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File metadata and controls

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API Reference

SimpleSelect props

Property Type Description
autofocus Boolean opens the dropdown menu on load if set to true (defaults to false)
cancelKeyboardEventOnSelection Boolean defaults to true, set this to fale when using tab as a delimiter for example
className String class name for the outer element, in addition to "simple-select"
createFromSearch [Item] -> String -> Item? implement this function to create new items on the fly, (options, search){return {label: search, value: search}}, return null to avoid option creation for the given parameters
defaultValue Item similar to the defaultValue prop of React.DOM.Select
delimiters [KeyCode] a collection of character keycodes that when pressed confirm selection of the highlighted item
disabled Boolean disables interaction with the Select control
dropdownDirection Int defaults to 1, setting it to -1 opens the dropdown upward
editable Item -> String (item){return item.label}
filterOptions [Item]-> String -> [Item] implement this function for custom synchronous filtering logic, (options, search) {return options}
firstOptionIndexToHighlight Int -> [Item] -> Item -> String (index, options, value, search){return index} the default implementation simply returns the computed index passed in as the first argument, but you can use options, value & search to override this value or return -1 to select nothing by default
groupId Item -> b (item){return item.groupId} this function is used to identify which group an option belongs to, it must return a value that matches the groupId property of an object in the groups collection
groups [Group] collection of objects where each object must atleast have a groupId property
groupsAsColumns Boolean display option groups in columns
hideResetButton Boolean hides the reset button, even if the select element is not empty
highlightedUid object the uid (unique id) of the currently highlighted option, uid of an option is obtained from the uid prop defined below
name String defaults to undefined, provide a name property to create an hidden input element for html form serialization
open Boolean controls the visibility of the dropdown menu
onBlur Event -> Void ({originalEvent :: e, value :: Item, open :: Boolean}){}
onFocus Event -> Void ({originalEvent :: e, value :: Item, open :: Boolean}){}
onHighlightedUidChange object -> Void (uid){} invoked when the highlighted option changes
onKeyboardSelectionFailed Int -> Void (keyCode){} fired when the user hits the return key on an empty list of options
onOpenChange Boolean -> Void (open){} open is true if the dropdown opened and false if it closed
onPaste Event -> Void invoked when the user pastes text in the input field and props.valueFromPaste is not specified
onSearchChange String -> Void (search){} invoked when the search text in the input field changes
onValueChange Item -> Void (selectedValue){} invoked when the user selects an option (by click on enter)
options [Item] list of items by default each option object MUST have label & value property, otherwise you must implement the render* & filterOptions methods
placeholder String displayed when there is no value
renderGroupTitle Int -> Group -> ReactElement (index, group){return React.DOM.div(null)} returns a custom way for rendering the group title
renderNoResultsFound Item -> String -> ReactElement (item, search){return React.DOM.div(null);} returns a custom way for rendering the "No results found" error
renderOption Item -> ReactElement (item){return React.DOM.div(null);} returns a custom way for rendering each option
renderResetButton () -> ReactElement returns a custom way for rendering the reset button
renderToggleButton ({open, flipped}) -> ReactElement returns a custom way for rendering the toggle button
renderValue Item -> ReactElement (item){return React.DOM.div(null);} returns a custom way for rendering the selected value
restoreOnBackspace Item -> String (item){return item.label;} implement this method if you want to go back to editing the item when the user hits the [backspace] key instead of getting removed
search String the text displayed in the search box
serialize Item -> String (item){ return !!item ? item.value : undefined; } the value of the hidden input element for form serialization
style Object the CSS styles for the outer element
tether Boolean defaults to false, set this prop to true to enable the tether library for the dropdown menu
tether-props Object extra props passed to ReactTether for example: { parentElement: () => document.body }
theme String default
transitionEnter Boolean defaults to false, setting this to true animates the opening of the dropdown using the slide-* css classes
transitionEnterTimeout Number duration specified in milliseconds, it must match the transition duration specified under the CSS class .slide-enter-active
transitionLeave Boolean defaults to false, setting this to true animates the closing of the dropdown using the slide-* css classes
transitionLeaveTimeout Number duration specified in milliseconds, it must match the transition duration specified under the CSS class .slide-leave-active
uid (Eq e) => Item -> e (item){return item.value} returns a unique id for a given option, defaults to the value property
value Item the selected value, i.e. one of the objects in the options array
valueFromPaste [Item] -> Item -> String -> Item (options, value, pastedText){} invoked when the user pastes text in the input field, here you can convert the pasted text into an item that will then show up as selected

SimpleSelect methods

Method Type Description
focus (a -> Void) -> Void this.refs.selectInstance.focus(callback) opens the list of options and positions the cursor in the input control, the callback is fired when the dropdown becomes visible
blur a -> Void this.refs.selectInstance.blur() blurs focus from the input control and closes the dropdown
highlightFirstSelectableOption a -> Void this.refs.selectInstance.highlightFirstSelectableOption()
value a -> Item this.refs.selectInstance.value() returns the current selected item

MultiSelect props

In addition to the props above

Property Type Description
anchor Item positions the cursor ahead of the anchor item, set this property to undefined to lock the cursor at the start
createFromSearch [Item] -> [Item] -> String -> Item? (options, values, search){return {label: search, value: search}}
defaultValues [Item] similar to the defaultValue prop of React.DOM.Select but instead takes an array of items
filterOptions [Item] -> [Item] -> String -> [Item] (options, values, search){return options}
onAnchorChange Item -> Void (anchor){} implement this method if you want to override the default behaviour of the cursor
onBlur object -> Void ({values :: [Item], open :: Boolean, originalEvent :: DOMEvent}){}
onFocus object -> Void ({values :: [Item], open :: Boolean, originalEvent :: DOMEvent}){}
onValuesChange [Item] -> Void (values){}
maxValues Int the maximum values that can be selected, after which the control is disabled
closeOnSelect Boolean as the name implies, closes the options list on selecting an option
valuesFromPaste [Item] -> [Item] -> String ->[Item] (options, values, pastedText){} invoked when the user pastes text in the input field, here you can convert the pasted text into a list of items that will then show up as selected

MultiSelect methods

same as SimpleSelect but use this.refs.multiSelectInstance.values() to get the selected values instead of the value method.

HighlightedText props

used for search highlighting

Property Type Description
partitions [[Int, Int, Boolean]] collection of ranges which should or should not be highlighted, its the result of the partitionString method of the prelude-extension library
text String the string that is partitioned, the partitions collection above only has the ranges & so we need to pass the original text as well
style inline CSS styles object inline styles applied to the root node
highlightStyle inline CSS styles object inline styles applied to the highlighted spans