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Advocating for Ethical AI 🤖🌱 🔍
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Michael Heredia Pérez michaelherediaperez
Master's Student on Engineering - Structures. Occasional lecturer at National University of Colombia in Manizales.

Universidad Nacional de Colombia Manizales, Colombia

Amelia Miramonti amelia-m

University of Nebraska - Lincoln Nebraska

Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

Celestial-Entity stardoom4
A curious Science student.
mnarayan mnarayan
ML & Statistical Science | Causal Inference | Metascience | Protein Design @neuroquant. Maker of @skggm.

Pasteur's Quadrant

Kittipos Sirivongrungson Lightbridge-KS
Medical doctor & R / Python Dev

Ramathibodi Hospital Bangkok, Thailand

Yin Gu yingu6

University of Virginia

Lawrence Ip nodepunk
I empower solo entrepreneurs with advanced health, biohacking, tech, and monetization strategies. Play to the paradox—ping the paradigm.

nodepunk Melbourne, Australia

Chi-Kuang Yeh chikuang
A random daydreamer.

McGill University, University of Waterloo Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Aadityan aadityanr
Data Science at FAU

Friedrich-Alexander-Universtät Erlangen-Nürnberg Germany

Israt Jahan jahanisrat

Washington University in St. Louis

Inger Bergom ingerbergom
Hi! I'm a data analyst, tool builder, and higher ed enthusiast. Welcome to my page.

Arlington, MA

Clarence Vinzcent Reyes Astronaut101
Data engineer and Data Science Enthusiast. Data Nerd. Pythonista. 🐍 Love to build with different Data Engineering technologies, frameworks and tools. 🤓🛠


Jonathan Cohen Urban-JonathanCohen
I'm a Phd candidate in Urban Informatics and Analytics at Chalmers University of Technology.

Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg

Azuka Atum aa1823
Biostatistician • Data Analyst • Data Science • Epidemiology

San Francisco, CA

Aditya (Arie) Wijaya ariewjy
Petrophysicist / Geoscientist. Adventuring the vast Data Science & Machine Learning world!


Matthew Harris matthewharris02
Stéphane Keo Skeo220
As a Data Analyst I derive great satisfaction from working with data to unveil unexpected insights and discoveries.
Uconn grad student @ dept of Geography | Contact: [email protected]
Clement Amuquandoh amuquandoh

Senvtech Takoradi, Ghana

Mark Fontenot MarkFontenot
Teaching Professor in the Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern University

Northeastern University Boston, MA

Fabio Setti quinix45
Hi there👋 I am Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology PhD student at Fordham University. I like all kinds of data related activities and neat looking stuff✨
Javier de la Ossa jadelaossa
Data Scientist based in Cologne


Helder Oliveira helderc
Instructor at Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT), Canada, interested in medical images, image processing and machine learning.

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) Canada

Gianni Hong kkpan11
Coder. Book lover. Enthusiastic cyclist. T1D.

Taipei, Taiwan

Siddharth Sabron siddharth1729
Figuring out architecture, compute & performance of large-scale systems!

Fortum Gurugram India

JCC Coalllball
Data Analyst and Data Visualization Professional

Pratt Institute New York City


University of Pennsylvania