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BorisGuo BorisGuo6
👋 Hi, I’m @BorisGuo6, a passionate developer and robotics enthusiast. 👀 My primary interests lie in creating true robotic life

National University of Singapore Singapore

// TODO: Add a bio # TODO: Add a bio
suxiang198 suxiang198
Internet of Things, Embedded system, AIoT

Freelancer HangZhou/China

EhanCheung Yihang6688
A Chinese Postgraduate
Hualin Zhang ZHLchris
Python, AI, HCI

@Southern University of Science and Technology Guangdong, China

Luc Berthouze berthouz

University of Sussex

Rish rishistyping
Computational Media Arts + Sciences Human Machine eXperiences

Paris, FR

Daniyar Zhakyp Daniyar1239
Graduated from the Electrical and Computer Engineeering Department at Nazarbayev University. Pursuing the Master's Degree in Automation Engineering at UNIBO.

Nazarbayev University Astana, Kazakhstan

Jayleen Peng jayleen-git
Hi there! I'm Jayleen🌟
show me code

AE Kingston

Mohamed Yasser Mohamedd-Yasser

Alexandria University Alexandria, Egypt

BIG5 zjudesign
A design team from ZJU

Zhejiang University Hanzhou

Thinh Phan ThinhPhan
I am software developer. I work both on web application & mobile application.

Trueson APAC HCM, Viet Nam

samy kamkar samyk
explo(r|it)ing boundaries

openpath security los angeles