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Maarten Vanhaverbeke mvhbk
PhD Student at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Previously Epidemiologist at WHO Europe

@cmmid @WorldHealthOrganization London, United Kingdom

Postdoc Associate

University of Minnesota Minneapolis

Kath Sherratt kathsherratt
I'm a researcher at LSHTM with the @epiforecasts team.

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine London

Daniel Borek danieltomasz
Data Analysis Psychology PhD Researcher @ UGent working on electrophysiological brain activity in relation to cognitive flexibility.

Ghent University Brussel

Sam Abbott seabbs
Real-time infectious disease modelling. Developing tools and methods for outbreak response, routine surveillance, and pandemic preparedness.

@epinowcast @EpiAware @epiforecasts Bristol

Denise (she/her) denisecammarota
PhD student in Physics. Mathematical models. Epidemiology. Data analysis. Repositories include: Python, R, C/C++, SQL.


Rafa Lopes rafalopespx
Interested in the dynamics and its signatures on the time series variability on epidemics Working on DENV, CHIKV, ZIKV, and climate change

Yale University, Yale School Of Public Health USA

upx3 (CFA) AFg6K7h4fhy2
Remember to drink some water.
Stephen Beckett sjbeckett
Associate Research Scientist at the University of Maryland || Computational Ecology and Quantitative Viral Dynamics

University of Maryland

Luiz Max Carvalho maxbiostat
Biologist by training, statistician by trade.

School of Applied Mathematics (EMAp), Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

anne cori annecori

Imperial College London

Don Fabian Müller dfabianus
Modeling of bioprocesses, bioprocess control system design and system identification

Competence Center CHASE Vienna, Austria

Jeremy Saxe jeremysaxe
post-graduate researcher @ MRC CTU @ UCL

University College London

Chris Banks chrisbanks

University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, Scotland

Andree Valle Campos avallecam
peruano, tusán.

@epiverse-trace London, UK

Pengfei Song Song921012
Associate Professor, XI'an Jiaotong University. Interested in Partial Differential Equations, Deep Learning, AI for Science

Xi'an Jiaotong University Xi'an, Shaanxi, China, 710049

James Azam jamesmbaazam
Research Software Engineer, working on the Epiverse Initiative at LSHTM. Mostly work with/in R.

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine United Kingdom


Eindhoven University of Technology

_ivaquero_ ivaquero
Minimalism Follower & Fan of Command Lines
Jun-Sik LIM borizook
DVM MPH PhD Epidemiologist;


Holly Russo GMU-instructor
Hello, welcome to my profile! I am an adjunct instructor at GMU in the Computational and Data Sciences Department.

George Mason University Fairfax, VA

Yaindrila Barua yaindrila55
Grad Student at the USASK

@University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, SK, Canada

Julia Epi Julia-Epi
Computational epidemiology in @JuliaLang.


Antonio Cruciani Antonio-Cruciani
Computer Scientist | PhD student at Gran Sasso Science Institute


Michele Tizzoni micheletizzoni

University of Trento Trento, Italy

Interdisciplinary Physics Team (InPhyT) InterdisciplinaryPhysicsTeam
Modeling complex systems via @JuliaLang and @python: Computational Social Science📱| Computational Epidemiology 🦠 | Computational Neuroscience 🧠.

University of Turin Turin, Italy