to handle both sending and receiving packets. It's intended to be fully compatible with RFC 8762 and incorporate extensions from RFC 8972.

The main aim to use STAMP is to measure the packet loss and delays in networks between the two ends. Beside the configuration both ends need to have their time synchronized either using NTP or PTP standards. Then, STAMP can be used to determine the link quality in one direction (stateless) or both directions (stateful).

STAMP is simple protocol where configuration and sessions handling is out of the standard's scope. As the RFC stands it does not matter what communication channel will be used to provide both endpoints (sender and reflector) with proper configuration. stamp-suite is using command line as the main source for the configuration and therefore it needs to be executed with complementary settings on both sides.

Usage of both client and server is given below. Where it was possible it has been tried to be as much compatible with OWAMP/TWAMP as it is possible to increase usage comfort for those who know such packages.

Current state

Project is still under development. Current work is done towards:

  • TTL field handling using Rust net lib
  • authenticated mode

stampd - usage

Basic usage is just to call the binary with the correct options. Anytime you can use -h for help.

    stampd.exe [OPTIONS]

            Force IPv4 addresses
            Force IPv6 addresses
    -A, --auth-mode <AUTH_MODE>
            Specify work mode - A for auth, E for encryped and O for open mode -  default "AEO" [default: AEO]
    -h, --help
            Print help information
    -K, --clock-source <CLOCK_SOURCE>
            Clock source to be used [default: NTP]
    -L <TIMEOUT>
            Amount of time to wait for packet until consider it lost [s] [default: 5]
    -o, --local-port <LOCAL_PORT>
            UDP port number for incoming packets [default: 852]
            Print individual statistics for each packet
    -S, --local-addr <LOCAL_ADDR>
            Local address to bind for [default:]
    -V, --version
            Print version information

stamp - usage

Basic usage is just to call the binary with the correct options. Anytime you can use -h for help.

    stamp.exe [OPTIONS] --remote-addr <REMOTE_ADDR>

            Force IPv4 addresses
            Force IPv6 addresses
    -A, --auth-mode <AUTH_MODE>
            Specify work mode - A for auth, E for encryped and O for open mode -  default "AEO"
            [default: AEO]
    -c, --count <COUNT>
            Count of packets to be sent [default: 852]
        --clock-source <CLOCK_SOURCE>
            Clock source to be used [default: NTP]
    -d, --send-delay <SEND_DELAY>
            Delay between next packets [default: 1000]
    -h, --help
            Print help information
    -L <TIMEOUT>
            Amount of time to wait for packet until consider it lost [s] [default: 5]
    -o, --local-port <LOCAL_PORT>
            UDP port number for incoming packets [default: 852]
    -p, --remote-port <REMOTE_PORT>
            UDP port number for outgoing packets [default: 852]
    -r, --remote-addr <REMOTE_ADDR>
            Remote address for Session Reflector
            Print individual statistics for each packet
    -S, --local-addr <LOCAL_ADDR>
            Local address to bind for [default:]
    -V, --version
            Print version information

Further development

stamp-suite handles only one session at the time so it can be used to associate exactly one sender with exactly one reflector. This can be improved in the future as one reflector can handle many senders. Of course, it's simple when we're talking about the stateless mode as the only thing that reflector needs to do is copy original fields and generate own timestamp (in unauthorized mode). The things is going worse when we're talking about the stateful mode and multiple sessions, when some of them can be started and some of them can be terminated. As STAMP does not handles session management itself it needs to be done outside (somehow). Using 4-tuple params is of course problematic as configuring session-reflector for each 4-tuple can drive everybody crazy, using optional session identifiers described in the RFC 8972 seems to be the best way to handle state.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


I use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Piotr Olszewski - Original work - asmie

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details