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Converting Synchronization Primitives in C/C++ to P #450

Answered by anupgithub
anupgithub asked this question in Q&A

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Thanks Ankush! We will go through the example you mentioned.

Basically we need "dumb" synchronization examples to learn from. Take any concurreny book (c++/Java, c), converting the first 10 solved concurrent problems from it to P would be a great tutorial.

I also had the following questions:

1# What's a atomic step in P programming? What's the smallest default atomic?

Like if X is a integer, would the following be considered atomic?
X = X + 1

From example in pluscal, every step is atomic. Step is defined by labels. Following is a note from lamport.

"PlusCal is an algorithm language. Execution of an algorithm consists of a sequence of steps. An algorithm’s computational complexity is the n…

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Answer selected by ankushdesai
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