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Simon Cheek Simon-Cheek
Music Composition Major/ CS Minor at BYU
Caden Erickson caden-erickson
I'm an undergraduate student at the University of Utah, pursuing a degree in computer science.


Abdullahi Mohammed abdullahi-mohammed
Scientist in Tech. I am good with React Js, Next.js, Express.js, MySQL for building websites. I am currently learning python for data science and automations
Preston Bateman preston-bateman
Co-Founder of Reactful Bytes Web Dev Group
Jason Fulks fulksjas
Developer at FamilySearch

FamilySearch Salt Lake City, UT

Travis Nelson tjnelsonfs
I work at FamilySearch.

FamilySearch Lehi, Utah

Saia Fonua sfonua10
Currently building a blog at

FamilySearch Lehi, Utah

P.D.Garaguso garagusopdfs Hyvinkää, Finland

Tyson Hughes tysonweir Bluffdale, UT

Kira Peters kirapeters
Software Engineering. Coding is crafting :)
kylejohnson2612 kjohnsonstudios
Software Engineer | Go | MySQL | React.js | Javascript | HTML | CSS | PostgreSQL | Java | Python |

kjohnsonstudios Provo, Utah

Luis Quispe luisquispetello
Frontend Designer and UX Designer

Pamplona, Navarra, España

René Treviño ReneTrevi

Church of Jesus Christ Monterrey, Nuevo León, México

Brayden W BraydenTW
Frontend Dev & Designer | React, NextJS, Tailwind

The Milky Way

Craig Kehl craigkehl
After founding multiple startups and managing products, it's time to write code again and progress as an engineer.

SportDev Salt Lake City, Utah

Rodrigo Rodriguez RodBuild
Student at Brigham Young University - Idaho. School email: [email protected]

BYU-Idaho Rexburg, Idaho USA

Kaylene Ellinger kbellinger
Web Design and Development Student at BYU-Idaho

Rexburg, Idaho

Megan Roughan merou83
Web Developer @ FamilySearch

FamilySearch Orem, UT

Raul Pineda fernando5498
Soy un Desarrollador Front-end y mantengo conocimientos en Diseño UX/UI. Sin miedo a poder aprender nuevas habilidades 🎨


Bethaly01 bethaly01
This is Bethaly Tenango !!! I am from Mexico and I am studying at BYU University

Brigham Young University Provo, UT

Jordi Kloosterboer FSVetaz
TreeWeb and Banyan Teams
