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Stephen Marsh stephenhmarsh
Open source is cool. Currently serving at @metmuseum. Former technical cofounder of Group Project (acquired by Bravely), Lead Engineer at The Line.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC

Heracles Arty2

Athens, Greece

Matteo Romanello mromanello
Researcher in Computational Humanities.

@dhlab-epfl (previously @dains and @kcl-ddh) Lausanne (CH)

Koen Van Daele koenedaele

Flanders Heritage Agency Belgium

Emmanuel Château-Dutier emchateau
franco-quebecois dher into digital art history and digital museology

Université de Montréal Montréal – Paris

David Valentine davvalent

Université de Montréal Montréal

Anja Gerber anja-gerber
Information scientist working at @nfdi4objects TA6 Qualification, Integration and Harmonisation @KlassikStiftungWeimar, RDM, datamodeling, metadata, heritage...

Klassik Stiftung Weimar Weimar



Ilias Kyriazis ikyriazi

Austrian National Library Vienna

Martim Passos martimpassos
Researcher, developer, wannabe DJ.

Instituto Moreira Salles Rio de Janeiro

Puyu Wang PaulWang1905
A used-to-be musicology student who are trying to learn technology.

University of Oxford Oxfordshire

Sundog358 sundog358
Working in the area of interdisciplinary Philosophy, History, Art History, History in Art, the Digital Humanities, Software Engineering, Web Programming.


Robin-Elise Call birdforbeans

Natural History Museum of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah

Christoph Hoffmann ctot-nondef
Librarian with an affinity for computing and UI/UX. Posthuman(m/f). Mediocre Scripter. Currently Data Curator at @acdh-oeaw and ScriptMonkey at @craws

@acdh-oeaw Vienna

婉茹 | Wanru wanru-wang
我是个学生. I am a student.