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a rule-based command-line tool for executing a command as another user

Author: [email protected]
Date: 2023
Copyright: MPL-2.0
Manual section:8
Manual group:Utilities


sys [options...] [path]*tag* [arguments...]

options can be one of:

-d daemonize
-u uid launch with a specific user
-g uid launch with a specific group
-l list allowed rule for the user
-v verbose mode
-h synopsis

options must appear before the tag if any.
arguments are passed to the executable to be run.


In short, sys allows the execution of scripts and binaries as another user, root by default, in a restricted context. To do that it needs to have access to a set of rules grouped in at least one data files.

The rules must be separated by at least one empty line.

Each rule may contain:

  • a tag (mandatory) starting at the first column,
  • various parameters using the syntax: parameter1:[value1[,[value2],...] preceded by at least one space or tabulation mark. A ';' can also be used to delimit the values instead of the ',':
    • a cmd parameter (mandatory) to give the name of the executable and instructions on how to handle its arguments,
    • other optional parameters to set or extend the execution environment of the executable or to condition its execution to other criteria.

In addition to these rules, data files may also contain variables whose purpose is to facilitate the writing of the rule definitions and make them easier to read and maintain.

The tag is used by sys to locate the correct rule in the data files.

If the tag is prefixed with a path (starts with a set of strings delimited by the / character) then only the part after the last / will be looked for in rules for a match, refer to the paths parameter definition in the section named "Parameters related to the execution context." below.

If sys cannot find a matching rule for this tag, it will try to use special generic rules identified with tags named as +n where n is a number greater than or equal to 1.

Note that he existence of these special rules is not mandatory. but in this case a rule for this tag must exist.

These special rules will be considered in order until one of them succeeds or the maximum number of attempts is exceeded. Note that holes are allowed in their numbering sequence.

The number following + ith their name cannot be greater than 8 by default but this value can be increased or decreased using a setting in the sys configuration file. See the sys.cfg(5) man page for more details.

If such special rules exist and no other suitable rule could be found using the given tag, then sys will replace the pseudo-executable + in them with the tag and try to interpret it according to the parameters present in that special rule if any.

Note that + must be the first word in the value of the mandatory cmd parameter, see below for an example.

In a way, these special rules can allow sys to be used a bit like sudo.

Here is a example of a simple rule definition. The ASCII arrows on the right and the rest of the lines are there for explanation in this manual, but are not part of the rule definition:

list            <-- the tag of the rule passed to sys.
  cmd:ls $*     <-- the (decorated) executable to run.
  users:pierre  <-- a restriction (list can only be used by pierre).

With such a definition, when the user enters the command line: sys list arguments then ls arguments is run as root if, and only if, the real user is 'pierre'.

Note that the tag whose name is list must start a line without a leading blank and that the following lines forming the rest of the rule must be indented.

Here is an example of how to define a special rule:

  cmd:+ $*     <-- the '+' is a substitute for the requested command.
  environment: <-- do not clear the existing environment variables.
  groups:root  <-- members of the root group wont need a password.
  password:    <-- ask for a password in the other cases.

If the tag given on the command line is a path (contains a '/') then the executable value is replaced by the value of the tag and the modified rule will not be cached.

This kind of tags are only taken into account when special tags are defined.

In addition to data files, sys also needs a configuration file whose content is documented in the sys.cfg(5) man page.

So, in summary, you'll need:

  • a configuration which must to be named sys.cfg and will be used to configure sys itself. It must belong to root and only be readable and writable by root. It has a simple .ini-like syntax. Its location in the file system is determined at compile time.

  • data files to store the definitions of the rules. They must have a .dat suffix and do not have to be located in the same directory.

    .dat files must belong to root and only be readable and writable by root.

    • .dat files are located in directories listed in the sys.cfg file,
    • you can define as many .dat files as you like,
    • they are parsed in alphabetical order in each directory where they appear,
    • a list of these directories can be given in the in the .cfg file and each of these directories is opened in the order of appearance in this list,
    • if a tag appears more than once, the last occurrence on the rule it tags prevails,
    • the .dat files can also contain sys variables whose scopes are either local (the default) or usable in the .dat file in which they are defined and in all the .dat files read after.

Variables syntax.

sys variable are declared in .dat files using the following syntax


or for a global variables:

global @var:[value]

they can be expanded using the syntax:


A sys variable cannot be destroyed but can be given an empty value.

A variable definition must start at a beginning of a line in a .dat file, just like a tag.

The scope of a variable is local to the .dat file in which it is defined except when it is a global variable. The content of a global variable is not reset when parsing the next .dat files.

Variables (local or global) must be defined before they can be used, so only objects that appear after their definitions can use them.

Variables definitions can take more than one line using so called continuation lines. continuation lines starts with at least one leading space or tabulation mark followed by the character '>' and the remaining content value.

Here is an example of a variable defined using 3 lines:


This is equivalent to:


Blanks after the '>' are significant.

When the last character of a line in a variable definition is not followed by a \, a newline character if automatically inserted when continuation lines are present.

Rules syntax.

rules in .dat files must be defined using the following syntax:

  • the tag must start at the beginning of a line,

  • all the following lines describing the parameters on the rule and must be indented by at least one space or tabulation mark, the number of these blanks is free and can vary,

  • these lines must respect the following syntax:


    Note that the semicolon (;) can also be used instead of the comma (,) to separate parameter values.

    Most parameters have their function reversed when prefixed with the character '!'.

    Some parameters take only zero or one values.

    The variable prefixed by a '$' in the syntax above is an Unix environment variable, not a sys variable.

  • A rule must be followed by at least one empty line (except for the last one in a given .dat file), but cannot contain empty lines.

Here's an example of a rule:

  cmd:ksh $*
  $PS1:'sys@${HOSTNAME} # '

As with variables, each item in an rule can be defined on more than one line using continuation lines introduced by the continuation character '>'.



The detailed syntax after the tag is described below.

Recognized parameters in rules:

The parameters can be grouped in four categories:

  • those related to the execution context,
  • those related to the users,
  • those related to restrictions, regular or custom (plugins).
  • the cmd parameter describing the command line to be run.
  • Each parameter can be followed by a comma-separated list of values. These values may often be extended regular expressions implicitly bounded be a starting ^ and an ending $ to prevent stupid mistakes, we'll call them "constrained extended regular expressions" in the following.
  • Remember that the semicolon can also be used to delimit parameter values instead of the comma in the following.
Parameters related to the execution context.

The syntax is: environment:[-,][command_line_1,command_line_2,...]

The negative form (with a leading !) if present will be ignored.

command_line_1, command_line_2, ... will be run in sequence and must provide on their standard outputs a list on lines containing shell environment variables affectations in the form name=value. The first command on these command lines must include a full path.

If - is present then the initial environment will be cleared before the execution of the command lines.

if no values are given, then the current environment is inherited by the command to be executed, possibly completed or surcharged by some variables, see Variable below.


  • environment:-,/opt/script considers the output of /opt/script to create a list of environment variable settings after having cleaned the old environment
  • environment: transmits the current environment to the command to be executed possibly completed or altered.
Environment variable:

The syntax is: $VARIABLE_NAME:value

VARIABLE_NAME must comply with the command interpreter's variable naming rules.

value can be empty in which case the variable will be expanded to the empty string.

These variables will be added to the environment of the command which will be executed and may override variables with the same name if the existing environment is not empty.

Example: $PAGER:less



The negative form (with a leading !) if present will be ignored.

Sets the calling process's file mode creation mask (umask) in the target execution environment. The value of this parameter will be interpreted as an octal number.

Example: umask:22

Parameters related to the user who will be used to run the executable.


The negative form (with a leading !) if present will be ignored.

This parameter sets the UID during the time frame in which the command will be executed.

When this parameter is not present, a default value of 0 will be used and the command will be executed as if you were logged as root.

When the -u option is not used, the first value after the uid parameter will be used.

When the -u option is used, then the requested user must be equal to one of the values of this parameter.

values can be user names or user ids.



The negative form (with a leading !) if present will be ignored.

This parameter is similar to uid but for the group.

When this parameter is not present, if -u is not used, the group id 0 will be used and the command will be executed as if you were in the root group, otherwise the primary group of the new user will be used.

When the -g option is not used, the first value after the gid parameter is used to set the current group.

When the -g option is used then the requested group must be equal to one of the values of this parameter.

If the new user is not root, the new group must be one to which the new user belongs to.

Also when the new user is not root, the new group must be one of the new users's supplementary groups.

value can be a user name or group ids.

Parameters related to restrictions.

Syntax is: disabled:reason1,reason2,...

The negative form (with a leading !) if present will be ignored.

This parameter prohibits the use of the rule. Non-mandatory values can be set to provide the user with reasons for disabling this rule.

Each of these reasons will be printed on a new line in the order of appearance.


Syntax is: users:user[@host][/YYYYMMDD],...]

This parameter takes as values a comma separated list of items containing the users allowed to execute the command followed by optional restrictions. All the other users will not be permitted to execute it.

  • The user part of each item can be set by their name or their UID.
  • The optional host part is a constrained regular expression describing the hosts from which the user is allowed to execute the command.
  • The optional date part is a string giving the expiration date using the YYYYMMDDhhmm format. After this date, the command will not be able to be executed.

If this parameter is prefixed with the character '!' (as in !users) , then its signification is reversed and the list designates the users not allowed to execute the command. Note that when '!' is used, date limitations are ignored.


The list of users can be empty, if the parameter is !users, then the whole rule be immediately denied as all users will be matched by this parameter.

if the parameter is users, the rule will continue to be analyzed as the users may belong to one of the group or netgroup matched by the constrained regular expression placed after the parameters groups or netgroups of the rule, see below.


  • users:alice/20251010,bob@srv.*/20163112/,carol,100
  • !users:carol
  • users:
same as above but for groups. Primary and secondary groups are accepted.
same as above but for NIS or LDAP netgroups. Note although than netgroups in the list of value are not constrained extended regular expression as in users and groups above.

The parameters users, groups end netgroups are linked in a way that it is sufficient for one on them to be accepted for the command to be run. This, of course, provided that no other mandatory parameter is rejected.

When no users, groups or netgroups parameter is present in a rule then any user, group or netgroup will be be accepted.

The negative forms (with a leading !) of users, groups and netgroups are first checked for a match and if, and only if, no match has occurred then the positive forms are checked. This ensures that the filter rules are analyzed regardless of the order in which they are specified.

In the same way it if sufficient for him to belong to one of the '!' prefixed users, groups end netgroups parameter to be rejected.


Syntax is: paths:[path][,...]

This parameter, which can be negated with '!' list the allowed (or denied) paths for the target command to belong to.

The path must be absolute (begin with a '/').

If the tag given in the command line has a path (contains a '/') then a rule for the last part of it (the basename) will be looked for. If such a rule is found then the path in its command part (if any) must match the tag path and the tag's path must also be present in the "paths" parameter's list and not denied in the "!paths" parameter list also (if any).

if the tag given in the command line does not have a path then only the "paths" and "!paths" parameters (if present) are considered to enable the executable to be run.

If no path list is given and this parameter is negated with '!' then the executable will not be ran, otherwise an empty list of paths does not have any filtering effect.


Syntax is: password:[user][,...]

The negative form (with a leading !) if present will be ignored.

This parameter, if present, allows the user to bypass "users", "groups" and "netgroups" filtering failure.

When this parameter if absent, no password will be asked for and all filtering failure is fatal.

If this parameter has a list of values, they will be interpreted as a list of users. The password given must be the password of one of them in addition to the target user and 'root to allow the command to be executed. The order in which the user's password is asked for requested will be the same as the order of the values in this parameter.

If this parameter if present and none of the parameters users, groups, netgroups or their negations is present or have an empty set of values, then a password will be asked for. If at least one of these parameters is present in the rule and has values, then a password will only be requested if the current user/group/netgroup is not in the values given.

No value for this parameter is equivalent to a list of values containing root and the target user.

On systems when the PAM mechanism is activated, sys can use it for the authentication, otherwise the encrypted password will be compared with the one in the shadow database.


Syntax is: owners:[user:group][,...]

This parameter, if present, allows to set a list of couples of words describing the allowed ownership of the executable to be run. Is the owner of the executable is not found in this list, the rule will be rejected. Entries in this list must obey the syntax user:group where users and group are extended constrained regular expressions.


The negative form (with a leading !) denies executions instead of allowing them.

Parameter to set the executable name.

Syntax is: cmd:executable

The negative form (with a leading !) if present will be ignored.

This is where you have to define the name of the executable to be run.

sys variables will never been expanded here and will be seen as ordinary text.

If the executable has an absolute path name and the paths parameter is also present, then its path must belong to one on the paths given after the paths parameter.

This executable can be followed by patterns to form a pseudo command line.


cmd:bash $*

patterns are somewhat similar to the shell's meta-characters and can be seen as substitutes for one or more arguments. They can be used to control, impose or constrain the arguments of the executable.

Here is the list of all the available patterns, their meanings will be detailed below:

$*, $+, $,, $;, $., $?, $n and ^word

All patterns starting with a $ can be prefixed by the character ! to invert their functions.

$*, $,, $+ and ?. can also be suffixed with a number to individualize them, so that $* and $*1 behave the same but may have different associated constraints for example.

Here are some examples of legal pattern names: $*, $*1, $,, !$-2, $5, !$1, $+2, $?3, ^-f


During the operation of matching of each pattern to the arguments provided on the command line, it is important to understand that a pattern will be used as long as it can be match the arguments and the next pattern does not also match the current argument, in which case the next pattern will become the default pattern.

A command without a pattern does not accept any arguments on the command line.

pattern features:

  • The $-patterns can also be filtered/constrained by associating a filtering parameters to it. see the examples below.

    Here is their detailed meanings:

    • $* expects a (potentially empty) sequence of arguments, if a filtering parameter is active for $* then all the given constrained regular expressions must match these arguments until the next pattern (if any) matches one of them.

      if no filtering parameter is associated to $*, then command line arguments will be accepted by default until one of them is matched by the next pattern (if any).

      In other words, $* will eat all matching command line arguments until it can no longer do so or until the next pattern matches an argument.

    • $+ same as for $+ but at least one argument must be present.

    • $, expects a sequence of arguments, if a filtering parameter is active for $, then exactly one of its given constrained regular expressions must match theses arguments. The other arguments are always accepted until one of them matches a textual or positional pattern or there is no more argument to consider.

    • $; same a $, except that more then one argument can match the filter.

    • $. expect exactly one argument. If constrained regular expressions are given then the argument must match one of them.

    • $? expect an optional argument. If constrained regular expressions are given then the argument, if present, must match one of them.

    • $n where n is a number says that the n th argument must be present. If it has an associated optional filter then this filter must also match the n th argument.

      $n parameters must appear in increasing order.

      Note that if $n must be preceded by at least one other pattern if n is greater the 1 to consume the first command line arguments.


      cmd:echo $2 will always be rejected, cmd:echo $. $2 may succeed

    If the first five type of $-patterns are followed by a number, each one is treated independently of the others.

    e.g. when $*1 and $*2 are present, then each of them can have a different set of filtering parameters.

  • The parameters starting with ^ mandate that the word that follows the ^ must be entered as it is in the command line.

    e.g. ^-a will match the command line argument -a.

  • Normal words appearing along the patterns (those not prefixed with a $ or a ^) will be automatically inserted in the command line and must not be entered in the command line.

These patterns can be given more than once.

Examples of pattern usage:
cmd:executable $*
allows any number of argument (even 0) if no filtering parameter is set for $* (see below for details about filtering parameters).
cmd:executable $1
wants exactly one argument whatever it is if no filtering parameter is set for $1.
cmd:executable ^-a $2
wants exactly one argument whatever it is (if no filtering parameter is set for $2) after the required argument '-a'.
cmd:executable $,1 $,2
when the parameters $,1:-a and $,2:-b are present, this command, wants to see exactly one occurrence of -a followed by exactly one occurrence of -b. Each occurrence can be preceded or followed by any number of other arguments as in -x -a dummy -y -b -z by example.
cmd:executable $. $*
wants any number of arguments with a first argument whose content can be imposed by a filtering parameter.
cmd:executable $* -l
allows any number of argument (even 0) if no filtering parameter is set for $*. The -l argument will be automatically inserted.
Custom parameters (or plugins) related to restrictions.

When sys is compiled with plugins enabled (--enable-plugins), custom parameters in the form %name are allowed (the leading % in required).

The correct syntax for these custom parameters is:


Where plugin_file is the base name of the plugin compiled object and the argN values are strings which will be passed to the plugin function at run time.

Plugins must be compiled and stored in the plugin_directory defined in sys.cfg (see sys.cfg.5). With gcc for example, the following instruction can be used:

gcc -shared -fPIC -o plugin_name.c

Plugins must have a mandatory public extern function named sys_plugin respecting the following prototype:

/* argc   (in)  Number of values for this plugin parameter in the rule.  */
/* argv   (in)  Array containing the values for this plugin parameter in */
/*              the rule.                                                */
/* output (out) Optional string returned by this plugins, plugins are    */
/*              responsible to allocate the memory for this string. It   */
/*              will be freed by sys after its invocation.               */
/*              output must be NULL if no output is produced.            */
/*              This string will appear in the sys log file if not NULL. */
/* ===================================================================== */
int sys_plugin_main(int argc, char ** argv, char ** output);

The plugin_file object file may contain a optional public extern function returning a version string:

/* PLugin version function, must return a static string. */
/* ===================================================== */
char * sys_plugin_version(void)

They sys_plugin_main function must return 1 on success and 0 on failure.

For security reasons, the directory containing the plugins and the compiled plugin files must belong to root:root and have permissions respectively equals to 0700 and 0600.

Filtering parameter to control the arguments of the target command line.

Each one of the patters described above may be controlled (filtered) by a filtering parameter.

When no filtering parameter is defined for a $-named cmd parameter, then they will match any words appearing in the command line.

Examples of rule extracts with a filtering parameter:

  cmd:rm $*
  !$*:.*(/\.\./.*|/\.\.$)  <--- The filtering parameter
  $*:/users/.*             <--- restrictions for $*

In this example, $* must match any sequences of words starting with /users/ except those containing /../ or those ending with /.. for the command line to be accepted.

  • Examples of $* usages:

    cmd:^-a $* ^-b
    without a $* filtering parameter:
    • Accepted command lines:

      -a x y z -b
      -a -b
    • Denied command lines:

      -x (no -a nor -b)
      -a (no -b)
      -b (no -a)
    cmd:^-a $* ^-b
    with a filtering parameter defined as $*:A*:
    • Accepted command lines:

      -a A AA AAA -b
      -a -b
    • Denied command lines:

      -a A x AAA -b ($* does not match x)
    cmd:^-a $* ^-b $*
    with a filtering parameter defined as $*:a*:
    • Accepted command lines:

      -a a aa -b aaa
      -a -b
    • Denied command lines:

      -a a -b aa x ($* does not match x)
  • Examples of $n usages:

    cmd:^-a $1* ^-b $2*
    with two filtering parameters defined as $1*:a* and $*2:b*:
    • Accepted command lines:

      -a a aa -b bbb
      -a -b
    • Denied command lines:

      -a a -b aa ($2 does not match aa)
      -a x a -v bb ($1 does not match x)
  • Examples of $, usages:

    cmd:^-a $, ^-b
    without a $, filtering parameter:
    • Accepted command lines:

      -a x y z -b
    • Denied command lines:

      -a -b ($, hasn't matched any argument)
    cmd:^-a $, ^-b
    with a filtering parameter defined as $,:A*:
    • Accepted command lines:

      -a A -b
      -a x A y
      -a A x y
    • Denied command lines:

      -a A AA -b ($, has matched more than one A* argument)
  • Example of $+ usages:

    cmd:^-a $+ ^-b
    without a $+ filtering parameter:
    • Accepted command lines:

      -a x y z -b
    • Denied command lines:

      -a -b ($+ must match at least one argument)
    cmd:^-a $+ ^-b
    with a filtering parameter defined as $.:A*:
    • Accepted command lines:

      -a A -b
      -a A AA y
    • Denied command lines:

      -a -b ($+ must match at least one A* like argument)
      -a A B -b ($+ does not match B)
  • Example of $? and $. usages:

    cmd:$.1 $?1 $?2 $.2
    with filtering parameters defined as
    • Accepted command lines:

      a b
      a x b
      a y b
      a x y b
    • Denied command lines:

      a ($.2 does not match anything)
      b ($.1 does not match b)
      a z b ($?1 does not match x)
      a x z b ($?2 does not match y)


sys.cfg file:
Configuration file for the sys program itself.
.dat files:
Files containing the definitions of the rules.

