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spec: Quota handling

Daniel Molkentin edited this page Jun 28, 2013 · 4 revisions

How Quota is Calculated

If no quota is set, the limit indicated to the user is the maximum available space of the partition available to owncloud storage, in case the local storage backend is used.

What about remote storage backends?

Each user / group can be assigned a quota via the user management console, or via special fields in the auth backend such as LDAP.

Do user quotas take precedence over group quotas?

Special case: shared folders


Representing Quotas via WebDAV

ownCloud returns the following properties as defined in RFC 4331:

Name Purpose
DAV:quota-available-bytes Indicates the maximum amount of additional storage available to be allocated to a resource.
DAV:quota-used-bytes Contains the amount of storage counted against the quota on a resource.

Consequences of Exceeding Quota

Quotas in WebDAV are hard-quotas, i.e. once hit, the user will not be able to upload any more files.