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Ruchida Fai
Software Engineer with curious mind and interested in innovation.


Vsevolod Prudius sevapru
"so, u think it's a good idea to put intellectual property in public?" Obviously it's a public account. You can find me by other names.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Nate Macs natemacs
Software Engineer & DevOps Enthusiast


James jfa501
Data Scientist and Product Developer
Besjon Ƈifliku besjoncifliku
Hi there! šŸ˜€, I am using code to build everything I imagine, pixel by pixel.


Daniel Bourke mrdbourke
Machine Learning Engineer live on YouTube.
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Bukit Sorrento bukit-kronik

KRONIK Bandung, Indonesia

Sysadmin, PHP/Perl/Go/Rust developer. FR/EN/JP.


Pau Urquizu bifacil

Crono Business Intelligence Barcelona

RonkTsang RonkTsang
A college freshman.


Zanchi Federico z3br4p01nt
Yoga practitioner.

z3br4p01nt Italy

Peter Vida petii

Tulip Interfaces Budapest

Abhishek Kanodia kanodia
IOT, Physical web, eddystone beacons, progressive web apps Pune

Dante Zulli DanteZulli

Provincia Seguros S.A Temperley, Provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Kajan KajanM

The Software Practice Remote

Joshua Greenfield jlgjobhunt
Open for 1099 work for hire. Grinding 24/7 on projects. (727)-317-1099

Will Relocate USA

David Dennison davidldennison
šŸŽÆSEO Mastermind | Content Marketing Wiz | Noob DeveloperšŸš€Combining SEO expertise, dev tools, and innovation to thrive at the crossroads of marketing and tech!

David Dennison SEO Las Vegas, NV

em sieler emsieler
artist, photographer, programmer <3 ML, graphics & vision

New York, NY

Y4n xleave

UoE/UoB London, UK

siri vus sirivus
internet web technology and native OS coder
non-adjective non-adj
AntiDEGEN + empathyEngineering! Spatial Compute | XR | Contextual Elements | Neural Interface ||| mined scrypt 'cross L2s for SSL 'fore MtGox was Pwned

Salem, Oregon

Emmaly emmaly
Automation and integration professional and enthusiast. The third biggest fan of Go. I've been a Gopher since early 2010.

Olympia, WA

cshelltech piranhap
šŸ¤–Nerd, I love hardware and CyberSecurity. I'm really passionate about creating a community where we can all learn about it no matter what language you speak.

United States

John Mora JPaulMora
Full stack developer, love to try new stuff. Experience with crypto and security.

nimble. Guatemala