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Jan Kohl JeanLeeJeffrson
My life no style of eating. My diet is turning away from the place of the situation complex fresh foods are ideal for retirement and the same with life events

Hradec Králové Česká republika

Sasha Shpota Shpota
Builder 👨‍💻

@Grammarly Berlin

0xParsa | Σ🧠Ξ ParsaAminpour
Blockchain Eng | Most of repos/projects are private

void e2-pawn

Wei Liu pennymax

Beijing, China

rolodexter rolodexter
Multiple autonomous identities, each serving a distinct function in structuring, maintaining, and expanding rolodexter's capabilities.

@datahiv3 @Rivalz-ai Atherton, CA 94027

Garrett Mitchell | Nautigen greyboyjazz
Marine Geoscientist & Founder- Nautigen•Fugro• UNH-CCOM

Nautigen Wilmington, NC, US

Eric J. Daza ericjdaza
Data Sci + Biostats at Evidation || Forbes Healthcare Innovator || I connect people and ideas, to build community

Stats-of-1 Palo Alto, ca

Roberto Alejandro Calzadilla racalzadilla
Physical biologist. I'm in the business of counting things.

Puerto Rico Department of Health Puerto Rico

Max Koko maxkokocom

@crowdwisebio @Rust-Wellcome Cambridge, UK

Mansoor Ahmed mansoor181
CS (Bioinformatics) PhD student at Georgia State University. Research focuses on developing ML/DL methods for antibody design and problems in neuroimaging.

Georgia State University Atlanta, USA

Frances He Franceshe
An Engineer for atom + bits, Major in Physics & Minor in Computer Science and Aerospace Engineering @ UIUC. Founder of @yolominds:

Yolominds.Inc Earth/Mars/SolarSystem

I help blockchain companies create authentic designs so that they can ship their product to the world!
Jani Anttonen JaniAnttonen
p2p & applied crypto

@STRGL-XYZ Turku, Finland

Alexandre Nicastro AlexxNica
Platforms • Ecosystems • Communities


Will Felker gndclouds
Thinking about the climate, building tools for the indie web and Indiepreneur @tiny-factories

Tiny Factories Earth

Anusha aa2686
Anusha Avyukt

USC Viterbi Los Angeles, CA

Ricky Ricardiam
HTML HTML, CSS CSS, Sass Sass, Tailwind Tailwind, Bootstrap Bootstrap, JavaScript JavaScript, TypeScript TypeScript, PHP PHP, Node.js Node.js, React React, Next
Yuri Jean Fabris blocknomad

Santa Catarina, Brazil

full stack dev with blockchain affinity


Bianca Trovò biancasama
Cognitive neuroscience @neurospin feat. @chapmanu. Web3 co-founder @ants-review. Alumna @NeuromatchAcademy & KERNEL B1 @gitcoinco. Coding @lewagon.


Stefan Adolf elmariachi111
radical cyclist born at 334 ppm, running on cypherpunk values. fullstack web3 coder / Ethereum, Solidity, IPFS, Node, React, Next, GraphQL. Rn @moleculeprotocol | formerly Berlin

Masahito Yamagata yamagatm
Neuroscientist at Harvard University. Natural and artificial visual system. Bioinformatics. scRNA-seq. Image analysis.

Harvard University Cambridge, MA

Lasse lelas

@methodical-media Lisbon