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김병준 ByungjunKim
Digital Humanities and Computational Social Science Researcher

Department of Cultural Informatics, Graduate School of Korean Studies, The Academy of Korean Studies

Daniel chavezheras

King's College London United Kingdom

George GeorgeKontsevik
I try to do research.

World citizen

Muhammad Eid muhammadeidl
Student at Sakarya University - Computer Engineering. I'm very interested in web application development, networking, and cybersecurity.

Sakarya University İstanbul

Yuliang Weng yld-weng
Research Software Engineer

The University of Sheffield

Jack Robertson JackCrawfordRobertson
Hi, I'm Jack, an information designer who explores how storytelling and narrative can examine complex systems!


Carlos Gavidia-Calderon cptanalatriste
Systems engineer by training, software developer by trade. Research Software Engineer at @alan-turing-institute .

@alan-turing-institute London, United Kingdom

Mark G. Bilby mgbilby
Digital Humanist doing all the things | PhD, RS/JCA (Virginia) | MSLIS (Drexel) | Principal, Clavis Consulting, LLC (Kansas) | Member, Optimized IP, LLC (Calif)

Clavis Consulting, LLC (Kansas) United States

Billy GamerAliens
VPS Aliens, LLC Gaming @VPSaliens

VPS Aliens, LLC Ltd. NYC Metro

archivist <-> data researcher digital methods | information systems | critical data


Andrea Ballatore andrea-ballatore

King's College London London

James Tripp jamestripp
Data Analytics Specialist at Government Internal Audit Agency.

University of Warwick Coventry, UK

Jonathan Gray jwyg
Reader in Critical Infrastructure Studies King's College London. Co-Founder @PublicDataLab. Research Associate @digitalmethodsinitiative @medialab.

@PublicDataLab Europe

Gary Stringer gbstringer

University of Exeter UK @ExeterDigitalHumanities United Kingdom

Sharon Howard sharonhoward
historian - digital projects - data

Sheffield, UK