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Edwin Anajemba anajembaedwin
Software Engineer

Netzence Sustainability Limited Abuja

Junhua Chang junhuac
AI Researcher & Consultant. Over 20 years of experiences shipping world class software products and services.

Seattle, WA

Nicolas Luck lucksus
Founder @coasys, inventor of The ADAM Layer. Former @holochain core lead developer. Working on tools that enable and promote social organisms.

@coasys Recklinghausen, Germany

Devon Guerrero papagunit
Solutions Architect at BDO Digital. Marketing Automation Consultant specializing in Eloqua.

BDO Digital @HadooToo @ConfieSeguros San Diego, California

Friso FreesoSaiFared
Organize humanity, within the constraint of active guaranteed equality and physical safety as well as the right to time, by voluntary association.

Voluntaria Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Dustin Salinas just-goingviral

@JustGoingViral Las Vegas

Steven M. Caruso smcaruso

Steven M. Caruso Design Studio Brooklyn, NY

Matt Hargett matthargett
dad, husband, songwriter, gaymer. music: LI: Twitter:

San Francisco, CA

anselm anselm
Applied Philosophy. @makerlab 🇨🇦

Makerlab San Francisco

Faizan Khan faizankhan1995

Bentley Systems Inc Islamabad, Pakistan

Hanzla Mateen hanzlamateen
Passionate about technology. Building open immersive social spatial web at @theinfinitereality

Infinite Reality, Inc. Islamabad, Pakistan

arpu arpu

1170 Vienna

Liam Broza mrhegemon

@CompanionIntelligence @TheInfiniteReality @EtherealEngine @LifeScopeLabs @LagunaLabsio Laguna Beach, CA

Josh Field HexaField
Building Spatial Internet APIs, tools and protocols.