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Lukas 0fca
Passionate full stack engineer. Very keen on learning Cloud Native and new technologies such as Q# or ML.

Luxmed Lublin Sp.z.o.o Lublin, Poland

Flinn flinn-fraher


Wu Tingfeng elliotwutingfeng
🐼 I love tinkering with web technologies


Erik Kunze eku
Android and Linux Developer

Munich, Germany

Johan Broström Job76

InspektionsSystem AB Karlstad, SWEDEN

Al Robs iconoclusterdotexe
Fixin' somethin'...

Puglia, Italy

Dean bleughb
That Bloke that's doing mini keyboards, and the Super LED Blinkenator 2000...
Sean seanslater

@Rartoo Adelaide, Australia

Daniel pereiradaniel
Rust, C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, SQL.
