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Alberto Jesús Tepale Diagas AlbertoJTD
🧑‍💻 Information Technology Engineer


Thomas Klemm thomasklemm

Tallinn, Estonia & Bad Kissingen, Germany

Kevin Perez kevinnio
Software Engineer from Tacoland 🌮

@magma-labs Colima, México

Michael David Smith micdavsmith
Community's engagement leader and event coordinator. Human-centered designer and design justice work. Interests in comparative language, culture, economics.

Austin, TX, USA

Andy Wang yorzi
Developer / Father / Learner

Xi'an, China

Vaishnav Deore Waishnav
I'm fond of code and design | nvim btw
Emre Balkay EmreBlky
Sevdiğin Her ne ise Onu Bull ve Seni Öldürmesine İzin Ver.....!!!

MicroChipTecnology Körfez

Mateus Nobre mateusnobre

São Paulo, Brazil

Esteban Orrego eOrrego
You can just call me SteveO. I'm a passionate Full Stack Developer


Gary Tou garyhtou
Engineering Manager, @hackclub

@hackclub Engineering Seattle

elioflo elioflo

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Jorge Alberto Rodriguez Flores JorgeRodz
From 🇲🇽 | Software Engineer | "Here you can find my personal projects 🙋‍♂️"


Juan Aguilar JuanequeX
Software Engineer

@finco-latam Colima

Victor Velazquez vicmaster
Coder, Musician, Startups, Passionate Dancer & Life Lover. Director of Engineering at MagmaLabs, Co-founder of Web Dev Talks, Voltaire, Paqkit, and Zaznova.

MagmaLabs Colima. México