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G Fedewa harper357
Former: Bioinformatic Scientist at Nuanced Health PostDoc in The Centre for Pathogen Evolution, U Cambridge, UK PhD at UCSF in the DeRisi Lab
Thierry van de Wetering TvdW79
Genetics, biobanking, statistics and data science.


Tarequl Nishad ntareq

Leibniz Universität Hannover Hannover, Germany

Burcham Lab at UTK BurchamLab

University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN

Morgan Hough m9h
Computational biophysicist

Center17 San Francisco, CA

Issac Chaudry ichaudr1
MD/PhD Student at the University of Maryland, School of Medicine

Baltimore, Maryland

MPH Student at Johns Hopkins University.
Marco Cruz marcode24
💻 Frontend Developer | Angular | HTML | CSS | U🍕 | 🇲🇽

Mexico, City

Teng Fei tengfei-emory
Biostatistician at MSKCC. Latent class analysis; microbiome data; competing risks; longitudinal data; batch effect adjustment


Shane Aldridge aldrshan
Just a nerd with a computer 🤓

Atlanta Georgia

Einar Holsbø 3inar

University of Tromsø Tromsø

Scott Handley shandley
Professor @ Washington University in St. Louis. Founder and occasional director of some bioinformatics Workshops.

Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis

Frederick Boehm fboehm
I study biostatistics, with a focus in statistical genetics. I strive to understand how our genes influence our health and biology.

South Dakota State University Brookings, South Dakota, USA

AmyW adw96
statistician, biodiversity enthusiast, associate professor

University of Washington Seattle, WA

Aia Oz aiaoz
Bioinformatician :-)
Yan Hui yanhui09
Bioinformatics, Data science

University of Copenhagen Denmark

I commit for microbiome informatics.


Anastasia Grekova stelviopas
PhD candidate in bioinformatics Bork Group EMBL Heidelberg


Vilmar Benetti Filho pharaohs-son

BiomeHub Florianópolis - SC/Brasil

Tejus Shinde the-eon-flux
Shell scripting, R, Python, DBMS-MySQL

Medical University of Graz Graz

Luisa Sacristán lusacristan
Microbiologist asd MSc in Computational Biology.

Universidad de los Andes Bogotá

Ícaro M. S. Castro icaromsc
Computational Biologist. PhD candidate at University of Sao Paulo.

University of São Paulo Sao Paulo, Brazil

pythseq pythseq
IR-CNRS (Bioinformatician) France

Eugenio Mazzone eugeniomazzone
- PhD in Veterinary Medicine (in progress) - Master Degree in Physics of Complex Systems

University of Turin Italy

Dinesh dinesh-r-krishna
Bioinformatics Scientist

Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy Berlin, Germany

Kevin Lee cyklee

Auckland University of Technology Auckland, New Zealand

David Barnett david-barnett
microbiome, Rstats, data viz


Julian Damashek damashark
Microbial ecology and beyond!

Hamilton College Clinton, NY

Alyssa N. Easton alyssaeaston
PhD Student + NSF GRFP Fellow in @Gibbons-Lab, using data science and systems biology to study the gut-brain axis

University of Washington Seattle

Rauf Salamzade raufs
Interested in using and developing bioinformatics tools to understand microbial evolution & ecology

Madison, WI

Mary Chege marynjerey
P.h.D Student in Bioinformatics @university of Nairobi & @university of Notre Dame

Institute of Primate Research kenya

Scott Henderson scottyhq
geophysicist and python enthusiast

University of Washington, @uwescience Seattle, WA

Jayalal K Jayanthan JayalalKJ
I am a PhD candidate working on microbiota projects involving rodent and fish model

UiT The Arctic University of Norway Tromsø


Sao Paulo, Brazil

Daniel Padfield padpadpadpad

University of Exeter Cornwall

Hans Elliott hans-elliott99
Documenting my bad ideas

University of Washington