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Asep Hermawan omnitracs7

iTechno Bekasi,Jawa Barat

Marchello Putra Ramadhan sch24r
Linux Enthusiast.

Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya

M Rifki Almunawar almunawar12
Tech Enthusiast

Institut Teknologi Garut Garut

Asep Trisna Setiawan Aseptrisna

PT LSKK Bandung Indonesia

adi permana omgimbot

Universitas Bandar Lampung

pow kimmyxpow
a psychology student / yes not a cs student

Zi.Care Bogor, West Java, Indonesia

ITB de Labo - ITBデラボ itbdelaboprogramming
Collaborative research to develop the advanced technology of NIW (Japan) and increase product design innovation from ITB (Indonesia).

ITB de Labo - Nakayama Iron Worls Bandung