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Alessio Scarfone AlessioScarfone
😄 Hi! 🌍 Italy


duoyu tangdw
Don't bomb fish in my pond


Naimur Islam Naiml007

@GitHub Bangladesh

Web Host, and developer. Also, enjoy creating Highlight videos for a local High School Football. Love programming. I get excited anytime I'm in a terminal.

I am iT Hosting 29 South Patrick Rd, Fayetteville, TN, 37334

Yuta Kobayashi yutakobayashidev
High school students interested in open government, mental health, and journalism


Unknown Moon unknownmoon
「:pushpin: Programming elegantly and brilliantly.」|Front End Developer|:octocat:|:computer: 某不科学的前端攻城师|:thought_balloon: 某科学的黑暗料理学家|:speech_balloon: 某爱好和平的吐槽星人…


charlie ch4rlesexe
CSET & Cybersecurity Student Discord: ch4rles.exe

Coming Soon Ohio

Oussama OussamaRomdhane
I'll try to do my best

@eiilo France / Tunisia

entrepeneur4lyf entrepeneur4lyf
Technology Entrepreneur and developer

Engineered Automated Systems for Artificial Intelligence Kannapolis, NC

Shanu Sharma sharma-shanu
Hi 👋🏻, I am a Full Stack Engineer from New Delhi, currently working remotely for

Amplify Life Insurance New Delhi

mckay mckay
FinTech, Reverse Eng

prev @GFNF , @LeapXR Ohio, USA

Joel Dietz fractastical
Multiverse | Music | AI | Swarms | Games | Governance | Ether

Palo Alto

Ettourach Ettourach
Ease is a great threat to progress.

Alx-student Morocoo

Butsushi Laurenceshao
I am a programmer. I have solutions to every problem; I am a philosopher. I have problems with every solution.

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL

Isaac Malemelo Malemelo
I have experience facilitating cutting-edge engineering solutions with a proven ability to leverage full-stack knowledge and user-centric web/mobile

Freelancer Zimbabwe

MD. Mehedi Hossain MehediHossain95
💻 Cyber Security | Networking | DevOps 📚 Lifelong learner and tech enthusiast

KAF Kuwait

BlingBlingDesign.AI BlingBlingDesignAI

BlingBlingDesign.AI Mikołów

mel m6el
creating things at @haylo-cc

haaaaylo Manchester, United Kingdom