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Yazid Jibrel jibrel

Shrewsbury and Telford NHS | @Medical-Ocean Telford

Ahmed Unshur ahmedunshur
Data Scientist. Psychologist. Open Science Advocate. Certified Carpentries Instructor. Passionate about the Intersection of Human Behavior and Technology.

Mogadishu, Somalia

Maureen McElaney mmcelaney
Manager OSS DevRel and OSPO things, IBM. Board, Vermont Technology Alliance. Master Gardener intern, University of Vermont.

IBM Burlington, VT

Rajan rajangithub0
JavaScript | React | HTML | CSS | Tailwind| Bootstrap
Abolfazl Karimi abol-karimi
PhD student in computer science at UNC-Chapel Hill
Aaron Ortiz Mendoza Ronaa-MX
Undergrad in engineering mathemathics


Ashok Peeta ashokpeeta
In code I trust


Manishimwe Alban amanishimwe
Software and Data Scientist with over 7 years of experience.

Uganda Bureau of Statistics East Africa

Anchal Pawar Anchalpawar
Fullstack Developer | Software | Javascript | Node.js | React.js

New Delhi

Ivan Genik ivgnk
Senior Researcher, Laboratory of geopotential fields, Mining Institute. Associate Professor, Department of Geophysics, Perm State National Research University

Mining Institute Perm, Russia

Marc Waldman marcwaldman
Associate Professor, Manhattan University CIS Department

Manhattan University Riverdale, NY

Marc Laporte marclaporte
WikiSuite founder: While Wikipedia is the broadest unified body of knowledge, WikiSuite is the most comprehensive and integrated Open Source enterprise solution

WikiSuite Montréal, Québec, Canada

Andrea Gomez Vargas SoyAndrea
Socióloga & analista de datos

R-Ladies Global Buenos Aires

Giannis Manousaridis imanousar
"Aha, 42, I knew it! Now ... er, what was the question again?"

@Pfizer Thessaloniki

Sam samvmdev
Software and Other Solutions Developer

Los Angeles, CA

Umesh Gupta UmeshGuptaIndia1994
An enthusiastic fresher with highly motivated and leadership skills Eager to learn new technologies and methodologies.

Desai Haribhakti Consulting Pvt Ltd New Delhi

Dennis Njenga Njenga98
Tech enthusiast in data analytics and cyber security. Always ready to learn


Clinton Nwokocha ClintonNwokocha
Data Analyst|Geospatial Analyst

Minna, Niger State, Nigeria

Aniket Khangar aniket100200
Working on Best Version of My_Self.
~srthiru srthiru

University of Illinois Chicago

Daniel Marcelino dmarcelinobr
Data-driven journalist at @JOTAJornalismo who loves algos, predictive analytics and computational journalism. I do things in R/Python/SQL Brazil

Adriana NAVA AGUILAR (She/her) quilaztlia
Is a MX and FR Computer Scientist. Engineer. Speaker. Meetup & Event's Orga. Google WTM Ambassador Paris Core Team. Works as a Senior Full Stack Consultant


Angie angiekhan

Lewis University, Master of Science in Data Science, Class May 2019

jawi jawadmiyan
statistician, working on probability distributions and likes to work on R.
Tim Maier TimOliverMaier
Synthetic biology brought me to computational biology brought me to Bayesian statistics. PhD student at JGU Mainz

Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germany

Rohan Sharma Rohanfizz
DSA Instructor @ Testbook, Acciojob India

Ethan Wang yousenwang
Most repos are private. Message me if you're interested.


Johanna Bayer likeajumprope
Machine Learning, Neuroimaging, Normative Models, Bayesian Models, @ohbm, @brainhackorg, @brainhack-aus, Open Science @openscieny, editor @openjournals

Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour Netherlands

Tdsbeast dipesh88
Computer science student Gombe State Nigeria | open source Advocate | community Lead @open-source-learners

Gombe State University Nigeria

Data scientist and engineer creating predictive analytics solutions for @bidata-io @CareInAction @FaithInAction @MINWO-PD @datakind
