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Santiago Garza sfgarza
Software Engineer @Shapeways | FRC Mentor @eshsrobotics

@Shapeways Bay Area, CA

Junhua Chang junhuac
AI Researcher & Consultant. Over 20 years of experiences shipping world class software products and services.

Seattle, WA

Chris Lee infinitelyChris

Infinite Reality New Orleans, La

Andy Baker andybak
@icosa-foundation - working on Open Brush, Open Blocks and Icosa Gallery.

@IxxyXR Brighton, UK

(Swift + Kotlin) && (Go + HTMX). In my free time, C.

iOS @facebook - Messenger United States

Faizan Khan faizankhan1995

Bentley Systems Inc Islamabad, Pakistan

Murad Khateeb muradkhateeb78
I am an enthusiastic computer science graduate and want to apply my skills to solve real life problems.

Islamabad, Pakistan

Hanzla Mateen hanzlamateen
Passionate about technology. Building open immersive social spatial web at @theinfinitereality

Infinite Reality, Inc. Islamabad, Pakistan

Josh Field HexaField
Building Spatial Internet APIs, tools and protocols.
Liam Broza mrhegemon

@CompanionIntelligence @TheInfiniteReality @EtherealEngine @LifeScopeLabs @LagunaLabsio Laguna Beach, CA