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Rasit Evduzen RasitEvduzen
Machine Learning✤Control Theory✤Reinforcement Learning✤Robotic✤Optimization✤Navigation✤SensorFusion

Ankara / Türkiye

edward.ix edxmorgan
Robotics - Manipulation, floating base, multibody dynamics, Guidance and Navigation, whole body controls


Zifei Nie niezifei
Differentiable Optimization | Model Predictive Control | Connected and Automated Vehicles

Kyushu University Fukuoka, Japan

Prashanth Ramadoss prashanthr05
A Roboticist in the Wild. Formerly at @ami-iit working on humanoid robots and human motion analysis focusing on dynamics, kinematics, estimation, and control
Liung Liung


Silvio Traversaro traversaro
If you mentioned me and I did not reply in the last 72h, probably I lost the message somehow, so please ping me, thanks!

Italian Institute of Technology Genoa

Jongseo Choi kr-jschoi
Robotics SW Engineer

ThorDrive Seoul

Iván López Broceño ivrolan
MSc Robotics student at TU Delft | Robotics engineer at Quantillion Technologies | Graduate Software Robotics Engineering at URJC

TU Delft

Yu Zhang yuzhangbit
PhD @ Beijing Institute of Technology, previously @ WAVELab at University of Waterloo.

Beijing Beijing, China

Tomas Merva TomasMerva

Technical University of Kosice

Lasse Peters lassepe
PhD candidate in the TU Delft Department of Cognitive Robotics working on game-theoretic motion planning.

Delft University of Technology

Kwangki Kim kwangki-kim
Control and Robotics Scientist

Department of Electrical Engineering, Inha University Incheon, Republic of Korea

Waseda University Student
Manuel Boldrer manuelboldrer

Czech Technical University Czechia

Balduin mbjd

ETH Zürich Zürich, CH


Beijing China

Vishal austinvishal
Formerly at RTECH-IIT working on Rehabilitation robots | Kinematics | Motion Planning | Manipulation | Geometry | Trajectory Optimization | Robotics Educator


吴凯荣 KairongWu
The world now, I don't want. Let me coding a world for myself.

GDUT China.Guangdong.Guangzhou

Vishnu vvrs
Motion planning and Controls
The heart wants what it wants.
Mo MohamadSayegh
Robotics Engineer at Pickit3d

Leuven, Belgium

Jelle Feringa jf---
Founder @ Terrestrial, developer @block-foundation

Terrestrial Rotterdam

Xu You youxu2017
smart ship reinforcement learning

Wuhan University of Technology Wuhan

June JuneJulyAugust

Programming Boston, MA

Thijs Willems thijswillems97
PhD researcher at Mecha(tro)nic System Dynamics Research Group (KU Leuven LMSD)

KU Leuven Leuven, Belgium