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150 lines (108 loc) · 5.03 KB

Package ROHand

Nodes for ROHand. One bus, i.e. one port need one node.

1. Clone

cd ~
mkdir -p ros2_ws/src
cd ros2_ws/src
git clone ssh://[email protected]/oymotion/rohand_ros2_pkg

2. Prepare

Install pymodbus

cd /path/to/workspace  # Should be ~/ros2_ws/src

# Create a vertual env for python
virtualenv -p python3 ./venv

# Make sure that colcon doesn’t try to build the venv
touch ./venv/COLCON_IGNORE

# Activate
source ./venv/bin/activate

# Install python module
python3 -m pip install pymodbus

Edit ~/bashrc and add virtual env lib path to PYTHONPATH

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/ros2_ws/src/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages  # Modify python3.12 to your actual versioni
source ~/.bashrc

3. Compile

cd /path/to/workspace
colcon build

4. Node rohand

ROHand node for ModBus-RTU or ModBus-RTU & SerialCtrl Dual Protocol. Please confirm protocol type in OHandSetting. Listens to topic 'target_joint_state' and controls ROHand, reads current joint state and publish to 'current_joint_state'.

4.1 Topics

Topic Description
"current_joint_state" current joint state in message type JointState, frame_id in header distinguishes hand id
"target_joint_state" target joint state in message type JointState, frame_id in header distinguishes hand id

4.2 Run

# Prepare package
source /path/to/workspace/install/bash

# Insert USB-485 module to USB port then add permission to users
# Run following command every time you plug in your USB-485 module
sudo chmod o+rw /dev/ttyUSB0  # Modify ttyUSB0 to your actual device name

# Run node
ros2 run rohand rohand --ros-args -p port_name:="/dev/ttyUSB0" -p baudrate:=115200 -p hand_ids:=[2,3]  # Modify parameters according to your real case

5. Node rohand_serial

ROHand node for SerialCtrl Protocol, Dual Protocol is NOT supported. Please confirm protocol type in OHandSetting. Listens to topic 'target_joint_state' and controls ROHand, reads current joint state and publish to 'current_joint_state'.

5.1 Topics

Topic Description
"current_joint_state" current joint state in message type JointState, frame_id in header distinguishes hand id
"target_joint_state" target joint state in message type JointState, frame_id in header distinguishes hand id
"finger_state" finger status in message type UInt8MultiArray

5.2 Run

# Prepare package
source /path/to/workspace/install/bash

# Insert USB-485 module to USB port then add permission to users
# Run following command every time you plug in your USB-485 module
sudo chmod o+rw /dev/ttyUSB0  # Modify ttyUSB0 to your actual device name

# Run node
ros2 run rohand rohand_serial --ros-args -p port_name:="/dev/ttyUSB0" -p baudrate:=115200 -p hand_ids:=[2,3]  # Modify parameters according to your real case

Finger status code:

Name Code Description
STATUS_POS_REACHED 2 Position reached stop
STATUS_OVER_CURRENT 3 Current protection stop
STATUS_FORCE_REACHED 4 Force control reached stop
STATUS_STUCK 5 Motor stuck stop

6. Node rohand_teleop

Reads keys to modify target joint angles, then publish to 'target_joint_state'.

6.1 Topics

Topic Description
"target_joint_state" target joint state in message type JointState, frame_id in header distinguishes hand id

6.2 Run

# Prepare package
source /path/to/workspace/install/bash

# Run node
ros2 run rohand rohand_teleop --ros-args -r rohand_teleop_node/target_joint_states:=/rohand_node/target_joint_states -p hand_id:=2  # Modify parameters according to your real case

Press following keys to operate:

key Description
q quit
a thumb bends by step
z thumb relaxes by step
s index bends by step
x index relaxes by step
d middle bends by step
c middle relaxes by step
f ring bends by step
v ring relaxes by step
g little bends by step
b little relaxes by step
h thumb rotation +step
n thumb rotation -step

Step is range / 10.